Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem
Chapter 22: 4th Year
Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC
Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Chapter 22: 4th Year.
September 1st came and it was time to take the Hogwarts Express to school. Harry, Rose and their younger sisters, May and Jane all boarded the train and began seaching for a free compartment. Rose, soon spotted the Patils and greeted Parvati with a kiss and Padma with a hug as she settled into their compartment. As the Potters continued down the hall, May found Roma and the rest of the Slytherin 2nd years sharing a cabin and joined them. When Harry spotted Hermione alone in a cabin, he led Jane into it.
"Harry!" squealed Hermione as she pulled him into a bone-crushing hug.
As soon as she relaxed her grip, Harry gave her a kiss.
So, Jane, Are you looking forward to school?" asked Hermione.
"Very much," replied Jane. "I'm going to be the most powerful which ever to grace Hogwarts and make sure that no one else ever has to suffer as I have!"
Hermione glanced over at Harry. She could see in his face that he knew what house his sister was destined for.
"So, is that a cat?" asked Hermione as she gestured to the carrier.
"Her name is Sheba," explained Jane. "She's a black, kneezle mix."
"What a coincidence," said Hermione. "Crookshanks is part Kneezle too."
"My other sisters have a Toad and a Cat," said Jane. "I can't believe Rose actually wanted a toad!"
Just then, the door opened and Susan and Ernie came in.
"I don't believe you've met her," said Harry. "This is my youngest sister, Jane. Jane, these are my best non-spousal friends, Susan Bones and Ernie McMillian. They're betrothed.
"Wow! Already? Aren't you two a little young to be thinking about marriage?" asked Jane.
"It's a very long betrothal," explained Susan. "We won't be getting married until after graduation.
"Harry, did you see that story in the Prophet about that disturbance and the Quiddich World Cup?" asked Hermione.
"I was there, I didn't see any disturbance," said Harry.
"That's because they never made it in," said Hermione. "Thomas Riddle showed up with a TV crew and tried to get in and get film of witches doing magic."
"This guy is becoming a real nuisance!" exclaimed Harry.
On the way to Hogwarts Jane got to know Harry's friends well. Soon they were at the station. As they unloaded, Rose spotted Yukio. Jamie and Yukio greeted each other warmly as Hagrid called for the 1st years to join him.
When it came time for the sorting ceremony Jane Potter was sorted into: "SLYTHERIN!"
Harry watched her join Yukio, Roma and May at the Slytherin table. It made him sad to realize how much their traumatic experiences had darkened both their families.
After the sorting, Professor Slughorn stood up and announced: "It gives me great sadness to announce that there will be no quiddich season this year. But it gives me great pleasure to announce that instead, Hogwarts will be hosting the Tri-wizard Tournament for the first time in more than a century. First, may I introduce Madame Maxine and her students of Beuxbattons Accademy!"
In walked a ten-foot-tall witch and a group of students wearing sky blue robes.
"The Beuxbatton students will be eating their meals at the Ravenclaw table this year. Next, let me introduce Headmaster Karkaroff and his students from Durmstrang!"
Into the hall came a suspicious looking man in black followed by a group of students, also in black, one of whom was Victor Krum!
"The Durstrang Students will be sharing their meals with the Slytherin table," said Slughorn. He then went on to explain the Tri-wizard tournament and how the Goblet of Fire worked.
As they settled into their new year, they began classes. Luna had taken Divination and Muggle Studies as her O.W.L. options while, Ginny had taken Care and Runes.
This was Hermione's year to be the designated girlfriend and she had suddenly become a lot more affectionate.
After dinner, Harry and Hermione walked hand in hand to the Astronomy Tower. Once they'd gotten to the top, Hermione pounced on him and knocked him over as she gave him a hotter, more passionate kiss than she ever had in the previous life.
"Wow! Where did you learn how to do that?" asked Harry when they had paused to catch their breath.
"Padma and I have been practicing," panted Hermione.
Harry felt himself stiffen at the thought of Hermione and Padma kissing. Hermione, who was lying on top of him felt him stiffen too as she pulled him into another kiss. She wiggled against him as his hands wandered down to her bum. Her breathing had become quite rapid when they heard the voices of the approaching 5th year Astronomy class. And Hermione was quick as lightning as she leapt off of Harry and straightened her robes.
The next morning, Harry was surprised to see Pansy Parkinson come into the Great Hall with Ron Weasley on one arm and Draco Malfoy on the other.
"I thought Pansy was Draco's girl?" said Harry.
"Looks like he and Ron are sharing now," replied Ginny. "I wondered what they were up to all summer."
"What do you mean?" asked Harry.
"Well, they went to Diagon Alley together and when they got back, Ron was all sore, down there," explained Ginny. "He even had trouble sitting for awhile. And his Slytherin friends spent a lot of time at the house. They were there every time I came by. I think most of their parents have disappeared like yours have."
"No I don't think so," said Luna, dreamily. "Pansy's in love with Ronald, but doesn't care about Malfoy. I think she's just hanging on him to please Ronald."
Well isn't this a curious turn of events," observed Susan.
The next week, Ron came into breakfast with a girl on each arm. On his right, Pansy Parkinson gazed at him with adoration. On his left, was an equaling enraptured Millicent Bullstrode. Ron made a point of stopping by Harry's seat at the Hufflepuff table.
"See Potter, you're no the only one who can manage two girls at once," sneered Ron.
"Isn't she a lesbian?" asked Luna as she pointed at Millicent.
"Not any more," replied Millicent as she pulled Ron into a French kiss.
"See you around, Potter," sneered Ron as they sauntered off to their table.
"Well, that was weird," said Susan.
"He probably feels the need to compete with you by pretending to have two girlfriends," suggested Ernie.
"No, they're really in love with him," replied Luna.
"Have you noticed how much better Ron's gotten at magick over the past week?" asked Hermione.
"I have observed an increase in his power, but had not pinpointed the exact date that it began," said Padma.
"Well I think that it started when he acquired a second girlfriend," said Hermione. "I wonder if Harry is experiencing something similar? Uh-oh!"
"What?" asked Padma.
"Ron just came in with three girls," said Hermione. "And one of them is May Potter!"
"Uh-oh indeed," said Padma, as she turned to watch.
Harry had stood up. Ginny and Luna were trying to hold him back.
"Get your hands off of my sister!" yelled Harry.
"Why should I?" yelled Ron. "If you can cat around with my sister, what can't I with yours?"
"I'm warning you. Stay away from my sister!" growled Harry.
"Make me!" yelled Ron as he drew his wand.
Harry drew his and prepared to hex Ron.
"That will be enough of that!" yelled Professor Sprout as she strode up to the two boys. "If you too want to have a wizards duel, take it out side!"
"Fine with me!" growled Ron. "How about the quiddich pitch in one hour?"
"I'll be there," growled Harry.
"Now you've done it," mused Susan as Ron and his entourage sauntered over to the Slytherin table.
"He's got a point," said Ginny. "Why is it okay for you to see his sister, but not for him to see your sister?"
"That's different," said Harry. "We're Soul Bonded."
"But he doesn't know that," said Ginny. "All he knows is that his sister is going with you. How can he know that we're already married?"
"I still don't want him pawing on my sister," said Harry.
After breakfast, the whole school skipped out on their first classes so that could watch Harry duel the Boy-who-lived. Before they began, Professor Sprout may with them in the center of the pitch to go over the rules.
"All right, you will each walk ten paces away and turn to face your opponents. You will salute each other, then, when I give the count of three, you will begin, Stunners and Shields only."
The two boys walked ten paces away from each other, turned and saluted.
"One, two," said Professor Sprout.
"Stupify!" the boys both yelled simultaneously.
Just as last time, their spells met in the middle. They formed a ball of energy that met in the middle and slowly drifted back to Harry until it hit him. Harry lay stunned on the ground and the students erupted into cheers at the boy-who-lived's triumph.
Harry's wives and friends rushed onto the field to revive him.
"Enervate!" said Hermione.
"Harry, are you okay?" asked Parvati.
"I'm fine, only my pride is wounded," said Harry.
"How did he do that?" asked Ginny.
"He should not have been able too," said Padma. "There is something familiar about all this."
"What is it?" asked Hermione.
"I do not know," replied Padma. "I would say, this warrants further study."
"To the Library!" exclaimed Hermione.
"Don't we all have class now?" asked Susan.
"Whoops!" said Rose.
That evening, Harry and Hermione were sitting on a couch in the Room of Requirement. They had configured it into a nice place for a date, with a couch and a roaring fire in a fireplace. Harry had his arm around her and held her hand as they talked.
"So are you going to put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" asked Hermione.
"No!" said Harry. "Thank goodness we don't have Barty Crouch Jr. to submit me this time."
"I wonder where he is?" mused Hermione. "He wasn't in the group that escaped Azkaban. Perhaps we should look into it."
"Perhaps we should do research of another sort?" said Harry as he caressed her cheek.
Hermione smiled and leaned forward until Harry kissed her. Hermione parted her lips to allow his tongue to enter her. She hummed with pleasure as their tongues danced with each other. Harry's hand drifted down to cup her breast as he began kissing her neck. Hermione's moans told him that she was enjoying this. She opened her robe to the waist and unhooked her bra so that he could have easier access to her breasts. As her flesh was barred, Harry kissed his way down to her nipple. He flickered his tongue across it then took it into his mouth and sucked on it as Hermione's moans grew louder. Hermione began pulling on the hem of her robe until she'd pulled it high enough that she could stick her hand in her knickers and pleasure herself. Her excitement continued to build until she screamed with orgasmic release. Harry released her breast and looked down at her south hand.
"Oh, you want something down there?" said Harry as he knelt between her feet.
Starting at her ankles, he slowly ran his hands up the outsides of her legs, pulling up her robe as he went. She lifted her hips so that he could pull her knickers down slowly to her ankles. Then he started kissing his way up the inside of her leg until he came to her treasure nest.
"Oh! Yes! Yes!" moaned Hermione as Harry began kissing her and licking her down there.
He kept it up until her heard her scream with orgasmic release.
"Oh that was wonderful!" said Hermione as she straightened her clothes. Harry had climbed back onto the couch and was resting.
Once she was dressed, Hermione was dressed, she knelt at his feet and said:
"And now it's time for me to return the favor."
She pulled the hem of his robe and began fumbling with his trousers until Harry helped her free his erect manhood. Wrapping her hand around it, she took the tip in her mouth and began bobbing up and down until she felt his warm juice hit the back of her throat as he groaned with release.
Rose, Parvati and Neville were studying in the Gryfindor Common room when the girls felt Harry fondling Hermione's breasts. The excused them selves and went up to the 4th Year girls room. The climbed into Rose's bed, closed the curtains and began shedding their clothes as they started kissing and caressing each other. When Harry went down on Hermione, they assumed the 69 position and licked each other to completion.
Luna and Ginny were in the Hufflepuff Common Room writing their potions essays when they felt the others' passion.
"This feels like a good time for a bath!" said Luna.
"My thoughts exactly!" panted Ginny.
They left their books in the common room and ran into the girl's bathroom. As soon as they'd walked in the door, they began shedding their clothes. Ginny turned the faucet and created large bubbles to conceal what they were about to do the in this swimming pool sized bathtub. They hopped in and Luna wrapped her arms around Ginny, with one hand caressing her nether regions. When Hermione and Harry switched places, so did Luna and Ginny.
Tonks was having dinner with Remus Lupin ina muggle restaurant when she felt the others become aroused. She had forgotten how attracted to him she had been and then others were not helping her to restraint her self. She tried crossing her legs, but it didn't help. Finally, she couldn't stand it any more! She excused herself and went to the bathroom to scratch her itch.
Padma felt it as all the others did. She took advantage of the time to study her Tantra Grimuoire.
Chapter 22: 4th Year.
September 1st came and it was time to take the Hogwarts Express to school. Harry, Rose and their younger sisters, May and Jane all boarded the train and began seaching for a free compartment. Rose, soon spotted the Patils and greeted Parvati with a kiss and Padma with a hug as she settled into their compartment. As the Potters continued down the hall, May found Roma and the rest of the Slytherin 2nd years sharing a cabin and joined them. When Harry spotted Hermione alone in a cabin, he led Jane into it.
"Harry!" squealed Hermione as she pulled him into a bone-crushing hug.
As soon as she relaxed her grip, Harry gave her a kiss.
So, Jane, Are you looking forward to school?" asked Hermione.
"Very much," replied Jane. "I'm going to be the most powerful which ever to grace Hogwarts and make sure that no one else ever has to suffer as I have!"
Hermione glanced over at Harry. She could see in his face that he knew what house his sister was destined for.
"So, is that a cat?" asked Hermione as she gestured to the carrier.
"Her name is Sheba," explained Jane. "She's a black, kneezle mix."
"What a coincidence," said Hermione. "Crookshanks is part Kneezle too."
"My other sisters have a Toad and a Cat," said Jane. "I can't believe Rose actually wanted a toad!"
Just then, the door opened and Susan and Ernie came in.
"I don't believe you've met her," said Harry. "This is my youngest sister, Jane. Jane, these are my best non-spousal friends, Susan Bones and Ernie McMillian. They're betrothed.
"Wow! Already? Aren't you two a little young to be thinking about marriage?" asked Jane.
"It's a very long betrothal," explained Susan. "We won't be getting married until after graduation.
"Harry, did you see that story in the Prophet about that disturbance and the Quiddich World Cup?" asked Hermione.
"I was there, I didn't see any disturbance," said Harry.
"That's because they never made it in," said Hermione. "Thomas Riddle showed up with a TV crew and tried to get in and get film of witches doing magic."
"This guy is becoming a real nuisance!" exclaimed Harry.
On the way to Hogwarts Jane got to know Harry's friends well. Soon they were at the station. As they unloaded, Rose spotted Yukio. Jamie and Yukio greeted each other warmly as Hagrid called for the 1st years to join him.
When it came time for the sorting ceremony Jane Potter was sorted into: "SLYTHERIN!"
Harry watched her join Yukio, Roma and May at the Slytherin table. It made him sad to realize how much their traumatic experiences had darkened both their families.
After the sorting, Professor Slughorn stood up and announced: "It gives me great sadness to announce that there will be no quiddich season this year. But it gives me great pleasure to announce that instead, Hogwarts will be hosting the Tri-wizard Tournament for the first time in more than a century. First, may I introduce Madame Maxine and her students of Beuxbattons Accademy!"
In walked a ten-foot-tall witch and a group of students wearing sky blue robes.
"The Beuxbatton students will be eating their meals at the Ravenclaw table this year. Next, let me introduce Headmaster Karkaroff and his students from Durmstrang!"
Into the hall came a suspicious looking man in black followed by a group of students, also in black, one of whom was Victor Krum!
"The Durstrang Students will be sharing their meals with the Slytherin table," said Slughorn. He then went on to explain the Tri-wizard tournament and how the Goblet of Fire worked.
As they settled into their new year, they began classes. Luna had taken Divination and Muggle Studies as her O.W.L. options while, Ginny had taken Care and Runes.
This was Hermione's year to be the designated girlfriend and she had suddenly become a lot more affectionate.
After dinner, Harry and Hermione walked hand in hand to the Astronomy Tower. Once they'd gotten to the top, Hermione pounced on him and knocked him over as she gave him a hotter, more passionate kiss than she ever had in the previous life.
"Wow! Where did you learn how to do that?" asked Harry when they had paused to catch their breath.
"Padma and I have been practicing," panted Hermione.
Harry felt himself stiffen at the thought of Hermione and Padma kissing. Hermione, who was lying on top of him felt him stiffen too as she pulled him into another kiss. She wiggled against him as his hands wandered down to her bum. Her breathing had become quite rapid when they heard the voices of the approaching 5th year Astronomy class. And Hermione was quick as lightning as she leapt off of Harry and straightened her robes.
The next morning, Harry was surprised to see Pansy Parkinson come into the Great Hall with Ron Weasley on one arm and Draco Malfoy on the other.
"I thought Pansy was Draco's girl?" said Harry.
"Looks like he and Ron are sharing now," replied Ginny. "I wondered what they were up to all summer."
"What do you mean?" asked Harry.
"Well, they went to Diagon Alley together and when they got back, Ron was all sore, down there," explained Ginny. "He even had trouble sitting for awhile. And his Slytherin friends spent a lot of time at the house. They were there every time I came by. I think most of their parents have disappeared like yours have."
"No I don't think so," said Luna, dreamily. "Pansy's in love with Ronald, but doesn't care about Malfoy. I think she's just hanging on him to please Ronald."
Well isn't this a curious turn of events," observed Susan.
The next week, Ron came into breakfast with a girl on each arm. On his right, Pansy Parkinson gazed at him with adoration. On his left, was an equaling enraptured Millicent Bullstrode. Ron made a point of stopping by Harry's seat at the Hufflepuff table.
"See Potter, you're no the only one who can manage two girls at once," sneered Ron.
"Isn't she a lesbian?" asked Luna as she pointed at Millicent.
"Not any more," replied Millicent as she pulled Ron into a French kiss.
"See you around, Potter," sneered Ron as they sauntered off to their table.
"Well, that was weird," said Susan.
"He probably feels the need to compete with you by pretending to have two girlfriends," suggested Ernie.
"No, they're really in love with him," replied Luna.
"Have you noticed how much better Ron's gotten at magick over the past week?" asked Hermione.
"I have observed an increase in his power, but had not pinpointed the exact date that it began," said Padma.
"Well I think that it started when he acquired a second girlfriend," said Hermione. "I wonder if Harry is experiencing something similar? Uh-oh!"
"What?" asked Padma.
"Ron just came in with three girls," said Hermione. "And one of them is May Potter!"
"Uh-oh indeed," said Padma, as she turned to watch.
Harry had stood up. Ginny and Luna were trying to hold him back.
"Get your hands off of my sister!" yelled Harry.
"Why should I?" yelled Ron. "If you can cat around with my sister, what can't I with yours?"
"I'm warning you. Stay away from my sister!" growled Harry.
"Make me!" yelled Ron as he drew his wand.
Harry drew his and prepared to hex Ron.
"That will be enough of that!" yelled Professor Sprout as she strode up to the two boys. "If you too want to have a wizards duel, take it out side!"
"Fine with me!" growled Ron. "How about the quiddich pitch in one hour?"
"I'll be there," growled Harry.
"Now you've done it," mused Susan as Ron and his entourage sauntered over to the Slytherin table.
"He's got a point," said Ginny. "Why is it okay for you to see his sister, but not for him to see your sister?"
"That's different," said Harry. "We're Soul Bonded."
"But he doesn't know that," said Ginny. "All he knows is that his sister is going with you. How can he know that we're already married?"
"I still don't want him pawing on my sister," said Harry.
After breakfast, the whole school skipped out on their first classes so that could watch Harry duel the Boy-who-lived. Before they began, Professor Sprout may with them in the center of the pitch to go over the rules.
"All right, you will each walk ten paces away and turn to face your opponents. You will salute each other, then, when I give the count of three, you will begin, Stunners and Shields only."
The two boys walked ten paces away from each other, turned and saluted.
"One, two," said Professor Sprout.
"Stupify!" the boys both yelled simultaneously.
Just as last time, their spells met in the middle. They formed a ball of energy that met in the middle and slowly drifted back to Harry until it hit him. Harry lay stunned on the ground and the students erupted into cheers at the boy-who-lived's triumph.
Harry's wives and friends rushed onto the field to revive him.
"Enervate!" said Hermione.
"Harry, are you okay?" asked Parvati.
"I'm fine, only my pride is wounded," said Harry.
"How did he do that?" asked Ginny.
"He should not have been able too," said Padma. "There is something familiar about all this."
"What is it?" asked Hermione.
"I do not know," replied Padma. "I would say, this warrants further study."
"To the Library!" exclaimed Hermione.
"Don't we all have class now?" asked Susan.
"Whoops!" said Rose.
That evening, Harry and Hermione were sitting on a couch in the Room of Requirement. They had configured it into a nice place for a date, with a couch and a roaring fire in a fireplace. Harry had his arm around her and held her hand as they talked.
"So are you going to put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" asked Hermione.
"No!" said Harry. "Thank goodness we don't have Barty Crouch Jr. to submit me this time."
"I wonder where he is?" mused Hermione. "He wasn't in the group that escaped Azkaban. Perhaps we should look into it."
"Perhaps we should do research of another sort?" said Harry as he caressed her cheek.
Hermione smiled and leaned forward until Harry kissed her. Hermione parted her lips to allow his tongue to enter her. She hummed with pleasure as their tongues danced with each other. Harry's hand drifted down to cup her breast as he began kissing her neck. Hermione's moans told him that she was enjoying this. She opened her robe to the waist and unhooked her bra so that he could have easier access to her breasts. As her flesh was barred, Harry kissed his way down to her nipple. He flickered his tongue across it then took it into his mouth and sucked on it as Hermione's moans grew louder. Hermione began pulling on the hem of her robe until she'd pulled it high enough that she could stick her hand in her knickers and pleasure herself. Her excitement continued to build until she screamed with orgasmic release. Harry released her breast and looked down at her south hand.
"Oh, you want something down there?" said Harry as he knelt between her feet.
Starting at her ankles, he slowly ran his hands up the outsides of her legs, pulling up her robe as he went. She lifted her hips so that he could pull her knickers down slowly to her ankles. Then he started kissing his way up the inside of her leg until he came to her treasure nest.
"Oh! Yes! Yes!" moaned Hermione as Harry began kissing her and licking her down there.
He kept it up until her heard her scream with orgasmic release.
"Oh that was wonderful!" said Hermione as she straightened her clothes. Harry had climbed back onto the couch and was resting.
Once she was dressed, Hermione was dressed, she knelt at his feet and said:
"And now it's time for me to return the favor."
She pulled the hem of his robe and began fumbling with his trousers until Harry helped her free his erect manhood. Wrapping her hand around it, she took the tip in her mouth and began bobbing up and down until she felt his warm juice hit the back of her throat as he groaned with release.
Rose, Parvati and Neville were studying in the Gryfindor Common room when the girls felt Harry fondling Hermione's breasts. The excused them selves and went up to the 4th Year girls room. The climbed into Rose's bed, closed the curtains and began shedding their clothes as they started kissing and caressing each other. When Harry went down on Hermione, they assumed the 69 position and licked each other to completion.
Luna and Ginny were in the Hufflepuff Common Room writing their potions essays when they felt the others' passion.
"This feels like a good time for a bath!" said Luna.
"My thoughts exactly!" panted Ginny.
They left their books in the common room and ran into the girl's bathroom. As soon as they'd walked in the door, they began shedding their clothes. Ginny turned the faucet and created large bubbles to conceal what they were about to do the in this swimming pool sized bathtub. They hopped in and Luna wrapped her arms around Ginny, with one hand caressing her nether regions. When Hermione and Harry switched places, so did Luna and Ginny.
Tonks was having dinner with Remus Lupin ina muggle restaurant when she felt the others become aroused. She had forgotten how attracted to him she had been and then others were not helping her to restraint her self. She tried crossing her legs, but it didn't help. Finally, she couldn't stand it any more! She excused herself and went to the bathroom to scratch her itch.
Padma felt it as all the others did. She took advantage of the time to study her Tantra Grimuoire.
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