Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem
Chapter 23: Ball
Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC
Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Chapter 23: Ball
When Harry got back to the Hufflepuff common room, Ginny and Luna were studying and pretending not to notice him.
"I'm sorry, is something bothering you two?" asked Harry.
"Not at all," said Luna.
How was you date?" asked Ginny.
"Well you two seemed to enjoy it," said Harry, blushing.
Yes, bundling will be a lot more enjoyable, now that we've passed that particular milestone," said Luna.
"Why don't you go study with Susan and Ernie?" suggested Ginny.
That night, there was much giggling coming from behind the screen when Ginny and Susan were changing for bed. Luna, meanwhile, was being a lot less casual about undressing in front of the boys. She was undressing a lot more slowly than usual, and kept looking Harry in the eye as she did so. She bent over, and grabbed the hem of her robe and slowly pulled it up as she looked up at Harry. As she continued to lift, she revealed the lacy knickers she was wearing and then the matching lace bra. When she'd pulled the robe all the way up, she stood there holding her robe over her head, then, slowly pulled one arm out robe and slowly lowered the other arm until the robe slid off of it onto the floor. She reached behind her to unhook her bra, the pulled it off one shoulder, then the other. She kept her eyes on his as he stared at her now uncovered breasts. Then Luna draped her bra around Harry's neck. She started to pull down her knickers, stopping when she had revealed just the barest hint of rust colored pubic hair, then finish sliding them down as Harry's breathing got deeper. She climbed into the bed and patted the bed next to her but didn't bother to cover herself.
Harry climbed into the bed, pulled the covers over them and snuggled up to her. Luna turned her back to him and backed into him so he could spoon her. About that time, Ginny came from behind the screen wearing a very short nightgown. She climbed into the bed with them and snuggled up behind Harry to spoon him.
Once all the Hufflepuffs were in bed, the lights dimmed slightly. Harry became aware that Ginny's hand was sliding down his tummy. He felt himself begin to stiffen as Ginny pulled up the waistband of him pajamas and inserted her hand. She wrapped her hand around his organ as it became erect.
While this was going on, Luna had pulled his hand up and placed it on her breast, with her stiffening nipple between his fingers. As he stroked her, she pushed her rear against him, caused him to become even more excited.
Ginny began pulling on him, trying to coax him onto his back. When he compiled, she crawled under the covers and began pleasuring him with her mouth. Luna had turned around and had covered his mouth with her own. He kissed Luna and was kissed by Ginny, Harry felt his excitement build and build until he nearly lost control. Harry pulled himself away from Ginny's mouth and buried his face between her legs so he could return the favor.
When Ginny started moaning, Luna crawled under the covers and began kissing her to stifle the sounds. When Harry felt Ginny's shudder of release, he turned to Luna and gave her the same treatment.
When it was over, the girls crawled up and each rested their heads in the hollow of Harry's shoulder. Harry glanced up and realized that there were eight pairs of eyes staring at them in the dim light of the lamps. Harry blushed and closed his eyes.
"I think they're done," whispered Susan.
"May can I speak with you a second?" Rose Potter asked her younger sister.
"Sure sis. What's going on?" asked May Potter.
"I was wondering what exactly is going on between you and Ron Weasley?" asked Rose.
"Isn't it wonderful?!" gushed May. "Of all the girls in Slytherin, he picked me to be the Tertiary Consort to the boy-who-lived!"
"Uh, what does that mean, exactly?" inquired Rose.
"Oh! I shouldn't speak of these things to outsiders!" said May, covering her mouth.
"Did Ron threaten you if you did?" said Rose with a scowl.
"No!" exclaimed May. "He would never do anything like that! He loves me!"
"Then, what's all this about outsiders?" demanded Rose.
"Then are certain things about Slytherin house that we do not discuss with the members of other houses," replied May. "I'm sure it's the same with Gryfindor."
"No. It's not," said Rose, through gritted teeth.
"Pity," said May in a condescending tone as she walked away.
"I've called you all together because I've made a breakthrough," said Hermione.
"You've found away to crack the fidelius charm?" asked Harry.
"No, but I have found away to remove the wrackspurt from Ron," said Hermione.
"What's involved?" asked Ginny.
"We have to make a potion that we will paint on to Ron in a very specific design," began Hermione. "Then we have to let a cognivore attack him."
"A what?" asked Padma.
"One of those brain things in the department of Mysteries," explained Luna.
"What's the down side of this?" asked Harry.
"All of his memories will be erased, back to the moment of infection," said Hermione.
"You mean he won't remember his descent into darkness or anything he's done in this world?" asked Harry.
Hermione nodded.
"I don't have a problem with that," said Ginny
"How long will all this take?" asked Parvati.
"The potion will take a year to brew and one of the ingredients gives me pause," replied Hermione.
"What is it?" demanded Harry.
"Since Ron sacrificed Luna to get here, in order to make this potion, I'll need Luna's blood."
"I don't mind donating some of my blood," said Luna. "How much do you need?"
"All of it," replied Hermione.
"NO!" shouted Harry.
"Harry, it's not as bad as it sounds," pleaded Hermione. "I found a spell that will allow me to take all of the blood at once and we can give her a blood replenishing potion immediately afterwards."
"I'll do it," said Luna.
"Luna, No!" yelled Harry.
"Harry, it was my blood that brought him here. It seems only fair that my blood sends it away," said Luna.
"It will be difficult to keep a potion brewing for a whole year," observed Padma. "How do you intend to accomplish that?"
"Isn't there a potions lab at Hufflepuff manor?" asked Rose. "We could get Gwendolyn to handle to day to day tending and Hermione could come back and check on it once in a while."
"Of course, you're brilliant, Rose!" exclaimed Hermione.
The next weekend, Harry took Hermione and Luna to Hufflepuff Manor. Hermione gathered her ingredients and began brewing the potion. When she got to the critical stage, Luna lay down on a table next to a basin to catch her blood.
"Bifidus Caedes!" shouted Hermione as Luna's blood appeared next to her in the shape of her heart and circulatory system. It stayed there suspended in the air for an instant before it fell into the basin in a puddle.
Harry pried open Luna's mouth and poured a blood-replenishing potion down her throat, which instantly revived her.
Hermione was slowing adding Luna's blood to the cauldron, stirring it a quarter turn after adding each ounce.
Once she'd gotten the potion to a simmer, Hermione gave Gwendolyn instructions to stir it a quarter turn each day and they departed.
Monday morning, Ron's entourage included yet another girl, Daphane Greengrass. This continued, as each week Ron was in the company of one more girl than he had the week before.
"Just like last time," mused Harry. "Krum, Delacour, and Diggory. I was so relieved when my name didn't float out of the Goblet!"
That reminds me," said Hermione as she pulled her robe over her head. "I did some research and found out why Barty Crouch Jr. wasn't amongst those Death Eaters who escaped last year, you know, the ones who tortured Neville's parents? As it turns out, in this world he was not involved with that particular crime. As near as I can tell he wasn't involved in any crimes. He was a minor civil servant, whose career in the Ministry was going no where."
"Was?" asked Harry as he continued to watch her undress.
"He disappeared the summer before last," said Hermione as she knelt as his feet and took him in her hand.
As her head bobbed up and down Harry gritted his teeth, trying to concentrate and asked: "Hermione, would you go to the Winter Ball with me?"
"Uh-huh" hummed Hermione affirmatively.
"What's bothering you?" asked Rose.
"I uh, was um wondering if you, if you want, that is, wouldyougotothewinterballwithme?" stammered Neville.
"What?" asked Rose. "Oh. Ooooh! I'm sorry Neville. I was planning to go with Parvati. We are married, you know."
"Of course," said Neville, crestfallen.
"I'm really sorry," said Rose. "You're my best friend. But Parvati's my wife."
"It's okay," moaned Neville. "I understand. Maybe I'll just asked Myrtle."
"Hey! If you can't get anybody else, you might consider asking Ginny or Luna to go with you as friends," offered Rose. "They can't go unless somebody asks them, and since they're already married and Slughorn won't let people bring more than one date to the ball."
"Sure. I'll think about it," said Neville.
"Hurry up Luna! We'll be late!" growled Harry.
"Coming!" said a still nearly naked Luna who kept pulling out robes, holding them up to herself, and throwing them back into her trunk.
"All done," said Susan as she stepped out from behind the screen. She had a black low-cut robe with gold trim. Her hair was braided with gold and secured in a bun.
"Wow!" said Ernie as her took her by the hand and led her out.
"Susan and Ernie have already left!" growled Harry. "Just pick one, or if you can't decide wear them both!"
"What a great idea!" said Luna as she wrapped on an iridescent purple sari, she then, put a see-through sheer blue burka on over it.
When Harry and Luna got to Ravenclaw Tower, Hermione and Padma were waiting for them. Padma wore a blue sari that matched the color of Luna's burka. Hermione wore a light blue dress robe with copper trim. Her hair was up in a bun similar to McGonagal's.
"Wow!" said Harry as he gazed at his Ravenclaw wives.
"Shall we go?" asked Padma, taking Luna by the hand.
When they got to the Great Hall, the others had reserved a cluster of tables together. Now that the stragglers had arrived, the re arranged themselves so that Harry and Hermione could share a table with Padma, Luna, Susan and Ernie. Rose, Parvati, Neville, Ginny, Dean Thomas and Lavender Brown shared the table next to them.
By now, Ron Weasley had 14 girlfriends that followed him around. They were each escorted here by one of the Slytherin Boys that were friends of Ron. There was a commotion at the door and they all turned to watch Ron make his entrance.
"I don't believe it!" exclaimed Hermione. "Fleur never gave him the time of day before, much less, gazed in adoration at him before!"
"It is as I have told you," said Padma. "There is something unnatural about him."
"Fleur certainly seems to be in love with him now," observed Luna.
"Have you noticed that he has started to do charms with out speaking?" asked Susan.
"I had observed this," said Padma. "I believe that he is growing more and more powerful with each passing day.
"And that's how he was able to overpower you, Harry?" asked Ernie. "I wondered about that. I didn't this it was possible for two spells to meet in the middle like that."
"I came across something in an old Arithmancy book that explained it," said Hermione. "Apparently is two wizards cast the exact same spell within 7 milliseconds of each other, the spells create and energy surge that feedbacks on the weaker wizard."
"So Ron Weasley is more powerful than Harry?" asked Susan.
"But when we dueled last year I was clearly more powerful," said Harry. "How could he have become so powerful, so fast?"
"Therein, lies a mystery," replied Padma.
"Isn't it wonderful to see Fleur so deeply in love?" asked Luna.
"But she shouldn't be in love with Ron at all!" growled Hermione.
"Look, the champions as going to start the first dance," said Harry.
Fleur dragged Ron out on the floor as Cedric Diggory escorted Cho Chang and Victor Krum escorted Daphane Greengrass out to start the dance. Once the three couples had begun to waltz, other couples began trickling onto the floor.
"Harry you are going to dance with me," commanded Hermione, as she drug Harry onto the dance floor.
"Yes dear," said Harry.
"I should have done that last time," mused Padma.
"I don't mind dancing with you," said Luna in her dreamiest voice.
When they got onto the floor, Luna put her hand on Padma's waist and grabbed her other hand to lead her.
"You are actually quite a good dancer," observed Padma. "I was surprised when you asked me to the dance. I haven't really gotten to know you very well."
"Well we are sharing spouses you know," observed Luna.
"And perhaps more," said Padma. "I have decided to do some research in a couple of years to expand the frontiers of group sexual practices."
"Well I would be glad to help you with that," said Luna as she pulled Padma into a kiss at the end of the song.
As Harry and Hermione danced, Harry realized that he would need to stop putting off an uncomfortable subject.
"Hermione, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about," said Harry. "I know that you my designated girlfriend this year but-"
"-But you'd like to dance some with your other wives," finished Hermione as Harry nodded. "Personally, I think this whole pretending to be normal thing is silly. But if you really want to keep up appearances, just dance every other song with me and spend some time with your other wives."
"Thanks Hermione! You're the best!" said Harry as he gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
The next song was more upbeat, and as the kid gyrated to the music, Harry walked over to Parvati and yelled: "Would you like to dance?"
"Sure," Parvati yelled back.
Seizing his opportunity, Neville drug Rose out onto the floor also. And so, the night went on until Harry and Rose had each gotten to dance with all of their wives. At one point, Harry and Hermione were sharing a slow dance, when one of the Beuxbaton's girls tapped her on the shoulder and asked" "May I cut in?"
"Sure," said Hermione as she gave way to the stranger.
As soon as Hermione had stepped away, the strange girl was in Harry's arms rubber here body against his.
"Excuse me, I don't believe we've been introduced?" said Harry.
"Wotcher Harry!" said the girl as she pulled him into a kiss and stuck her tongue down his throat.
Harry's eyes went wide in shock, and he found himself gazing into her eyes and she kissed him. As he gazed into her eyes, they changed from blue to and electric violet shade. Then, she winked at him. As soon as she let him come up for air, Harry said: "You scared the kneezle out of me!"
"Do you think Rose will be fooled too?" she asked.
"Probably," said Hermione. "I mean, I had just come over to give you a piece of my mind until I realized who you were. Have fun, you two."
Author's Note
I'm surprised that no one has made a guess as to what their animagus forms are in this fic. Harry's is an animal that keeps multiple females. I'm still trying to decide whether Luna's will be Penguin or Kangaroo.
Chapter 23: Ball
When Harry got back to the Hufflepuff common room, Ginny and Luna were studying and pretending not to notice him.
"I'm sorry, is something bothering you two?" asked Harry.
"Not at all," said Luna.
How was you date?" asked Ginny.
"Well you two seemed to enjoy it," said Harry, blushing.
Yes, bundling will be a lot more enjoyable, now that we've passed that particular milestone," said Luna.
"Why don't you go study with Susan and Ernie?" suggested Ginny.
That night, there was much giggling coming from behind the screen when Ginny and Susan were changing for bed. Luna, meanwhile, was being a lot less casual about undressing in front of the boys. She was undressing a lot more slowly than usual, and kept looking Harry in the eye as she did so. She bent over, and grabbed the hem of her robe and slowly pulled it up as she looked up at Harry. As she continued to lift, she revealed the lacy knickers she was wearing and then the matching lace bra. When she'd pulled the robe all the way up, she stood there holding her robe over her head, then, slowly pulled one arm out robe and slowly lowered the other arm until the robe slid off of it onto the floor. She reached behind her to unhook her bra, the pulled it off one shoulder, then the other. She kept her eyes on his as he stared at her now uncovered breasts. Then Luna draped her bra around Harry's neck. She started to pull down her knickers, stopping when she had revealed just the barest hint of rust colored pubic hair, then finish sliding them down as Harry's breathing got deeper. She climbed into the bed and patted the bed next to her but didn't bother to cover herself.
Harry climbed into the bed, pulled the covers over them and snuggled up to her. Luna turned her back to him and backed into him so he could spoon her. About that time, Ginny came from behind the screen wearing a very short nightgown. She climbed into the bed with them and snuggled up behind Harry to spoon him.
Once all the Hufflepuffs were in bed, the lights dimmed slightly. Harry became aware that Ginny's hand was sliding down his tummy. He felt himself begin to stiffen as Ginny pulled up the waistband of him pajamas and inserted her hand. She wrapped her hand around his organ as it became erect.
While this was going on, Luna had pulled his hand up and placed it on her breast, with her stiffening nipple between his fingers. As he stroked her, she pushed her rear against him, caused him to become even more excited.
Ginny began pulling on him, trying to coax him onto his back. When he compiled, she crawled under the covers and began pleasuring him with her mouth. Luna had turned around and had covered his mouth with her own. He kissed Luna and was kissed by Ginny, Harry felt his excitement build and build until he nearly lost control. Harry pulled himself away from Ginny's mouth and buried his face between her legs so he could return the favor.
When Ginny started moaning, Luna crawled under the covers and began kissing her to stifle the sounds. When Harry felt Ginny's shudder of release, he turned to Luna and gave her the same treatment.
When it was over, the girls crawled up and each rested their heads in the hollow of Harry's shoulder. Harry glanced up and realized that there were eight pairs of eyes staring at them in the dim light of the lamps. Harry blushed and closed his eyes.
"I think they're done," whispered Susan.
"May can I speak with you a second?" Rose Potter asked her younger sister.
"Sure sis. What's going on?" asked May Potter.
"I was wondering what exactly is going on between you and Ron Weasley?" asked Rose.
"Isn't it wonderful?!" gushed May. "Of all the girls in Slytherin, he picked me to be the Tertiary Consort to the boy-who-lived!"
"Uh, what does that mean, exactly?" inquired Rose.
"Oh! I shouldn't speak of these things to outsiders!" said May, covering her mouth.
"Did Ron threaten you if you did?" said Rose with a scowl.
"No!" exclaimed May. "He would never do anything like that! He loves me!"
"Then, what's all this about outsiders?" demanded Rose.
"Then are certain things about Slytherin house that we do not discuss with the members of other houses," replied May. "I'm sure it's the same with Gryfindor."
"No. It's not," said Rose, through gritted teeth.
"Pity," said May in a condescending tone as she walked away.
"I've called you all together because I've made a breakthrough," said Hermione.
"You've found away to crack the fidelius charm?" asked Harry.
"No, but I have found away to remove the wrackspurt from Ron," said Hermione.
"What's involved?" asked Ginny.
"We have to make a potion that we will paint on to Ron in a very specific design," began Hermione. "Then we have to let a cognivore attack him."
"A what?" asked Padma.
"One of those brain things in the department of Mysteries," explained Luna.
"What's the down side of this?" asked Harry.
"All of his memories will be erased, back to the moment of infection," said Hermione.
"You mean he won't remember his descent into darkness or anything he's done in this world?" asked Harry.
Hermione nodded.
"I don't have a problem with that," said Ginny
"How long will all this take?" asked Parvati.
"The potion will take a year to brew and one of the ingredients gives me pause," replied Hermione.
"What is it?" demanded Harry.
"Since Ron sacrificed Luna to get here, in order to make this potion, I'll need Luna's blood."
"I don't mind donating some of my blood," said Luna. "How much do you need?"
"All of it," replied Hermione.
"NO!" shouted Harry.
"Harry, it's not as bad as it sounds," pleaded Hermione. "I found a spell that will allow me to take all of the blood at once and we can give her a blood replenishing potion immediately afterwards."
"I'll do it," said Luna.
"Luna, No!" yelled Harry.
"Harry, it was my blood that brought him here. It seems only fair that my blood sends it away," said Luna.
"It will be difficult to keep a potion brewing for a whole year," observed Padma. "How do you intend to accomplish that?"
"Isn't there a potions lab at Hufflepuff manor?" asked Rose. "We could get Gwendolyn to handle to day to day tending and Hermione could come back and check on it once in a while."
"Of course, you're brilliant, Rose!" exclaimed Hermione.
The next weekend, Harry took Hermione and Luna to Hufflepuff Manor. Hermione gathered her ingredients and began brewing the potion. When she got to the critical stage, Luna lay down on a table next to a basin to catch her blood.
"Bifidus Caedes!" shouted Hermione as Luna's blood appeared next to her in the shape of her heart and circulatory system. It stayed there suspended in the air for an instant before it fell into the basin in a puddle.
Harry pried open Luna's mouth and poured a blood-replenishing potion down her throat, which instantly revived her.
Hermione was slowing adding Luna's blood to the cauldron, stirring it a quarter turn after adding each ounce.
Once she'd gotten the potion to a simmer, Hermione gave Gwendolyn instructions to stir it a quarter turn each day and they departed.
Monday morning, Ron's entourage included yet another girl, Daphane Greengrass. This continued, as each week Ron was in the company of one more girl than he had the week before.
"Just like last time," mused Harry. "Krum, Delacour, and Diggory. I was so relieved when my name didn't float out of the Goblet!"
That reminds me," said Hermione as she pulled her robe over her head. "I did some research and found out why Barty Crouch Jr. wasn't amongst those Death Eaters who escaped last year, you know, the ones who tortured Neville's parents? As it turns out, in this world he was not involved with that particular crime. As near as I can tell he wasn't involved in any crimes. He was a minor civil servant, whose career in the Ministry was going no where."
"Was?" asked Harry as he continued to watch her undress.
"He disappeared the summer before last," said Hermione as she knelt as his feet and took him in her hand.
As her head bobbed up and down Harry gritted his teeth, trying to concentrate and asked: "Hermione, would you go to the Winter Ball with me?"
"Uh-huh" hummed Hermione affirmatively.
"What's bothering you?" asked Rose.
"I uh, was um wondering if you, if you want, that is, wouldyougotothewinterballwithme?" stammered Neville.
"What?" asked Rose. "Oh. Ooooh! I'm sorry Neville. I was planning to go with Parvati. We are married, you know."
"Of course," said Neville, crestfallen.
"I'm really sorry," said Rose. "You're my best friend. But Parvati's my wife."
"It's okay," moaned Neville. "I understand. Maybe I'll just asked Myrtle."
"Hey! If you can't get anybody else, you might consider asking Ginny or Luna to go with you as friends," offered Rose. "They can't go unless somebody asks them, and since they're already married and Slughorn won't let people bring more than one date to the ball."
"Sure. I'll think about it," said Neville.
"Hurry up Luna! We'll be late!" growled Harry.
"Coming!" said a still nearly naked Luna who kept pulling out robes, holding them up to herself, and throwing them back into her trunk.
"All done," said Susan as she stepped out from behind the screen. She had a black low-cut robe with gold trim. Her hair was braided with gold and secured in a bun.
"Wow!" said Ernie as her took her by the hand and led her out.
"Susan and Ernie have already left!" growled Harry. "Just pick one, or if you can't decide wear them both!"
"What a great idea!" said Luna as she wrapped on an iridescent purple sari, she then, put a see-through sheer blue burka on over it.
When Harry and Luna got to Ravenclaw Tower, Hermione and Padma were waiting for them. Padma wore a blue sari that matched the color of Luna's burka. Hermione wore a light blue dress robe with copper trim. Her hair was up in a bun similar to McGonagal's.
"Wow!" said Harry as he gazed at his Ravenclaw wives.
"Shall we go?" asked Padma, taking Luna by the hand.
When they got to the Great Hall, the others had reserved a cluster of tables together. Now that the stragglers had arrived, the re arranged themselves so that Harry and Hermione could share a table with Padma, Luna, Susan and Ernie. Rose, Parvati, Neville, Ginny, Dean Thomas and Lavender Brown shared the table next to them.
By now, Ron Weasley had 14 girlfriends that followed him around. They were each escorted here by one of the Slytherin Boys that were friends of Ron. There was a commotion at the door and they all turned to watch Ron make his entrance.
"I don't believe it!" exclaimed Hermione. "Fleur never gave him the time of day before, much less, gazed in adoration at him before!"
"It is as I have told you," said Padma. "There is something unnatural about him."
"Fleur certainly seems to be in love with him now," observed Luna.
"Have you noticed that he has started to do charms with out speaking?" asked Susan.
"I had observed this," said Padma. "I believe that he is growing more and more powerful with each passing day.
"And that's how he was able to overpower you, Harry?" asked Ernie. "I wondered about that. I didn't this it was possible for two spells to meet in the middle like that."
"I came across something in an old Arithmancy book that explained it," said Hermione. "Apparently is two wizards cast the exact same spell within 7 milliseconds of each other, the spells create and energy surge that feedbacks on the weaker wizard."
"So Ron Weasley is more powerful than Harry?" asked Susan.
"But when we dueled last year I was clearly more powerful," said Harry. "How could he have become so powerful, so fast?"
"Therein, lies a mystery," replied Padma.
"Isn't it wonderful to see Fleur so deeply in love?" asked Luna.
"But she shouldn't be in love with Ron at all!" growled Hermione.
"Look, the champions as going to start the first dance," said Harry.
Fleur dragged Ron out on the floor as Cedric Diggory escorted Cho Chang and Victor Krum escorted Daphane Greengrass out to start the dance. Once the three couples had begun to waltz, other couples began trickling onto the floor.
"Harry you are going to dance with me," commanded Hermione, as she drug Harry onto the dance floor.
"Yes dear," said Harry.
"I should have done that last time," mused Padma.
"I don't mind dancing with you," said Luna in her dreamiest voice.
When they got onto the floor, Luna put her hand on Padma's waist and grabbed her other hand to lead her.
"You are actually quite a good dancer," observed Padma. "I was surprised when you asked me to the dance. I haven't really gotten to know you very well."
"Well we are sharing spouses you know," observed Luna.
"And perhaps more," said Padma. "I have decided to do some research in a couple of years to expand the frontiers of group sexual practices."
"Well I would be glad to help you with that," said Luna as she pulled Padma into a kiss at the end of the song.
As Harry and Hermione danced, Harry realized that he would need to stop putting off an uncomfortable subject.
"Hermione, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about," said Harry. "I know that you my designated girlfriend this year but-"
"-But you'd like to dance some with your other wives," finished Hermione as Harry nodded. "Personally, I think this whole pretending to be normal thing is silly. But if you really want to keep up appearances, just dance every other song with me and spend some time with your other wives."
"Thanks Hermione! You're the best!" said Harry as he gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
The next song was more upbeat, and as the kid gyrated to the music, Harry walked over to Parvati and yelled: "Would you like to dance?"
"Sure," Parvati yelled back.
Seizing his opportunity, Neville drug Rose out onto the floor also. And so, the night went on until Harry and Rose had each gotten to dance with all of their wives. At one point, Harry and Hermione were sharing a slow dance, when one of the Beuxbaton's girls tapped her on the shoulder and asked" "May I cut in?"
"Sure," said Hermione as she gave way to the stranger.
As soon as Hermione had stepped away, the strange girl was in Harry's arms rubber here body against his.
"Excuse me, I don't believe we've been introduced?" said Harry.
"Wotcher Harry!" said the girl as she pulled him into a kiss and stuck her tongue down his throat.
Harry's eyes went wide in shock, and he found himself gazing into her eyes and she kissed him. As he gazed into her eyes, they changed from blue to and electric violet shade. Then, she winked at him. As soon as she let him come up for air, Harry said: "You scared the kneezle out of me!"
"Do you think Rose will be fooled too?" she asked.
"Probably," said Hermione. "I mean, I had just come over to give you a piece of my mind until I realized who you were. Have fun, you two."
Author's Note
I'm surprised that no one has made a guess as to what their animagus forms are in this fic. Harry's is an animal that keeps multiple females. I'm still trying to decide whether Luna's will be Penguin or Kangaroo.
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