Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem
Chapter 27: Hufflepuff Manor
Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Ginny
Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Chapter 27: Hufflepuff Manor
When Harry got back to his room in the Hufflepuff wing, Luna and Ginny were already waiting for him in bed. Ginny, was wearing a green camisole. Luna, as usual, wore nothing to bed.
"So, it looks like you and Padma have finally crossed the Rubicon!" teased Ginny. "Guess it's my turn tomorrow?"
"Actually that was Parvati," said Harry. "She'd switched places with her sister and tricked me. But it's okay. When I walked her back to Gryfindor Tower, we ran into Padma and discussed the situation. Padma's going to take Parvati's turn after you. So, if you're ready, we're on for tomorrow. Is there anything special you would like to do to the Room of Requirements?"
"Actually, I was thinking that since tomorrow is Saturday, we could go to Hufflepuff Manor for the day," said Ginny. "If you're going to make me Lady Hufflepuff, I want to be taken by Lord Hufflepuff in Lady Hufflepuff's bed."
"Sound good to me," said Harry. "But what are you going to do, Luna. I hate to leave you alone."
"I thought that since the Room is going to be available, I might invite Rose and Parvati to spent the night in it with me," said Luna.
Just then, Susan and Ernie came into the room.
"What's going on?" asked Ernie, seeing the two girls in bed so early and Harry partially undressed.
"Harry fucked Parvati," said Ginny.
"Oh," said Susan, nervously. Having the bundling couple share a room was supposed to make them act as each other's chaperones. Normally, even 7th year Hufflepuffs were too shy to do more than cuddle in the same room with each other. But ever since Harry, Ginny and Luna had started going down on each other, the rest of the couples sharing their room had overcome their inhibitions and imitated the triad. Now that Harry had started having sex, she knew that it was only a matter of time before he started having it with Ginny and Luna. And the other couples, including her and Ernie, would not be far behind. The thought trilled and frightened her.
The next morning after breakfast, Harry activated his Hufflepuff ring and portkeyed himself and Ginny to Hufflepuff Manor. They appeared the in throne room.
"Well, we've got all day," said Harry. How about if we go for a swim and have a picnic lunch?"
"That sounds great! Meet you at the pond!" said Ginny as she transformed into her animagus form and flew out the window.
Harry pulled his Firebolt out of his pocket, enlarged it and flew after her. His broom could fly much faster than her and he soon caught up with her. As he flew corkscrew circles around her he said, "I hope you weren't considering this some sort of race. You know you can't possibly outrace my Firebolt."
Ginny squawked at him and flapped her wing harder to give her self some altitude.
"You can't out climb me either," teased Harry.
Ginny's response was to extend her wings and begin gliding on an updraft. Harry shot past her and turned around to come back. Then her zoomed past her and had to turn around again. His Firebolt was designed to be a racing broom. It couldn't slow down enough to match her speed. Instead, he had to zig-zag back and forth in order to stay in her vicinity. When she spotted the pond, she gave one last squawk to Harry and folded in her wings into a dive. This time, Harry was able to match her speed as they dove for the lake. Just before he reached the surface of the water, Harry pulled out of the dive and zoomed over the shore where he dismounted and began getting undressed. Ginny did not stop, however. She plunged deep beneath the surface of the pond before bobbing back up to the surface. She then leisurely paddled to the shore before changing back to human form.
As she began pulling he robe over her head, Harry remarked:
"Boy, I'll never get over how you can dive so deep into the water, but once you've transformed from pelican to human, your clothes are still dry."
"Isn't magic great!" said Ginny as she unhooked her bra.
Soon they were both undressed and frolicking in the water. They held each other and kissed and rubbed against each other for several hours. Soon it was lunch time. As they waded out of the water, they found a blanket spread with a picnic lunch on it. After a light lunch, Harry asked:
"What would he like to do this afternoon?"
"I want to ride you, bareback," replied Ginny.
"Are you going to play Lady Godiva for the benefit of the locals?" asked Harry.
"No, I'll let Luna do that," said Ginny as she began getting dressed.
As Harry got dressed, he noticed that she didn't put her knickers back on, but, instead, put them in her pocket. Once they had gotten dressed, Harry transformed into his animagus form and Ginny climbed onto his back.
"Let me get situated here," said Ginny as she shifted and arranged her robe.
Harry nickered in response as she arranged her robe so that her bare skin was on his back.
Once they departed, Ginny began to feel her excitement build as she felt his body between her legs. Each time she bounced, she could feel her labia brush against his spine as he galloped along.
Harry felt it too, and his excitement was very visible to her when she finally slid off of him at the end of the day.
He transformed back to human and they went into the manor house for dinner. Rather than sit across from her, Harry had taken a seat that was on the corner so that after desert, he could lean in a catch her in a kiss.
Ginny responded eagerly and began exploring with her tongue. When she felt Harry's begin to massage her breast, she moaned and broke off the kiss.
"How about I change into something more comfortable?" said Ginny as she stood from the table. As she walked out the door, she turned and gave back a glace at Harry, with a smile on her face.
When she returned, Harry could believe his eyes. She was wearing a short black nightgown with gold trim. It was open on the sides and laced with gold laces. Al was also shear enough lace that there was no doubt in Harry's mind that she was not wearing anything beneath it.
"Lord Hufflepuff," said Ginny. "Would you care to join Lady Hufflepuff in her room for a nightcap?"
"Wow!" said Harry as he strode over to her. He stuck his hands in through the sides so he could caress her bare back as he kissed her.
After they broke off the kiss, Ginny led him by the hand back to her bedroom. Being a 14th century manor house, there were separate bedrooms for the Lord and Lady of the house. When they reached the bedroom of Lady Hufflepuff, Ginny pulled Harry into another kiss and began undressing him and she kissed him. By the time she had disrobed him, it was obvious that he was ready for her. She raised her arms over her head and let him pull the nightgown off of her. She was plenty excited herself as her moistness showed. Still kissing and caressing, she worked her way over to the bed and pulled him onto her.
As she lay back, Harry started kissing her neck. Slowly, he made his way down to her breasts and suckled and kissed them as she moaned with pleasure. When he started to kiss his way down further, Ginny moaned, "Just fuck me Harry! Fuck me now!"
Kneeling between her legs, Ginny guided him in. When he felt resistance, Harry pulled back and rammed into her, causing her to give off a moaning gasp of pain and pleasure. She spread her legs wide to allow him easier access and he continued to pump her in a mad dash for a finish line. Then, with a groan, he spilled his seed into her and collapsed.
They held each other close for a while until he's softened enough to fall out of her. Then he climbed off of her and lay down next to her. After they had rested, Ginny used her wand to clean the blood and goo off of them, then, rolled Harry onto his back. Taking him in her hand, she licked his head before taking it into her mouth. As she continued to give him oral pleasure, he began to stiffen until he was fully erect. Once he was, she shifted around and pulled him onto her. This time, he was able to keep going until the reached a simultaneous orgasm.
(So, Ginny can you hear me?) thought Harry.
(Yes! This is amazing! I can hear your thoughts!" thought Ginny.
(Can you hear Rose or Parvati?) asked Harry.
(No. Just you,) thought Ginny. (I wonder how much more powerful we are now)
(Padma thought that we would both be a 63 after we completed the ceremony) thought Harry. (I didn't realize that I would be able to share thought with my wives though)
(That's more than six times as powerful as Merlin!) thought Ginny. (We're almost as powerful as Ron!)
(And I've got four more wives to go!) thought Harry.
Chapter 27: Hufflepuff Manor
When Harry got back to his room in the Hufflepuff wing, Luna and Ginny were already waiting for him in bed. Ginny, was wearing a green camisole. Luna, as usual, wore nothing to bed.
"So, it looks like you and Padma have finally crossed the Rubicon!" teased Ginny. "Guess it's my turn tomorrow?"
"Actually that was Parvati," said Harry. "She'd switched places with her sister and tricked me. But it's okay. When I walked her back to Gryfindor Tower, we ran into Padma and discussed the situation. Padma's going to take Parvati's turn after you. So, if you're ready, we're on for tomorrow. Is there anything special you would like to do to the Room of Requirements?"
"Actually, I was thinking that since tomorrow is Saturday, we could go to Hufflepuff Manor for the day," said Ginny. "If you're going to make me Lady Hufflepuff, I want to be taken by Lord Hufflepuff in Lady Hufflepuff's bed."
"Sound good to me," said Harry. "But what are you going to do, Luna. I hate to leave you alone."
"I thought that since the Room is going to be available, I might invite Rose and Parvati to spent the night in it with me," said Luna.
Just then, Susan and Ernie came into the room.
"What's going on?" asked Ernie, seeing the two girls in bed so early and Harry partially undressed.
"Harry fucked Parvati," said Ginny.
"Oh," said Susan, nervously. Having the bundling couple share a room was supposed to make them act as each other's chaperones. Normally, even 7th year Hufflepuffs were too shy to do more than cuddle in the same room with each other. But ever since Harry, Ginny and Luna had started going down on each other, the rest of the couples sharing their room had overcome their inhibitions and imitated the triad. Now that Harry had started having sex, she knew that it was only a matter of time before he started having it with Ginny and Luna. And the other couples, including her and Ernie, would not be far behind. The thought trilled and frightened her.
The next morning after breakfast, Harry activated his Hufflepuff ring and portkeyed himself and Ginny to Hufflepuff Manor. They appeared the in throne room.
"Well, we've got all day," said Harry. How about if we go for a swim and have a picnic lunch?"
"That sounds great! Meet you at the pond!" said Ginny as she transformed into her animagus form and flew out the window.
Harry pulled his Firebolt out of his pocket, enlarged it and flew after her. His broom could fly much faster than her and he soon caught up with her. As he flew corkscrew circles around her he said, "I hope you weren't considering this some sort of race. You know you can't possibly outrace my Firebolt."
Ginny squawked at him and flapped her wing harder to give her self some altitude.
"You can't out climb me either," teased Harry.
Ginny's response was to extend her wings and begin gliding on an updraft. Harry shot past her and turned around to come back. Then her zoomed past her and had to turn around again. His Firebolt was designed to be a racing broom. It couldn't slow down enough to match her speed. Instead, he had to zig-zag back and forth in order to stay in her vicinity. When she spotted the pond, she gave one last squawk to Harry and folded in her wings into a dive. This time, Harry was able to match her speed as they dove for the lake. Just before he reached the surface of the water, Harry pulled out of the dive and zoomed over the shore where he dismounted and began getting undressed. Ginny did not stop, however. She plunged deep beneath the surface of the pond before bobbing back up to the surface. She then leisurely paddled to the shore before changing back to human form.
As she began pulling he robe over her head, Harry remarked:
"Boy, I'll never get over how you can dive so deep into the water, but once you've transformed from pelican to human, your clothes are still dry."
"Isn't magic great!" said Ginny as she unhooked her bra.
Soon they were both undressed and frolicking in the water. They held each other and kissed and rubbed against each other for several hours. Soon it was lunch time. As they waded out of the water, they found a blanket spread with a picnic lunch on it. After a light lunch, Harry asked:
"What would he like to do this afternoon?"
"I want to ride you, bareback," replied Ginny.
"Are you going to play Lady Godiva for the benefit of the locals?" asked Harry.
"No, I'll let Luna do that," said Ginny as she began getting dressed.
As Harry got dressed, he noticed that she didn't put her knickers back on, but, instead, put them in her pocket. Once they had gotten dressed, Harry transformed into his animagus form and Ginny climbed onto his back.
"Let me get situated here," said Ginny as she shifted and arranged her robe.
Harry nickered in response as she arranged her robe so that her bare skin was on his back.
Once they departed, Ginny began to feel her excitement build as she felt his body between her legs. Each time she bounced, she could feel her labia brush against his spine as he galloped along.
Harry felt it too, and his excitement was very visible to her when she finally slid off of him at the end of the day.
He transformed back to human and they went into the manor house for dinner. Rather than sit across from her, Harry had taken a seat that was on the corner so that after desert, he could lean in a catch her in a kiss.
Ginny responded eagerly and began exploring with her tongue. When she felt Harry's begin to massage her breast, she moaned and broke off the kiss.
"How about I change into something more comfortable?" said Ginny as she stood from the table. As she walked out the door, she turned and gave back a glace at Harry, with a smile on her face.
When she returned, Harry could believe his eyes. She was wearing a short black nightgown with gold trim. It was open on the sides and laced with gold laces. Al was also shear enough lace that there was no doubt in Harry's mind that she was not wearing anything beneath it.
"Lord Hufflepuff," said Ginny. "Would you care to join Lady Hufflepuff in her room for a nightcap?"
"Wow!" said Harry as he strode over to her. He stuck his hands in through the sides so he could caress her bare back as he kissed her.
After they broke off the kiss, Ginny led him by the hand back to her bedroom. Being a 14th century manor house, there were separate bedrooms for the Lord and Lady of the house. When they reached the bedroom of Lady Hufflepuff, Ginny pulled Harry into another kiss and began undressing him and she kissed him. By the time she had disrobed him, it was obvious that he was ready for her. She raised her arms over her head and let him pull the nightgown off of her. She was plenty excited herself as her moistness showed. Still kissing and caressing, she worked her way over to the bed and pulled him onto her.
As she lay back, Harry started kissing her neck. Slowly, he made his way down to her breasts and suckled and kissed them as she moaned with pleasure. When he started to kiss his way down further, Ginny moaned, "Just fuck me Harry! Fuck me now!"
Kneeling between her legs, Ginny guided him in. When he felt resistance, Harry pulled back and rammed into her, causing her to give off a moaning gasp of pain and pleasure. She spread her legs wide to allow him easier access and he continued to pump her in a mad dash for a finish line. Then, with a groan, he spilled his seed into her and collapsed.
They held each other close for a while until he's softened enough to fall out of her. Then he climbed off of her and lay down next to her. After they had rested, Ginny used her wand to clean the blood and goo off of them, then, rolled Harry onto his back. Taking him in her hand, she licked his head before taking it into her mouth. As she continued to give him oral pleasure, he began to stiffen until he was fully erect. Once he was, she shifted around and pulled him onto her. This time, he was able to keep going until the reached a simultaneous orgasm.
(So, Ginny can you hear me?) thought Harry.
(Yes! This is amazing! I can hear your thoughts!" thought Ginny.
(Can you hear Rose or Parvati?) asked Harry.
(No. Just you,) thought Ginny. (I wonder how much more powerful we are now)
(Padma thought that we would both be a 63 after we completed the ceremony) thought Harry. (I didn't realize that I would be able to share thought with my wives though)
(That's more than six times as powerful as Merlin!) thought Ginny. (We're almost as powerful as Ron!)
(And I've got four more wives to go!) thought Harry.
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