Categories > Original > Drama > Being Teagan Morris

Being Teagan Morris

by Chiaramonte 1 review

Teagan Morris is a sixteen year old billionaire, with everything she's ever wanted. Welcome to her life.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2012-08-28 - Updated: 2012-08-28 - 286 words

“Teagan? Teagan! Time to get up, love. I thought you’d have left already.”
I jumped up. Had I overslept again?
Looking at my digital alarm clock beside my bed, I knew I had. It had become a daily ritual, being late. But it rarely bothered me.
My legal guardian, Juanita, opened my curtains, flooding my room with bright light. She muttered something in Spanish before hustling out of my room.
My family all died when I was younger. My father and my brother died first, in a boating accident. And then my mother, struck with grief, turned to the drink and died shortly after wards in a pool of her own vomit and urine.
So since I was seven, I’ve lived with Juanita, my childhood nanny. I inherited my families billions, but as the saying goes, money can’t buy you happiness.

“Here’s you breakfast, Miss Morris.” said Wallace, my chauffeur, handing me my McDonalds.
“Thank you Wallace.”
The drive to school took forever, especially with Wallace’s consistent slow driving. But when he finally pulled the white Lincoln Limousine to the curb, a smile spread across my face.
Most kids absolutely hate school, but I don’t mind it. No, I’m not some friendless geek, but I’m good in class and I don’t mind the people. Joking, I love them. Do you know what it’s like to be part of the ‘In’ crowd? It’s phenomenal. I feel a bit sorry for all the other people who aren’t. Like, I know that its only a big deal whilst we’re in high school, but it opens up a whole world. It defines the rest of your life.
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