Categories > Original > Drama

high school sucks part 1

by gunsnrosessixx2 0 reviews

rain is a bullied high schooler and everyone is out to get her intil a boy comes into her life

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-10-12 - Updated: 2012-10-13 - 664 words

I look out my window I Sigh before getting ready for school I put on a black shirt and a pair ripped jeans and walked down stairs
to my parents who just had the biggest fight they ever had my dad even jumped out of our car I Don't look at them they don't know how bad it hurt
I Walk into my new school I barely got a look at it before I Felt someone shove me down into the floor a football player or jock was laughing
"hey girl don't you know loser high is that way?" he snorted I sighed and walked through the crowds of cheerleaders and football players

I opened my locker I put my bag away and heard a cheerleader laughing "YOUR A FREAK!" she laughs loudly

I Slammed my locker shut and ran to class I found a desk and class began the kid behind me threw pieces of paper at the back of my head
I Laid my head down as hot tears dripped down my face I was woken up by a kid hitting my arm "wake up idiot!" he said then returned to his seat
I Walked to the lunch room and sat alone crying vointly I Hated this school and just wanted to find a place where I Could be me and didn't have to deal with them
I wiped my tears away and looked at a man walking in with long black hair and a plain black shirt and ripped jeans he was thin and tall and was walking with some friends he was beautiful he walked away and sat by a cheerleader and his friends at a table across from me and smiled kindly at me then his girlfriend gave him a kiss and I Felt my heart break and I Lowered my head and cried I coughed and hiccuped.
then I Hear a loud voice say something

"no amber I Will not say that to her! you gone too far its not funny anymore!" the voice said I Opened my eyes to see the black haired man shoving away the blond she smirks "why baby? she is you know that who else gos to a new school in the middle of the year!" she said loudly
"shut up amber!" he said I Sobbed more loudly "no! and wow! she really is a crybaby" she giggles
I get up and run to my locker I Hear footsteps and I Look up at a jock who eyes had the look of anger he punched me in my nose and I Felt the blood dripping out of my nose then he walked away like nothing happened as the day went on I found myself Sitting on the floor crying softly as the last bell rang

I walked out of the door I Felt someone rip my backpack of my back and I Turned to see amber and two other girls throwing my stuff on the ground

"hey!" I said as I Tried to grab it the two others grab me and hold me down as she pulls my hair harshly making me scream
"well you should've never came here then!" she said as the two other members twisting my arms I felt tears dripping down face
"amber what are you doing!?" the black haired man from earlier "teaching the new kid a lesson baby want to help me!?" she said in a evil tone
"let her go amber now!" he said she laughs in a crazy way "she doesn't belong here like we do" she said
"get off me amber we are done!" he said shoving her away and she walks away the other girls fallow but she turns to me
"I'm not done with you yet.." she said then joined her friends
I Reached for my backpack I Was met with a pair of green eyes "here let me help you" he said kindly as we reached for the scattered school work
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