Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > Sweet, Sweet Child 'O Mine (Axl Rose)

Part 3

by axlroseiscool 0 reviews

Here for the first time we see Axl's volatile, abusive side come out.

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-10-09 - Updated: 2012-10-10 - 2389 words

Me and Gina didn't discuss the Axl topic anymore on the way back to the apartment, we didn't really talk at all. It was just us alone with our thoughts. When we got back to the apartment, I went to mine and she went to her and Axl's. To my surprise, both Axl and Izzy were in my apartment "Hey guys, what're you doing here? How'd you get in?" I asked as I closed the door "I have a key to your apartment, remember?" Axl said, not looking up from a piece of paper he was writing on, but sounding content. I was glad for that. "Oh yeah," I said as I walked to where they were sitting on the couch and sat on the floor in front of them. Axl peered at me over the top of his sunglasses "Yeah? How'd it go with Gina?" he asked "Um, great, good, uhh actually, we went to the mall and I got myself a job as a secret shopper!" I answered happily "Oh that's awesome!" Axl said, smiling, he held his arms out for a hug and I stood up and hugged him. "Is that that thing where you get paid to shop?" Izzy asked "Yeah, basically. I mean it's to like, spy on the workers and see if they're doing their job right and stuff," I replied. "Well that's great, me and Izzy are just working on some stuff for the band here, y'know, music, lyrics, stuff like that,". I nodded "Yeah, that's cool. I'll be in my room," "Okay," Axl said. I walked into my room and debated what to do, it was Saturday at 5:00pm. I didn't have any friends to hang out with, seeing as my friends consisted of Axl and Gina, maybe now Izzy since he lived with me now. I couldn't go to a club yet because I was only 17, but I'd be 18 on January 4th. So I did the only thing I could do: I fell asleep.
- 3 hours later -
I was woken up by muffled screaming and yelling, followed by crashing. I frowned, Axl and Gina were fighting again. "Do they always do this?" I shrieked and looked up and saw Izzy was sitting on the end of my bed "Oh my god, what are you doing here? You scared the hell outta me!" I exclaimed "I live here," Izzy said calmly "Yeah but why are you in my room?" I asked "'Cause I'm watching you sleep because I'm a pervert, obviously," he said, trying to fight back laughter. I was about to say something when there was a loud crash that made my wall shake and a second later I heard Gina scream "Axl!", she sounded horrified and scared. Izzy's face went blank and he looked like he'd seen a ghost " this normal?" he asked "Yeah, but the hitting only started again a few months ago, for a year he was really sweet and only got super mad every now and then,". Izzy nodded ", hey, do you mind if I call you Iz instead of Izzy?" "Sure, I don't mind," "Cool. Oh and I'm gonna help with the rent by the way. I don't know if Axl said otherwise...but y'know, I'm gonna help with that,". I nodded "Oh cool, thanks," I said. It had seemed to quiet down in Axl and Gina's apartment, but I wasn't going to go over there, it usually takes a bit for Axl to cool off. "So...I'm done with band wanna do something?" Izzy asked "Um, sure. What should we do?" I said "Uh, depends on how old you are really!" Izzy laughed "Yeah, I'm 17 so that cuts out bars, clubs, or sex," I said, laughing too "Aw well shucks, I wanted to get you drunk and fuck you, but scratch that plan!" Izzy said, at this point we were both falling over laughing "I have no idea why this is so funny!" I said between laughs "I dunno! It just is!" Izzy laughed, then he fell off the bed. "Oh are you okay?!" I asked, still laughing, "Yeah," Izzy said as he got up and smiled at me "So, what? Should we go to the park so you can go on the swings and play with the other kids?" he said, I chuckled "Well...the swings actually sound fun," Izzy smiled "Okay, we'll go there,". I smiled back at him "Okay. Let me just get my jacket," I grabbed my jacket and then we went out the door. We went downstairs and out the main door, "So...what's the 411 about you Izzy?" I asked "Uh, I'm from Indiana, obviously, I'm 22 years old, and my birth name is Jeffery Isbell. And that pretty much sums it up right there," Izzy said. I nodded "Hmm, okay, I'm from Indiana too, I'm 17 but I'm gonna be 18 in January, and my birth name is...Isabel Diana Kikx," Izzy stifled a laugh "You can laugh if you want, it is a nerd worthy name," I said. He shrugged "Eh, not really, I can see where the Izzy comes from,". Somehow while we were talking and walking, we had started holding hands and they seemed to clasp together perfectly. When we got to the park there was no one else there, so I sat on the swings and Izzy started to push me "Izzy you know I don't really need to be pushed," I said "Okay," he said and he sat on the swing next to me. We swung for a while and I started thinking about my little brother and how I used to push him on the swings, and then I started crying. "What's wrong? Why're you crying?" Izzy asked once he noticed "I left my little brother and my family to be with Axl and I don't know if I'll ever see them again! What if my little brother doesn't even remember me when he gets older?!" I sobbed. Izzy got off the swing and stood in front of me and hugged me "It's okay...shh...shh...shh," he said. I looked up at him and he looked up at me and after a minute Izzy leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips. I wrapped my arms around Izzy's neck and before I even knew what happened, we were making out. After a few minutes me and Izzy pulled away at the same time "No, this is wrong, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to do that," he said apologetically "Me neither, I don't know what happened...we should go home," I said as I jumped off the swing. We both shoved our hands in our pockets and walked back to the apartment in silence, heads down. When we got back Izzy stopped in front of the building "Uh, y'know what? I'm gonna go hit up the bar okay? I'll be back later," he said "Okay, see ya," I said and Izzy turned and kept walking down the road. Suddenly out of nowhere Axl appeared "Diana," he said, looking angry, and even if he didn't look angry, whenever he referred to me as 'Diana' it meant he was angry with me or frustrated with me. "Yeah?" I asked "Did you fucking go and kiss my best friend who happens to be twenty-fucking-two?" he said angrily as he pointed in the direction of the park, but not taking his eyes off me. I got nervous "Um...well, uh, yeah, I mean it, I didn't mean it, it just happened so fast, I was crying and -" Axl cut me off "You were CRYING?" he asked, getting angrier, he couldn't stand crying "Yeah, I was and I didn't mean to kiss Izzy and it was really short" Axl cut me off again, this time by grabbing me by the throat, that took me by surprise because he hadn't physically attacked or hurt me since that one day in Indiana "Ow!" I said, it didn't really hurt, but it was natural instinct to say that. Axl squeezed harder with his thin, cold, calloused hand. Now it was really starting to hurt "Axl...stop," I choked out. Axl tightened his grip and opened the door to the apartment building with his free hand, he drug me in, letting go of my throat once we were around other people, but keeping a tight grip on my wrist, his fingernails digging into my skin. He drug me into the elevator and into me and Izzy's apartment and slammed the door behind him so hard I thought it may break off. "Axl I-" I started, but then I saw the look of anger on his face, it was like nothing I'd ever seen, his eyes had literally turned black. It was horrifying, mostly because I didn't know what he was going to do. "You dumb slut," Axl growled as he cornered me "Really? The first person I move in with you, you decide to try to fuck? And not any person, my friend and bandmate. What the hell is your problem? Is that why you put your whore groupie outfit on? To seduce my fucking bandmate?" Axl ranted in my face. I couldn't move because he had me in a corner against the wall "No Axl, I didn't," I said, trying not to cry, Axl kicked me in the shin, "You didn't what? Didn't kiss Izzy?! Didn't dress like a slut?! Didn't seduce Izzy!?!?! What didn't you do Diana? What the hell didn't you do??!?!" Axl screamed "I didn't seduce Izzy and I didn't try to," I sobbed, starting to cry. Axl slapped me "Liar," he said and he turned around, I suspected to leave. But I got angry too and ran after him and hit him on the shoulder "I hate you! What's wrong with you?! Saying I'm a slut? Saying it's wrong that I kissed Izzy while your girlfriend is only a year older than me?! You're the pervert here!" I screamed,  Axl turned around, furious and grabbed me by the shoulders and threw me to the floor...or attempted too, because on the way down I hit my head on the side of the kitchen table. It was a deafening sound when my head hit the table, followed by my body collapsing to the floor. Everything was spinning and I was dizzy and light headed but I saw Axl bend over me and start screaming "Never call me a pervert! Never call me that! Never say you hate me!!  You be lucky that I fucking got you a ticket out of that hell you call home with your stupid parents!!" he screamed as he held onto my tube top. I kicked Axl in the crotch and he fell over backwards, I jumped up, still dizzy "It wasn't a hellhole! It was a safe place with my family! I loved it there! And you ruined my life by dragging me out here so you could pursue your silly dream of being a 'big singer'!!" I yelled at him. Axl kicked me in the face and I fell over again, I screamed in pain and started crying again, sobbing and writhing in pain, but Axl didn't seem to care, he just repeatedly kicked me as I laid there, sobbing. "Never say the things you said again! Don't make out with my bandmates! If you didn't do that maybe I wouldn't have to do this!" Axl yelled "Axl you can stop! Please stop! Axl I'm sorry! Oh god stop! Stop stop!" I cried. Axl grabbed me by my hair "Get UP," he snarled as he jerked me up by my hair, when I stood up I looked down at the floor and there were blood splatters all over the floor, as well as a pool of blood where I'd been laying. "Fine, I'll stop, but here's a parting gift" he said and then he delivered one final blow to my face...and everything went black.
-Axl's POV-
I couldn't stop. I literally couldn't stop. I was kicking one of my best friends as she laid bleeding on the floor and begging for me to stop, but I couldn't, she deserved this. She wasn't gonna break up Hollywood Rose! We're already kind of on the edge and we don't need an extra push, and what gives her the right to go and fucking kiss some dude she's only known for..less than a day. And my friend and bandmate at that! She kept crying and begging me to stop, god I can't stand her voice when she's all whiney and begging. I grabbed her by the hair "Get up!" I yelled angrily, I yanked her up by the hair and tried to get her to stand up straight. "Fine, I'll stop, but here's a parting gift," I said and I hit her across the face with my fist, maybe a little harder than I meant. She fell to the floor again and I figured she just had fallen because of the force. I was surprised when she didn't make anymore sounds "Diana?" I asked, she was laying on her stomach so I kneeled down to turn her over, and when I saw her, all my anger at her melted away and it was replaced by fear, shock, and anger at myself. Her face was bleeding from every place possible, her nose, mouth, forehead, ears, and cheeks and she was covered in blood and had tiny scratches on her chest and wrists. "Izzy?" I asked nervously, shaking her a bit "Izzy? Iz? IZZY?! ISABEL?! Answer me!" I yelled, shaking her violently. I jumped up and backed away from her, what the fuck had I done? She was my friend and she was so young! Why'd I do this?! I...I love her! She's always there for me and this is what I do?! I panicked and ran out of the apartment, I couldn't take her to the hospital because the people would know I did it. I figured Izzy would find her and assume...whatever he'd assume, but he wouldn't suspect me. Or maybe she'll wake up before that happens...oh shit what if she calls the police? No she wouldn't do that, I'm her only friend, she wouldn't do that to me.             
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