Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem
Chapter 26: Patil
Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Patil
Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Chapter 26: Patil
As they were waiting for the sorting to begin, Ernie piped up and said:
"Hey! Did you read about the Sons of The Serpent last week?"
"No. What happened?" asked Harry.
"They flew on their brooms into a football stadium and killed a couple of hundred muggles!" said Ernie. "And it was on live fellyvision too!"
"Well that certainly blows the Statute of Secrecy out the window," observed Ginny. "Did they catch them?"
"No. They flew out of the stadium and apparated away," said Ernie.
When the sorting began, they were very much surprised that Jamie Black was sorted into: "HUFFLEPUFF!"
Harry immediately turned to Luna and said:
"Jamie Black is one of Ron's Stepford girls, pass it on!"
"Oh there's no need for that," said Luna, with a far away look in her eyes. "I already told everyone in our house while we were still on the train."
"Looks like your intuition has saved us again," said Harry.
"How did you end up in our house?" asked Ginny when Jamie sat down next to her.
"I don't know!" said Jamie, crestfallen. "I told the Hat I wanted to be in the house with Ron and it told me loyalty like that belongs in Hufflepuff."
"Well, yeah, loyalty is what we do," said Susan.
"Padma, I've got a surprise quiz in History class. Could we switch places?" asked Parvati.
"Please! I'll go to your Herbalogy lab!" pleaded Parvati.
"Well alright," agreed Padma.
"Here's a broom closet where we can switch robes!" said Parvati.
Since first year, the two girls had often traded classes. Padma was better at organized, intellectual classes and Parvati was better at artistic intuitive classes. After Padma had stripped off her robe and handed it to Parvati she said:
"You realize, of course, that if someone were to open the door right now that there would be rumors of incest spreading around the school," observed Padma.
"Oh you!" said Parvati as she hit her twin in the face with her robe.
Once Padma arrived at History class with the Gryfindors and the Hufflepuffs, she found that there was indeed a quiz that day. Padma aced it with ease. At the end of class, Harry started to rush out of the room.
"Harry, wait!" called Padma.
"No time!" called Harry as he ran off.
Harry caught up with Parvati was she was coming into the castle from the greenhouses. She had just finished impersonating Padma for Herbalogy with the Ravenclaws and Slytherins. She had managed to fool Professor Sprout, but not Hermione.
"Are you ready?" asked an out of breath Harry, mistaking her for Padma.
"For what?" asked Parvati, forgetting for a moment that she was supposed to be pretending to be her sister.
"We had a date in the Room of Requirements," said Harry. "We were going to finally, you know?"
"Oh! Yes! Let's go!" said Parvati as she grabbed Harry by the hand and started dragging him away.
(Parvati! Do not do this!) thought Padma.
(Why not, we're married?) thought Parvati.
(For one thing, are you sure you are old enough?) thought Padma. (I thought you might like to feel me consummate before you did it yourself. That way, you will know what you are getting into.)
(I'm not afraid!) thought Parvati.
(I am not going to make you wait your turn,) thought Padma. (But if you do this, you may regret it.)
(Thanks 'sis) thought Parvati, (But, I'm not afraid.)
When they got to the entrance of the Room of Requirements, Harry hesitated.
"You said you wanted a special setting for this," said Harry. "Let's see what you come up with."
"What's wrong?" asked Rose.
"My sister is about the consummate with Harry," said Padma.
"Well let's go back to my bed and do a bit of consummating of our own," said Rose, giving Padma a wink.
When Parvati opened the door to the Room of Requirements, it looked very much like the 5th year girls' room of Gryfindor Tower, except there was only one four-poster bed and it was twice as big as the beds usually were. As soon as Harry had shut the door behind him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him into a deep, lingering French kiss. As they kissed, their breathing grew more rapid and they began to grope one another. Harry began fondling her bum as he slowly pulled up the hem of her robe until he could stick his hands in her knickers. After kneeding her bum for a while, He worked his hand around to the sides and broke of their kiss as he slowly pulled her knickers down to her ankles. He pushed her back against the bed and knelt at her feet. He pulled of her socks and shoes, then, kissed each foot. He began kissing his way upwards on her ankles, calves, knees, inner thighs, higher and higher he raised the hem of her robe as he got closer and closer to her love cavern.
Back in the room with the other two lovers, Rose bounded into her bed and had pulled off her robe by the time Padma had parted the curtains. Following Rose's lead, Padma started undressing herself. Rose finished before she did and pounced on her as she pulled her into a kiss. As their tongues danced, their moans were muffled into hums of pleasure. Padma opened her eyes and found herself looking into a pair of deep dark brown eyes that matched her own. Not only that, but Rose had changed her hair color to match Padma too.
Rose began kissing her way down to Padma's tattoos. Both the Patil twins were self conscious about how late they had bloomed and so, had grown their pubic hair back immediately after their tattooing. Rose parted the hair and let her tongue explore. Then, she began moaning, as Padma returned the favor.
Back in the Room of Requirement, Harry parted Parvati's hair and began flickering his tongue across her nub. Parvati moaned in ecstasy as she felt her passion rise. This was the first time Harry had pleasured her in this particular way and she was finding Harry's tongue gave her a different thrill than Rose's. When Parvati felt herself, her sister, Rose, Ginny, Luna and Tonks reach their climax, she pushed Harry away. In a flash, she had pulled her robe off and unhooked her bra. Then, Parvati began ripping the clothes off of Harry. She lay back on the bed and let Harry look at her. When he approached, she spread her legs for him and he knelt between them as he leaned forward to kiss her. Holding him self above her, Harry kissed her as he rubbed his erection against her pubic mound. Parvati could feel her juices flowing as she ached for him. She reached down to guide him in. He slowly plunged in until he felt resistance, then, with a sudden thrust overcame that resistance.
"OW! Shakti! That hurts!" said Parvati.
In another room, a young girl called out: "Ow! What are you doing?" gasped Rose.
"The pain you just felt was not you," said Padma. "It was my sister losing her maidenhood."
Back on the double bed with Harry and Parvati, Harry asked: "Do you want me to stop?"
"No. Keep going," panted Parvati.
As he continued thrusting, they felt their passion build to another peak, then release in a wave of ecstasy.
Rose and Parvati too were recovering from orgasmic bliss. "How did you learn to do that so well, Padma?" asked Rose.
"Hermione and I have been practicing," replied Padma.
Rose felt herself tingling at the thought of Hermione and Padma eating each other for learning purposes.
(Oh! Padma's going to kill me!) thought Parvati as she started to come back to her senses.
(Wait a minute! Padma's going to-) "Parvati!" yelled Harry as he pulled back to look at her. "How could you? I wanted our first time to be special!"
"It was special to me! Wasn't it special to you?" yelled Parvati as she pushed him off of her.
"Of course it was special to me!" yelled Harry. "I just didn't know it was you! Did you and Padma set this up together?"
"No, we just traded places for class!" said Parvati. "She didn't know you were going to rush of to meet her! Taking her place was my idea. And I'll thank you not to blame her!"
"Okay," said Harry docilely.
"Wait a minute!" said Parvati. You have to obey my every whim now right?"
"Just as you have to obey mine," replied Harry.
They stared at each other silently a minute.
"Let's do it again!" they both commanded, then, fell into each other's arms.
After the third time Harry thought to himself:
(Wow! I couldn't have done that in my last life! I wonder if it's a side effect of my power increase?)
(Hold on, I'll ask Padma) thought Parvati. (Padma, do you think that Harry's power increase has helped his stamina?)
(Parvati are you hearing my thoughts?) thought Harry.
(Yes! This is amazing!) thought Parvati. (It's like thinking to Padma! Oh, by the way, Padma say that she thinks on the 1-10 scale, we're both about a 21, more than twice as powerful as Merlin!)
(I have the same link with Rose) thought Harry. (Do you think it's permanent?)
(Padma thinks so) thought Parvati.
Chapter 26: Patil
As they were waiting for the sorting to begin, Ernie piped up and said:
"Hey! Did you read about the Sons of The Serpent last week?"
"No. What happened?" asked Harry.
"They flew on their brooms into a football stadium and killed a couple of hundred muggles!" said Ernie. "And it was on live fellyvision too!"
"Well that certainly blows the Statute of Secrecy out the window," observed Ginny. "Did they catch them?"
"No. They flew out of the stadium and apparated away," said Ernie.
When the sorting began, they were very much surprised that Jamie Black was sorted into: "HUFFLEPUFF!"
Harry immediately turned to Luna and said:
"Jamie Black is one of Ron's Stepford girls, pass it on!"
"Oh there's no need for that," said Luna, with a far away look in her eyes. "I already told everyone in our house while we were still on the train."
"Looks like your intuition has saved us again," said Harry.
"How did you end up in our house?" asked Ginny when Jamie sat down next to her.
"I don't know!" said Jamie, crestfallen. "I told the Hat I wanted to be in the house with Ron and it told me loyalty like that belongs in Hufflepuff."
"Well, yeah, loyalty is what we do," said Susan.
"Padma, I've got a surprise quiz in History class. Could we switch places?" asked Parvati.
"Please! I'll go to your Herbalogy lab!" pleaded Parvati.
"Well alright," agreed Padma.
"Here's a broom closet where we can switch robes!" said Parvati.
Since first year, the two girls had often traded classes. Padma was better at organized, intellectual classes and Parvati was better at artistic intuitive classes. After Padma had stripped off her robe and handed it to Parvati she said:
"You realize, of course, that if someone were to open the door right now that there would be rumors of incest spreading around the school," observed Padma.
"Oh you!" said Parvati as she hit her twin in the face with her robe.
Once Padma arrived at History class with the Gryfindors and the Hufflepuffs, she found that there was indeed a quiz that day. Padma aced it with ease. At the end of class, Harry started to rush out of the room.
"Harry, wait!" called Padma.
"No time!" called Harry as he ran off.
Harry caught up with Parvati was she was coming into the castle from the greenhouses. She had just finished impersonating Padma for Herbalogy with the Ravenclaws and Slytherins. She had managed to fool Professor Sprout, but not Hermione.
"Are you ready?" asked an out of breath Harry, mistaking her for Padma.
"For what?" asked Parvati, forgetting for a moment that she was supposed to be pretending to be her sister.
"We had a date in the Room of Requirements," said Harry. "We were going to finally, you know?"
"Oh! Yes! Let's go!" said Parvati as she grabbed Harry by the hand and started dragging him away.
(Parvati! Do not do this!) thought Padma.
(Why not, we're married?) thought Parvati.
(For one thing, are you sure you are old enough?) thought Padma. (I thought you might like to feel me consummate before you did it yourself. That way, you will know what you are getting into.)
(I'm not afraid!) thought Parvati.
(I am not going to make you wait your turn,) thought Padma. (But if you do this, you may regret it.)
(Thanks 'sis) thought Parvati, (But, I'm not afraid.)
When they got to the entrance of the Room of Requirements, Harry hesitated.
"You said you wanted a special setting for this," said Harry. "Let's see what you come up with."
"What's wrong?" asked Rose.
"My sister is about the consummate with Harry," said Padma.
"Well let's go back to my bed and do a bit of consummating of our own," said Rose, giving Padma a wink.
When Parvati opened the door to the Room of Requirements, it looked very much like the 5th year girls' room of Gryfindor Tower, except there was only one four-poster bed and it was twice as big as the beds usually were. As soon as Harry had shut the door behind him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him into a deep, lingering French kiss. As they kissed, their breathing grew more rapid and they began to grope one another. Harry began fondling her bum as he slowly pulled up the hem of her robe until he could stick his hands in her knickers. After kneeding her bum for a while, He worked his hand around to the sides and broke of their kiss as he slowly pulled her knickers down to her ankles. He pushed her back against the bed and knelt at her feet. He pulled of her socks and shoes, then, kissed each foot. He began kissing his way upwards on her ankles, calves, knees, inner thighs, higher and higher he raised the hem of her robe as he got closer and closer to her love cavern.
Back in the room with the other two lovers, Rose bounded into her bed and had pulled off her robe by the time Padma had parted the curtains. Following Rose's lead, Padma started undressing herself. Rose finished before she did and pounced on her as she pulled her into a kiss. As their tongues danced, their moans were muffled into hums of pleasure. Padma opened her eyes and found herself looking into a pair of deep dark brown eyes that matched her own. Not only that, but Rose had changed her hair color to match Padma too.
Rose began kissing her way down to Padma's tattoos. Both the Patil twins were self conscious about how late they had bloomed and so, had grown their pubic hair back immediately after their tattooing. Rose parted the hair and let her tongue explore. Then, she began moaning, as Padma returned the favor.
Back in the Room of Requirement, Harry parted Parvati's hair and began flickering his tongue across her nub. Parvati moaned in ecstasy as she felt her passion rise. This was the first time Harry had pleasured her in this particular way and she was finding Harry's tongue gave her a different thrill than Rose's. When Parvati felt herself, her sister, Rose, Ginny, Luna and Tonks reach their climax, she pushed Harry away. In a flash, she had pulled her robe off and unhooked her bra. Then, Parvati began ripping the clothes off of Harry. She lay back on the bed and let Harry look at her. When he approached, she spread her legs for him and he knelt between them as he leaned forward to kiss her. Holding him self above her, Harry kissed her as he rubbed his erection against her pubic mound. Parvati could feel her juices flowing as she ached for him. She reached down to guide him in. He slowly plunged in until he felt resistance, then, with a sudden thrust overcame that resistance.
"OW! Shakti! That hurts!" said Parvati.
In another room, a young girl called out: "Ow! What are you doing?" gasped Rose.
"The pain you just felt was not you," said Padma. "It was my sister losing her maidenhood."
Back on the double bed with Harry and Parvati, Harry asked: "Do you want me to stop?"
"No. Keep going," panted Parvati.
As he continued thrusting, they felt their passion build to another peak, then release in a wave of ecstasy.
Rose and Parvati too were recovering from orgasmic bliss. "How did you learn to do that so well, Padma?" asked Rose.
"Hermione and I have been practicing," replied Padma.
Rose felt herself tingling at the thought of Hermione and Padma eating each other for learning purposes.
(Oh! Padma's going to kill me!) thought Parvati as she started to come back to her senses.
(Wait a minute! Padma's going to-) "Parvati!" yelled Harry as he pulled back to look at her. "How could you? I wanted our first time to be special!"
"It was special to me! Wasn't it special to you?" yelled Parvati as she pushed him off of her.
"Of course it was special to me!" yelled Harry. "I just didn't know it was you! Did you and Padma set this up together?"
"No, we just traded places for class!" said Parvati. "She didn't know you were going to rush of to meet her! Taking her place was my idea. And I'll thank you not to blame her!"
"Okay," said Harry docilely.
"Wait a minute!" said Parvati. You have to obey my every whim now right?"
"Just as you have to obey mine," replied Harry.
They stared at each other silently a minute.
"Let's do it again!" they both commanded, then, fell into each other's arms.
After the third time Harry thought to himself:
(Wow! I couldn't have done that in my last life! I wonder if it's a side effect of my power increase?)
(Hold on, I'll ask Padma) thought Parvati. (Padma, do you think that Harry's power increase has helped his stamina?)
(Parvati are you hearing my thoughts?) thought Harry.
(Yes! This is amazing!) thought Parvati. (It's like thinking to Padma! Oh, by the way, Padma say that she thinks on the 1-10 scale, we're both about a 21, more than twice as powerful as Merlin!)
(I have the same link with Rose) thought Harry. (Do you think it's permanent?)
(Padma thinks so) thought Parvati.
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