Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem
Chapter 21: Riddle
Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC
Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Chapter 21: Riddle
Over the next few months there were more attack on muggles by the Sons of the Serpents. But none of them were as spectacular as the televised bank robbery.
More members of the Wizengamott disappeared too.
Harry's harem continues searching for a way to crack a fidelius charm, with no success. It was very frustrating for the Potters to know where their mom was, but not to be able to remember where their home was located.
There were Hogsmeade weekends. But since Luna and Ginny were not allowed to attend, Harry would go to Hogsmeade with Susan and Ernie. Rose spend her Hogsmeade trips with the Patils and Hermione.
One morning in April, Hermione came over to the Hufflepuff table with the Daily Prophet in her hand.
"Harry, you've got to see this!" said Hermione, with alarm.
"What is it?" asked Harry.
"Last night, the Death Eaters who tortured Neville's parents escaped from Azkaban," said Hermione. "Only this time, they were Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy and the La Strange brothers."
"I wondered what had happened to Malfoy's dad," said Ginny.
"There's more," continued Hermione. "Shortly after they made it ashore, someone, presumably Snape, murdered Malfoy and the La Stranges!"
"That greasy haired git!" exclaimed Harry. "One a murderer, always a murderer!"
"I don't think Snape did it," mused Luna.
"Why not?" asked Ginny.
"Just a feeling," said Luna, dreamily.
On May Day, Ginny was leading Harry through the halls of Hogwarts.
"Where are we going?" asked Harry.
"You'll see," said Ginny as she continued to drag him by the hand.
Eventually, they came to a small janitorial closet. Ginny opened the door, shoved Harry in, went in after him and closed the door, leaving them in darkness.
"Isn't this-?" began Harry.
"The notorious broom closet," finished Ginny, as she put her arms around his neck. "In the previous life I always want to get you alone in here, but never got the chance."
Harry responded by pulling her into a deep kiss. Ginny parted her lips and hungrily entered his mouth with her tongue. As they both hummed with pleasure as their tongues danced with each other, Harry didn't notice Ginny reach down and begin opening her robe to the waist. After she had unhooked her bra in front, She placed his hand on her breast. As he began kneading her breasts, Ginny's moans grew louder and her tongue probed deeper into Harry's mouth.
Suddenly, the door swung open.
"Get you hands off my sister!" said Ron, as he roughly pulled her out of the closet.
Seeing that Ron already had his wand out, Harry drew his own wand.
"Stupefy!" they both yelled simultaneously.
The result was the same as when Harry and Voldemort had cast simultaneous spells in the fourth year of Harry's previous life. The spells met in the middle. Then Harry's spell overpowered Rons and the ball of magic moved back along the beam until it hit Ron. But unlike Voldemort, who was closer to Harry's power level, with Ron the back surge happen faster than the eye could follow.
"Stupid git!" said Ginny as she re-hooked her bra and closed her robe. "Serves him right for barging in on us! Come on, let's go see what Luna is up to."
Dear Harry,
There is a new Member of Parliament who is making a big stink about the Sons of the Serpent and you won't believe his name: Thomas Riddle! He was elected in a special election after his predecessor died in a gas explosion. I think we should definitely look into this when you get off school next week.
The train ride back to London at the end of term was fairly uneventful. Harry and Rose were sharing a car with their Sister, May as well as Yukio and Roma Black. Harry was determined not to let Yukio out of his sight, in the hopes that he might be able to follow them back to where his mom was hidden.
When they got to the station, Remus Lupin, Peter Petegrew and Petunia Petegrew were waiting for Harry.
"Harry, Rose, I think this has gone on long enough," said Remus. "You need to come home with either me or Peter-"
"Later!" growled Harry and he walked past them and followed Yukio and Roma.
Waiting on the platform for them was their mother, Mariko Black.
"May! You're okay!" exclaimed Mariko.
"No thanks to you!" growled Rose.
"Try to understand," pleaded Mariko. "If had not co-operated, he would have sold my girls into sex slavery, like he did your sisters. Even now, he's holding Jamie hostage.
"Then, take us back with you!" demanded Harry. "We can deal with him!"
"I'm sorry," said Mariko. "I can't risk my daughters."
"Petrificus Totalis!" screamed May Potter as she attempted to put Mariko in a full body bind.
But it was too late. Mariko had apparated the Blacks away.
"NOOOOO!" screamed Harry as he collapsed on the ground where the blacks had been.
Rose and May wrapped their arms around him and burst into tears. Seeing this, Harry's Harem all enveloped the Potters in a group hug and tried to comfort them. Once Harry had recovered enough to think of it, he activated is ring to portkey them back to Hufflepuff Manor.
A week after they returned from school, was the wedding of Harry, Parvati, and Rose. Although child marriages had died out a generation after the Patils had first arrived in England, some research allowed them to figure on how to perform a traditional English Hindu Wizarding child marriage. Parvati's parents had specifically chosen the child form of the ceremony because they didn't want their daughter to feel pressured to consummate her marriages until she was old enough to start having children. Rose married Parvati first and Harry married her next. The wedding rings were specially enchanted so that they could portkey to each other when there was a need to.
A couple of days after the wedding, Tonks and Harry decided to pay a visit to Thomas Riddle M.P.
(I still think this is a bad idea) thought Rose.
(Relax, even if we're right about him, He's not likely to do anything in broad daylight at his office,) thought Harry. (Besides, If it does go wrong, you can tell the others and portkey them to the rescue.)
"Is Rose think-speaking to you?" asked Tonks.
The two of them were currently in the waiting room, waiting for their chance to speak to this Thomas Riddle.
"Yeah, she's still trying to talk me out of it," said Harry.
"Mr. Riddle will see you now," said the secretary as she ushered them into the office.
When they went into the office, they saw him. Thomas Riddle was middle aged man who looked like an older version of the 16-year-old Tom Marvolo Riddle that Harry had met in the Chamber of Secrets in his previous life.
"What can I do for you?" asked Riddle. "I'm always happy to talk to my constituents."
"Well, we happened to notice that you had taken on the attacks by the Sons of the Serpent as your own personal issue," said Tonks.
"Quite right!" said Riddle. "I thinks there's more to them than meets the eye."
"What do you mean?" asked Tonks.
"Let's just say that I have certain suspicions about them," replied Riddle. "If my suspicions pan out, they're just the tip of the iceberg and there's a whole underground movement that can do what they can do."
"So you think they really did kill people with magic wands and fly away on brooms?" asked Tonks.
"It certainly looks that way doesn't it," replied Riddle.
"And what do you intend to do about them?" asked Tonks.
"Hunt down all who are like them and put a stop to their freakishness!" ranted Riddle.
"~Do you really think you can pull that off?~" hissed Harry.
"Witches!" screamed Riddle as he reached into his desk, pulled out and broke it, filling the room with sickly green vapors.
"Demissio Caliginosus!" shouted Harry as he tried to make the fog sink to the floor.
Nothing happened.
"Stupify!" shouted Tonks as she aimed a stunner at where Riddle had been.
Nothing happened.
"You powers won't work anymore, Witches!" shouted Riddle. "I have taken them away! Soon security will be here to lock you away for good!"
In desperation, Harry and Tonks activated their rings and portkeyed back to Hufflepuff Manor.
"Oh Harry! When I couldn't hear you anymore I became so worried!" exclaimed Rose. "What happened?"
"He used some kind of potion that took away our powers!" said Harry.
"Well, he can't be a wizard if he used that potion," observed Tonks. "I can't imagine any wizard deliberately taking his own powers away just to get us. Do you think he might be a relative of you-know-who?"
"He certainly looks like he is," replied Harry. "How long do you think our powers are gone for?"
"About a week," replied Luna.
"How do you know that?" asked Hermione.
"I just do," said Luna.
Luna's prediction turned out to be true. The potion wore off in a week.
The muggle news reported Harry and Tonk's visit as an attack by the Son's of the Serpent. Even worse, Security cameras had gotten their pictures and now they were being plastered all over the telly as wanted suspects. When Tonks returned to work She had to provide pensive memories of the event and be interviewed under veritaserum. But she was able to clear her and Harry of any wrongdoing in the eyes of the Ministry.
By now, Harry had perfected his animagus transformation and the girls had all learned what their animagus forms would be. Rose had also discovered that she had at least some metamorphmagis abilities. It was too early to tell whether she would turn out to be as good at it as Tonks.
This summer was also when the girls had gotten good enough at legimancy that Harry, Luna and Tonks could teach them the spell that allows you to instantly know the contents of a book just by touching it. Hermione and Padma were especially pleased to gain this ability. Now that they could all do it, they traveled to Ravenclaw Tower, a 70 story tower filled with books. They divided the library up and spent the rest of the summer searching for a way to crack the fidelius charm and a way to remove wrackspurts.
Near the end of summer was the Quiddich World Cup. Rose wanted to go so they all went. Just as last time, Victor Krum was the Bulgarian Seeker. Unlike last time, the former Death Eaters did not cause a disturbance. At this point, many of them had disappeared.
As expected, Jane Potter, the youngest of the Potter children, got her Hogwarts letter and they took her shopping at Diagon Alley for her school supplies.
Shopping went with out incident. But when they got back to the Leaky Cauldron there was a big hubbub going on.
"What's going on?" Harry asked Tom, the Innkeeper.
"Those Sons of the Serpent showed up on the street outside," said Tom. "They killed a whole bunch of muggles then flew away."
"How long ago did they leave?" asked Harry.
"Just a few minutes ago," replied Tom. "The Aurors think they apparated after they had flown out of sight."
Author's Note: I have no clue what a traditional English Hindu Wizarding child marriage is like, so I was deliberately vague about the details of it.
Chapter 21: Riddle
Over the next few months there were more attack on muggles by the Sons of the Serpents. But none of them were as spectacular as the televised bank robbery.
More members of the Wizengamott disappeared too.
Harry's harem continues searching for a way to crack a fidelius charm, with no success. It was very frustrating for the Potters to know where their mom was, but not to be able to remember where their home was located.
There were Hogsmeade weekends. But since Luna and Ginny were not allowed to attend, Harry would go to Hogsmeade with Susan and Ernie. Rose spend her Hogsmeade trips with the Patils and Hermione.
One morning in April, Hermione came over to the Hufflepuff table with the Daily Prophet in her hand.
"Harry, you've got to see this!" said Hermione, with alarm.
"What is it?" asked Harry.
"Last night, the Death Eaters who tortured Neville's parents escaped from Azkaban," said Hermione. "Only this time, they were Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy and the La Strange brothers."
"I wondered what had happened to Malfoy's dad," said Ginny.
"There's more," continued Hermione. "Shortly after they made it ashore, someone, presumably Snape, murdered Malfoy and the La Stranges!"
"That greasy haired git!" exclaimed Harry. "One a murderer, always a murderer!"
"I don't think Snape did it," mused Luna.
"Why not?" asked Ginny.
"Just a feeling," said Luna, dreamily.
On May Day, Ginny was leading Harry through the halls of Hogwarts.
"Where are we going?" asked Harry.
"You'll see," said Ginny as she continued to drag him by the hand.
Eventually, they came to a small janitorial closet. Ginny opened the door, shoved Harry in, went in after him and closed the door, leaving them in darkness.
"Isn't this-?" began Harry.
"The notorious broom closet," finished Ginny, as she put her arms around his neck. "In the previous life I always want to get you alone in here, but never got the chance."
Harry responded by pulling her into a deep kiss. Ginny parted her lips and hungrily entered his mouth with her tongue. As they both hummed with pleasure as their tongues danced with each other, Harry didn't notice Ginny reach down and begin opening her robe to the waist. After she had unhooked her bra in front, She placed his hand on her breast. As he began kneading her breasts, Ginny's moans grew louder and her tongue probed deeper into Harry's mouth.
Suddenly, the door swung open.
"Get you hands off my sister!" said Ron, as he roughly pulled her out of the closet.
Seeing that Ron already had his wand out, Harry drew his own wand.
"Stupefy!" they both yelled simultaneously.
The result was the same as when Harry and Voldemort had cast simultaneous spells in the fourth year of Harry's previous life. The spells met in the middle. Then Harry's spell overpowered Rons and the ball of magic moved back along the beam until it hit Ron. But unlike Voldemort, who was closer to Harry's power level, with Ron the back surge happen faster than the eye could follow.
"Stupid git!" said Ginny as she re-hooked her bra and closed her robe. "Serves him right for barging in on us! Come on, let's go see what Luna is up to."
Dear Harry,
There is a new Member of Parliament who is making a big stink about the Sons of the Serpent and you won't believe his name: Thomas Riddle! He was elected in a special election after his predecessor died in a gas explosion. I think we should definitely look into this when you get off school next week.
The train ride back to London at the end of term was fairly uneventful. Harry and Rose were sharing a car with their Sister, May as well as Yukio and Roma Black. Harry was determined not to let Yukio out of his sight, in the hopes that he might be able to follow them back to where his mom was hidden.
When they got to the station, Remus Lupin, Peter Petegrew and Petunia Petegrew were waiting for Harry.
"Harry, Rose, I think this has gone on long enough," said Remus. "You need to come home with either me or Peter-"
"Later!" growled Harry and he walked past them and followed Yukio and Roma.
Waiting on the platform for them was their mother, Mariko Black.
"May! You're okay!" exclaimed Mariko.
"No thanks to you!" growled Rose.
"Try to understand," pleaded Mariko. "If had not co-operated, he would have sold my girls into sex slavery, like he did your sisters. Even now, he's holding Jamie hostage.
"Then, take us back with you!" demanded Harry. "We can deal with him!"
"I'm sorry," said Mariko. "I can't risk my daughters."
"Petrificus Totalis!" screamed May Potter as she attempted to put Mariko in a full body bind.
But it was too late. Mariko had apparated the Blacks away.
"NOOOOO!" screamed Harry as he collapsed on the ground where the blacks had been.
Rose and May wrapped their arms around him and burst into tears. Seeing this, Harry's Harem all enveloped the Potters in a group hug and tried to comfort them. Once Harry had recovered enough to think of it, he activated is ring to portkey them back to Hufflepuff Manor.
A week after they returned from school, was the wedding of Harry, Parvati, and Rose. Although child marriages had died out a generation after the Patils had first arrived in England, some research allowed them to figure on how to perform a traditional English Hindu Wizarding child marriage. Parvati's parents had specifically chosen the child form of the ceremony because they didn't want their daughter to feel pressured to consummate her marriages until she was old enough to start having children. Rose married Parvati first and Harry married her next. The wedding rings were specially enchanted so that they could portkey to each other when there was a need to.
A couple of days after the wedding, Tonks and Harry decided to pay a visit to Thomas Riddle M.P.
(I still think this is a bad idea) thought Rose.
(Relax, even if we're right about him, He's not likely to do anything in broad daylight at his office,) thought Harry. (Besides, If it does go wrong, you can tell the others and portkey them to the rescue.)
"Is Rose think-speaking to you?" asked Tonks.
The two of them were currently in the waiting room, waiting for their chance to speak to this Thomas Riddle.
"Yeah, she's still trying to talk me out of it," said Harry.
"Mr. Riddle will see you now," said the secretary as she ushered them into the office.
When they went into the office, they saw him. Thomas Riddle was middle aged man who looked like an older version of the 16-year-old Tom Marvolo Riddle that Harry had met in the Chamber of Secrets in his previous life.
"What can I do for you?" asked Riddle. "I'm always happy to talk to my constituents."
"Well, we happened to notice that you had taken on the attacks by the Sons of the Serpent as your own personal issue," said Tonks.
"Quite right!" said Riddle. "I thinks there's more to them than meets the eye."
"What do you mean?" asked Tonks.
"Let's just say that I have certain suspicions about them," replied Riddle. "If my suspicions pan out, they're just the tip of the iceberg and there's a whole underground movement that can do what they can do."
"So you think they really did kill people with magic wands and fly away on brooms?" asked Tonks.
"It certainly looks that way doesn't it," replied Riddle.
"And what do you intend to do about them?" asked Tonks.
"Hunt down all who are like them and put a stop to their freakishness!" ranted Riddle.
"~Do you really think you can pull that off?~" hissed Harry.
"Witches!" screamed Riddle as he reached into his desk, pulled out and broke it, filling the room with sickly green vapors.
"Demissio Caliginosus!" shouted Harry as he tried to make the fog sink to the floor.
Nothing happened.
"Stupify!" shouted Tonks as she aimed a stunner at where Riddle had been.
Nothing happened.
"You powers won't work anymore, Witches!" shouted Riddle. "I have taken them away! Soon security will be here to lock you away for good!"
In desperation, Harry and Tonks activated their rings and portkeyed back to Hufflepuff Manor.
"Oh Harry! When I couldn't hear you anymore I became so worried!" exclaimed Rose. "What happened?"
"He used some kind of potion that took away our powers!" said Harry.
"Well, he can't be a wizard if he used that potion," observed Tonks. "I can't imagine any wizard deliberately taking his own powers away just to get us. Do you think he might be a relative of you-know-who?"
"He certainly looks like he is," replied Harry. "How long do you think our powers are gone for?"
"About a week," replied Luna.
"How do you know that?" asked Hermione.
"I just do," said Luna.
Luna's prediction turned out to be true. The potion wore off in a week.
The muggle news reported Harry and Tonk's visit as an attack by the Son's of the Serpent. Even worse, Security cameras had gotten their pictures and now they were being plastered all over the telly as wanted suspects. When Tonks returned to work She had to provide pensive memories of the event and be interviewed under veritaserum. But she was able to clear her and Harry of any wrongdoing in the eyes of the Ministry.
By now, Harry had perfected his animagus transformation and the girls had all learned what their animagus forms would be. Rose had also discovered that she had at least some metamorphmagis abilities. It was too early to tell whether she would turn out to be as good at it as Tonks.
This summer was also when the girls had gotten good enough at legimancy that Harry, Luna and Tonks could teach them the spell that allows you to instantly know the contents of a book just by touching it. Hermione and Padma were especially pleased to gain this ability. Now that they could all do it, they traveled to Ravenclaw Tower, a 70 story tower filled with books. They divided the library up and spent the rest of the summer searching for a way to crack the fidelius charm and a way to remove wrackspurts.
Near the end of summer was the Quiddich World Cup. Rose wanted to go so they all went. Just as last time, Victor Krum was the Bulgarian Seeker. Unlike last time, the former Death Eaters did not cause a disturbance. At this point, many of them had disappeared.
As expected, Jane Potter, the youngest of the Potter children, got her Hogwarts letter and they took her shopping at Diagon Alley for her school supplies.
Shopping went with out incident. But when they got back to the Leaky Cauldron there was a big hubbub going on.
"What's going on?" Harry asked Tom, the Innkeeper.
"Those Sons of the Serpent showed up on the street outside," said Tom. "They killed a whole bunch of muggles then flew away."
"How long ago did they leave?" asked Harry.
"Just a few minutes ago," replied Tom. "The Aurors think they apparated after they had flown out of sight."
Author's Note: I have no clue what a traditional English Hindu Wizarding child marriage is like, so I was deliberately vague about the details of it.
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