Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem

Chapter 25: Tattoos of Power

by selenepotter

Tattoos of Power

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Erotica, Humor - Characters: Ernie, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Padma, Parvati, Tonks - Warnings: [!!!] [?] [R] [Y] - Published: 2006-07-30 - Updated: 2006-07-30 - 2264 words

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling

Chapter 25: Tattoos of Power

Once they were all assembled in the Room of Requirement, Padma stood and addressed the Harem of Harry and Rose.

"I have ascertained what Ron Weasley has done and it is magic of the Darkest kind."

She opened her Grimoire to the relevant page and showed them the illustration of a man and a woman with tattooed genitals.

"Padma, could you translate it for the benefit of those of us who can't read Sanskrit?" asked Harry.

"What this tattoo does is, it makes any girl he has intercourse with completely subservient to his will," began Padma. "They literally are compelled to do anything that he asks of them. But that's not all. Each time he binds a girl to him, he gains as much power as she has. This is in addition to whatever power he already had. So with each girl he takes, he becomes more powerful. It is a complete perversion of a sacred ritual!"

"I'LL KILL HIM!" yelled Harry as he rushed for the door.

Hermione stepped in front of him and barred the way.

"Don't do this Harry," pleaded Hermione. "It's not his fault! The Wrackspurt is making him do this!"


"When the potion is done we'll be able to cure him," pleaded Hermione. "He was our best friend for years! You'll never forgive yourself if you kill him! Besides, he's too powerful."

"Just how powerful is he?" asked Rose.

"This is a gross oversimplification of Arithmancy," said Padma. "But suppose you could rate the power level of wizards on a scale of 1 to 10, with 0 being muggles, 1 being squibs and 10 being Merlin? On this scale, most wizards and witches would be about a 3. Harry, Dumbledore and Voldemort would each be around a 7. On this scale, I would estimate that Ron is a 105."

"What can we do about it?" asked Ginny.

"We can complete the ritual the way it was meant to be," replied Padma. "The magical tattooing is supposed to be done by both members of a couple. They each become subservient to the other's will."

"So this is like the Hindu version of Soul Bonding?" offered Luna.

"Exactly, except it doesn't extent to future lives," said Padma. "Also, instead of adding to your strength, like it does when Ron does it unilaterally. When two people do this ritual, it multiples their power by each other, and with as many people as we have in our marriage, we will soon over take Ron's power levels."

"Well this is quite a big step in our relationship," said Harry. "Are we ready to consummate our marriage? Let see a show of hands."

Instantly, Rose and Parvati's hands shot up. Ginny was not far behind. Luna was the next to raise her hand. The rest of them stared at each other for a few seconds before Hermione raised her hand. Padma looked into her sister's eyes for a little longer before she raised her hand. Harry raised his hand and said:

"'Looks like we're all ready to take the next step."

"I would like to say a few things first," said Padma. "If we get these magical tattoos over the summer, since next year it will be my turn to be designated girlfriend, I would like to go first?"

"Second!" called out Ginny.

"Last!" called out Luna.

"Tonks already reserved last place years ago," said Harry. "You'll have to be fifth."

"Fourth!" called out Hermione.

"I guess that makes me third," said Parvati.

"What about me?" asked Rose.

"The ritual only works with heterosexual intercourse," said Padma. "So unless you and Harry want to-"

"NO!" shouted Harry and Rose.

"Then you should not get the tattoo," said Padma. "If you did, then you would be just like Ron."

"Why do I have to be left out?" said Rose. "It's not fair!"

"Life is seldom fair," observed Padma. "I should also correct your assumption that all of these girls that Ron as enslaved were raped. Many of them, including your sister, May, had intercourse with him of their own free will. He did rape some of them thought, most notably, the younger ones, like your sister, Jane, and the Black sisters. In a few cases he even used the Imperius Curse to get them to submit to his lusts. Of course, once he had bound them, they became no longer able to give consent. One could easily argue that every time after this first constitutes rape even if they were willing the first time."


It was quite a relief to Harry that when Fleur won the third task and grasped the cup, she was not portkeyed to a graveyard for the resurrection of Lord Voldemort.


On the train ride back to London, Harry was sharing a compartment with Padma, Hermione, Susan and Ernie when Yukio burst in.

"Harry, I've already spoken to Rose and now I'm telling you," began Yukio Black. "Uncle Regulus sent me an owl and said that if you make a scene at the station again, he's going to sell Jamie into sex slavery. So, please leave us alone."

"But you and your mom are my only links my mother!" protested Harry.

"If you want to rescue us next fall when we're all in one place, I'm all for it," said Yukio. "But until then, leave us alone!"

"I can't do that," said Harry. "I can't let my mom suffer even one more minute that she has to."

"Well, we'll see what my boyfriend has to say about this," threatened Yukio as she slammed the door and stomped off.

"Remember Harry, were going to cure him next fall, so don't kill Ron," warned Hermione.

"Can I at least mangle him a little?" asked Harry.

"Harry!" warned Hermione as Susan giggled.


When they got to King's Cross Station, Harry left his luggage behind and rushed out into the platform all of the Slytherins had the same idea and they had formed a human wall that prevented Harry from passing.

"Excuse me please," asked Harry and he tried to get through.

"Going somewhere Potter?" asked Ron, who had already drawn his wand on him.

"Let me pass please!" begged Harry as he saw Yukio and Roma Black exiting through the wall that led to the terminal.

"None of my girls want you causing trouble for them," said Ron.

"Especially not Yukio and Roma," said May Potter.

"Stupify!" yelled Ron, May, Jane and several other Slytherins simultaneously.

"Protego!" yelled Harry as he cast a shielding charm that was able to block all of the stunners, except Ron's. He punched through Harry's shield like it wasn't even there.

Harry flopped to the floor just as Rose came bursting out of the train. She ran to the side of her twin and cast:


"As Harry's eyes fluttered awake he called out:

"Yukio, wait!"

"I'm sure she's gotten away by now," sneered Ron. "Go ahead, see for yourself."

Harry and Rose searched the terminal but no sign of the Blacks could be found.


Only a few days after they were home for the summer, Harry's Harem all went to Marks of Darkness, a magical tattoo shop in Knockturn Alley. When they walked into the shop they were greeted by an odd looking witch. She wore a black leather corset that was open and laced up the front. She had a black leather tong and thigh high black leather high-healed boots. This outfits showed off enough of her flesh to reveal that the only parts of her body that weren't covered by tattoos were her hands and face.

"May I help you?" asked the tattooed Witch.

"Yes," said Padma as she opened her grimoire and showed the relevant page. "We'd all like a set of complimenting magical tattoos."

"Well, well," said the tattooed Witch. "I did something similar to this last summer. Is this a new fad?"

"Hopefully not," said Hermione.

"Who's first?" said the tattooed Witch.

"I am," replied Harry.

"Of course you realize that for part of this, I'm going to need you to be erect," said the Tattooed Witch. "When the time comes, do you want me to help you with that or are your lady friends going to help you with that?"

"We can take care of him just fine," said Ginny.


The chimney flaired and Padma Patil stepped out of it, follower shortly after by her identical twin sister, Parvati.

"Welcome!" said Rose, as she greeted each of her Patil wives with a kiss.

"Greetings Padma, Pavati," said Harry, as he bowed formally to them. "I thought me might have a light lunch and then go for a walk on the grounds.

"That sounds agreeable to me," said Padma as she returned his bow.

"Sounds fun to me too!" said Parvati as she hoped forward and gave Harry a kiss.

The younger Potter sisters, May and Jane joined them for lunch and talked non-stop abound how great Ron, the boy-who-lived was. After lunch, Harry took Padma by the hand and led her out onto the estate, while Row and Parvati went in a different direction. Harry and Padma talked of trivial things until they came to a field of corn. Still holding her hand, Harry led her deep into the corn.

"Harry, why have you led me here?" asked Padma.

"Well, it's been several weeks," said Harry as he brushed her cheek. "And I'm not sore anymore. So I was hoping you might be ready to, you know?"

"I too, am no long sore from the tattoos," said Padma, as she ran her hands through his hair. "And while I know that I have kept you waiting for years, I would like it if you could stand to wait just a little while longer. I would like to go slowly, so that each milestone will be special. For today, I would like to confine our exploration to kissing. Is that acceptable?"

Harry nodded and pulled her into a kiss. It was a spectacular kiss. The only one who had come close was Hermione and he knew that she and Padma had been practicing on each other. As her tongue entered him her could feel the blood rushing to his tattoed area.

(This was definitely worth the wait!) thought Harry.

Rose led Parvati through the bushes. When the emerged, they found themselves on the banks of a pond. There was a blonde haired girl swimming in it alone who squeeeled and ducked under the water when she saw them.

"You won't tell anyone you saw me being sinful?" asked Gwendolyn when she came back up for air. Gwendolyn was one of the Mennonite Witches that lived on and worked Hufflepuff Manor. Like Parvati, she was 15 years old.

"Not at all," said Rose as she began undressing. "Do you mind if we join you?"

"S-sure" said Gwendolyn as she watched the two girls undress.

Soon the 3 girls were laughing and splashing each other until Rose and Parvati felt sensations wash over them.

(This was definitely worth the wait!) thought Harry.

Rose leapt into Parvati's arms and started imitating Harry's movements.

"What are you doing?" asked Gwendolyn.

"It's okay, we're married," gasped Rose.

As Harry got more excited, his hand wandered around to Padma's breast. She promptly grabbed his hand and put it on her back as she pressed her chest against his.


On their second date, all four of the twins went to swim in the pond. As they were floating in the water, wrapped around each other, Harry observed that the Patils had really filled out over the past year. This time, Padma didn't stop him when he tried to fondle her breast. But she didn't let him do more.


After the Potters boarded the train, they began searching to their friends and wives. Rose quickly found a carriage with Neville, Pavarti, Ginny and Luna. As the others continued down the hallway, Harry spotted the Blacks in a compartment by themselves.

"Now that Jamie's coming to school, will you let me go home with you so I can rescue my mom?" asked Harry as May and Jane slipped past him and into the carriage.

"We're not going back," replied Yukio. "We managed to slip away over the summer. Jamie's is one of Ron's girls now. He'll protect us."

"I'm sorry about what has happened to you," said Harry shaking his head. "I promise I will do everything in my power to make sure you have a happy life."

Finally, Harry found the compartment that Padma, Hermione, Susan and Ernie were sharing.

"Padma, you've kept me waiting long enough," said Harry. "Jamie Black has already joined Ron's harem. Every day that we wait is a day when someone else could be taken."

"Would you like to take me right here?" asked Padma, as Susan covered her mouth in shock and Ernie's eye's lit up. "I promise that I will be ready by the end of the week."

"I'm sorry," said Harry. "It's just that I hate to see all of these girls as his own personal love slaves."

"Hey yeah," said Ernie. "Harry's right. We should go all the way for the good of Ron's love slaves!"

"Very funny!" said Susan as she elbowed him.

Author's note
Ron's tattoo and its' effects on women was inspired by Harry Potter and the News by Big D on A Diet (a much better writer than me) Check it out on Potter's Place 3 at Yahoogroups.
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