Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > If These Sheets Were The States

You Can Only Blame Your Problems On The World For So Long

by emptypillowtalk 7 reviews

“Well just get rid of the little bastard for a while then, if she’s offering to take the faggot!” Frank’s dad screeched.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-10-11 - Updated: 2012-10-11 - 1504 words

Thank you for the reviews and the rates :') Extra thanks to CosmicZombie for making my first chapter green :D Hope you're all enjoying it and here's chapter two, I promise, it gets more Frerardy later so hang in there!
xo EPT

Title from Fall Out Boy's Song: The Shipped Gold Standard

Chapter 2 – You Can Only Blame Your Problems On The World For So Long

Three weeks into the school year and Frank was arriving at my house every morning and staying late every evening. I knew it was because of his parents and so we offered to look after him for a while so his parents could sort things out. My mother and I had sat by the phone and heard screaming and harsh words that Frank’s father was directing at Frank’s mother from the other end. “Well just get rid of the little bastard for a while then, if she’s offering to take the faggot!” Frank’s dad screeched. This intrigued my mother and I as we all knew that Frank was straight and had a girlfriend, Jamia. We heard more shouting then the slam of the door and Frank’s mother picked up the receiver again. “If that’s alright, Donna. I-I don’t want to put you out of your way or anything” Frank’s mother said, stuttering.
“It’s fine, honestly Linda” My mother said, not really knowing what to say to Frank’s shaken up mother on the other end of the phone. “You know, you can always pop round for a cup of tea or something when the kids are at school if you like, you know, get out the house for a bit?”
“Thank you, Donna. I appreciate it. When would you like me to send Frank round and when do you want him home?”
“Frank can stay as long as he needs” I nodded at my mother in agreement; Frank was practically part of the family anyway. “And if it’s not too inconvenient Frank can come over now?” We could hear Frank’s mother sigh with relief at the other end and she called Frank downstairs.
“I’ll send him on his way, thank you again” My mother smiled and they said their goodbyes.

So it was official. Frank was staying at my house. Frank, my amazingly hot and amazing best friend who I loved more than anything. Fan-fucking-tastic.


I sat at the top of the stairs with Mikey waiting for Frank until I heard the familiar sound of heels walk across the landing.
“Move, idiots. I’m going out” My sister, Taylor said, waiting for us to move for her. Bitch. Taylor was 18, blonde, skinny, tall, pretty and had massive tits.
“No wonder all the kids at school want to be your friend” Frank said to me one day after eying up my sister. The only way I’d like to be my sister is if I could pull Frank. Which definitely isn’t happening when I’m still a male and he’s still straight.

Frank arrived at mine exactly 43 minutes later, not that I was counting because that would be creepy. I pushed my dirty clothes off my bed so Frank could sit down and spent the whole evening watching DVD’s, listening to music and eating way too many sweets than we should have done.

The weeks went on and Frank was settled in just fine and it was around 10pm when there was a loud bang on the door. The rain was falling like heavy bullets on the windows and the weather looked more horrific than Courtney Love’s vagina, so no one in the house could think who would be at the door that night.

I heard the door open and chatting from downstairs so Frank and I put our heads out the door to see. Our eyes widened and we rushed down the stairs to see if what was in front of us was really there.
“Abbie! Oh my god! What are you doing here?!” I said, Frank and I pulling her into a hug. She looked well and definitely different from when I last saw her.
“I missed you two so much!” She said, clinging onto us tighter.
“Oh and we missed you too Abbs!” Frank said, laughing into Abbie’s shoulder. We let go of Abbie and let our mother pander too her and get her out of her soaking wet clothes.

Anthrax’s ‘Got The Time’ was blaring loudly from Mikey’s room so I walked straight in to find him sitting on his bed reading the latest Spiderman. I walked over to his stereo and turned his music down, a massive grin on my face.
“Gerard…” Mikey said, confused and worried “Why are you smiling like an idiot? That’s not normal… Seriously stop it, you’re freaking me out.”
I didn’t stop smiling at him and said “You will not believe who’s in our living room” Mikey, still confused, left his room and hurriedly went to the living room where there, he saw Abbie. He went wide-eyed and his poker face was gone. He smiled widely at Abbie who was now in dryer clothes and he ran up to her and hugged her. She returned the hug and her wet hair dripped on Mikey’s neck but Mikey didn’t seem to mind. Not one bit.

So, we had a houseful, meaning Abbie had to share Mikey’s room as Frank was sharing mine. We all lay out on my bed; like we used to and then came the questions I’m sure Abbie was dreading. Why she was in Belleville instead of London.
“Well…” She started, taking another Haribo from the bag “I was sitting in my dorm with my friend Remmy; I’d been sneaking out to concerts, smoking, all that stuff and that’s when the school snitch, Jasmine came in with the head of year, Mrs Wiltshire and I was sat there, smoking and dressed in probably the shortest skirt in existence, low cut top and I was busted.”
I started sniggering as Mikey was sitting there practically drooling over that image when Frank interrupted and said “But you’re thirteen. What the fuck?” Abbie laughed and started to continue her story.
“Maybe so, but it was enough for my parents to accept defeat and finally move me back here. Unfortunately for me, they put me on a plane with my ticket, $100 dollars, a credit card for ‘emergencies only’ and my suitcase. I’ve got nowhere to stay; all my relatives are either dead or hate me and a place in Westwood Private School.” I smiled at Abbie and her story but she was too busy staring at Mikey who was shyly smiling back.
“Well, we go to Westwood too, you’ll be in the Middle School instead of the High School campus but still, you’ll be with Mikey.” Frank said, taking yet another Haribo from the nearly empty bag.
“So will you show me around then, Mikey?” Abbie asked, looking at Mikey with pleading eyes.
“S-Sure” Mikey said, smiling at Abbie.
“Okay why is Mikey smiling? Seriously, who are you and what have you done with Mikey Way?!” I said, laughing at Mikey’s happiness that was blatantly directed at Abbie.

Later in the evening I heard Frank talking to his cousin in the bathroom. I definitely needed to confront him about that the next day.

We ended up all falling asleep on my bed and I woke up to find Mikey with his arms wrapped around Abbie. I nudged Frank, hard enough to wake him up and nodded at Mikey and Abbie. We snuck downstairs to find out it was 5am on a Saturday morning so I crept back upstairs and got my smokes out my wardrobe and went into the back garden with Frank. “Frank?” I asked, flicking my cigarette ash onto the damp grass.
“Hmm?” Frank replied, taking a drag of his nearly finished cigarette.
“I heard what you said to your cousin on the phone last night…” Frank dropped his cigarette on the grass and went wide-eyed.
“Yeah, I was walking to the airing cupboard to put Abbie’s clothes in and I heard you in the bathroom on the phone to your cousin…” Frank looked down at his feet and I finished my cigarette, flicking it a few feet away.
“Yeah… I didn’t hear much but like, if you’re struggling with your sexuality I-I can like, talk to you, I don’t mind. It’s just… No one was there for me and I guess that I want to be there for you, you’re my best friend” I smiled awkwardly at Frank and he smiled back.
“Thank you, Gerard.” It was then when I found my face way too close to Frank’s and my body overheating even in the cold weather.

Damn, the affects this boy had on me.
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