Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem

Chapter 24: clues to the Dark Lord Ron's plan.

by selenepotter

clues to the Dark Lord Ron's plan.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Erotica - Characters: Crabbe, Draco, Ernie, Ginny, Goyle, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Padma, Parvati, Ron, Sprout, Theodore Nott, Tonks - Warnings: [!!!] [?] [R] [Y] - Published: 2006-07-28 - Updated: 2006-07-28 - 1502 words

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling

Chapter 24: clues to the Dark Lord Ron's plan.

"We need to talk," commanded Tonks as she put her arm around May Potter and led her away from the family Christmas celebration.

"What's wrong?" asked May

"We need to hash things out, Slytherin to Slytherin," replied Tonks. "Tell me how you and Ron Weasley got together."

"Well, as you know, Harry had rescued me only a short time before school started," began May. "And the first thing we did in Slytherin house was Slave Week, which wasn't much better than Cambodia. Then, I figured that I might as well use the skills I had acquired during my captivity, so I started turning tricks in exchange for help on my homework. This worked pretty good for me and I was getting good grades. This year, Ron offered to help me with Defense. I thought, who would know more about Defense than the boy-who-lived. So I agreed to do him in exchange for his help. I never dreamed he would be such a good lover! After him, everyone else seems second rate!"

"And are you still turning tricks?" asked Tonks.

"Only when Ron wants me to," replied May. "I would do anything for him!"

"So he's like your pimp?" suggested Tonks.

"I guess so," said May. "'cept now I do it out of love instead of for profit."


On boxing day, Hermione flooed over with the Daily Prophet.

"Harry, you won't believe this!" said Hermione. "Fudge has gotten the Wizegamott to change it's rules so that they don't need a quorum any more. Apparently, so many members have gone missing that they were having trouble getting a quorum. This is bad! This is very bad!"

"I know it's bad that so many powerful people have disappeared and we're trying to crack the fidelius charm so that we can go after Regulus Black and rescue our mum, " said Harry. "But what's so bad about Fudge trying to keep things running?"

"Don't you see?" said Hermione. "Now Fudge has the power to rule by decree!"

"That is bad," said Harry. "Who knows what kind of stupid laws he will pass! Hey, what's that story about the Sons of the Serpent?"

"Oh, that," said Hermione. "It says that after all those police stations and post offices they've been hitting over the past few months, they finally committed a mass muggle killing."

"Where?" asked Harry.

"In Manchester," said Hermione. "They showed up at a production of MacBeth disguised as the three witches. Then, they transformed into their snake costumes before killing a couple of dozen muggles and escaping."

"I wonder why they keep attacking muggles instead of the Ministry?" asked Harry.


At the Second Task of the Tri-wizard tournament, there was a great hue and cry when Fleur came to the surface without Ron. By now, All the girls in Slytherin were in Ron's Harem, not just the one's who were close to his own age. They raised such a clamor that Ernie, Susan and Luna dove into the water to rescue him, transforming themselves into a Dolphin, Salmon and Penguin respectively. They swam down to the bottom of the lake to search for the boy-who-lived. With his SONAR, Ernie was the first to spot Ron and the three of them pushed him to the surface. Once his head had broken the surface, Dumbledore levitated him to shore and summoned the water from his lungs. Once Madame Pomfrey had begun to tend Ron's recovery, the crowd turned to the three Animagi, who had, by now resumed their human forms and emerged from the water. No one said a word as the silence grew. Then Professor Sprout stepped forward and said:

"You've become Animagi! Well done! 50 points to Hufflepuff! Of course you realize that you'll have to be registered now?"

"Yes, Professor Sprout," chorused the three.

"Thank you for saving my brother! Thank you! Thank you!" gushed Ginny as she gave them each a hug. The led to them being mobbed by Ron's grateful girlfriends, who each wanted to show their gratitude by giving them a hug.


"May I speak with you a moment?" Padma asked Yukio Black.

"Sure," replied Yukio.

"I was wondering if you might tell of your first time with Ron Weasley?" asked Padma. "I have been conducting a survey of his girlfriends."

"Well it was kind of a surprise, at the time," began Yukio. "I was taking a shower at the time when Ron and a group of the Slytherin boys came in. Crabbe and Goyle grabbed my arms and tried to force me down to the floor. I don't know why I did it, but I fought like a madwoman. Malfoy and Nott had to hold my legs in order to get me in position on the floor. I don't know why I was so terrified then. It seems so silly now. Ron made love to me and as soon as he was finished I could feel my whole outlook change. I knew then that I was utterly, hopelessly in love with Ron! And when he asked me to shag his friends, I happily complied. I would do anything for him!"


"Parvati, I need you to be my eyes," said Padma.

"What for?" asked Parvati.

"I have heard a rumor that Ron Weasley has some sort of tattoo on his gentials," said Padma. "I have certain suspicions about it and I need to look them up while looking at him. If you could view him after swimming in the lake, I could look things up in the family Tantra Grimoire without arousing suspicion."

And so, on May Day, Parvati, Rose and Neville went for a swim. They shed their clothes and put them on a blanket. Rose and Neville got into the water while Parvati lay out to work on her tan. When she saw Ron getting out of the water she sat up to get a better look at him. Ron noticed her staring and walked over to her.

"Do you like it?" asked Ron.

Parvati gazed at his tattoo. It was in the form of a dragon. The wings were on his pubic mound, the body was on his scrotum and the head and neck were on his penis. She found the sight both scary and erotic.

"My girls really like it," said Ron as he wagged it at her. "Many of them like to watch as the colors plunge in and out of them. Would you like to touch it?"

(PARVATI UNDER NO CIRCUMSTACES ARE YOU TO TOUCH HIM!) thought Padma. (Get back here as soon as possible! Bring Rose too! We need to have a family meeting!)

"No thank you," said Parvati, as she began to gather up her clothes.

"Oh, but I insist," replied Ron.

By now a group of Slytherin boys had gathered around her. They were starting to make her nervous. Suddenly, Parvati had a flash of intuition that caused her to transform into a mongoose. This was just in the nick of time,as this caused the Imperius Curse, that Ron had silently and wandlessly cast as her, to miss. She ran between his legs and to the shoreline before transforming back into her human form.

"Rose, we need to go now!" called Parvati.

As Rose and Neville started wading ashore, Draco grabbed Ron's arm and said:

"Let her go. There are too many witnesses. We can always get her later."


Once they were all assembled in the Room of Requirement, Padma stood addressed the Harem of Harry and Rose.

"I have ascertained what Ron Weasley has done and it is magic of the Darkest kind."

Author's notes

My last note may have given the mistaken impression that only Harry and Luna have been studying Animagery. In fact, the following characters have been studying Animagery for years using the Marauder's technique:

I was quite surprised that so many people guessed that Harry's Animagis form would be a lion. But when you think about it, that would not be a very useful form. A wizard is a lot more dangerous than a lion.
The main advantages of being able to turn yourself into an animal is either transportation (flying, swimming, galloping) or stealth.
But who says that an Animagis form has too be useful. They don't have any choice as to what their Animagis form is and some of them have nearly useless forms like salmon or sloth.
I don't plan to reveal any of the character's Animagis forms unless a situation arises in which it would be useful. Don't be surprised if this ability shows up "out of the blue."
In the mean time, feel free to guess what forms these characters can take.

There is someone who actually has a tattoo like Ron's
I originally saw it in a forwarded joke e-mail.

You've got the clues.
Can you figure out what Ron is doing?
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