Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Will We Get Through This?

Will We Get Though This? Ch.18

by PARANOIDgrenade 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-10-17 - Updated: 2012-10-17 - 500 words

Gerard's P.O.V.
"Everyone ready?" I asked. I got a response of "Yups" and nods. "Let's go." I said. And with that, we walked out of the bathroom with our equipment and to the parking lot.
Frank's P.O.V.
We reached the parking lot and saw Aled and his friends already waiting with hockey sticks. "Ready, fags?" Aled chuckled. "Born ready." Bob glared. I'm glad we convinced Catie to go home, 'cause I have a feeling that it's going to get ugly. Fast." My thoughts were interrupted by Mikey lunging at Dunk screaming "REVENGE, ASSHOLES!" I swung my tennis racket as hard as I could at Slam. He dodged and punched me in the face. I flung back on to the concrete. "Freak." He laughed. He slammed his foot onto my chest and pressed down. Hard. I coughed and swung the racket at his face. He staggered back, holding his jaw. "You'll pay for that." He growled. "Come at me." I laughed. He lunged at me and I ducked. I swirled around and pinned him down. "How's it feel to be the ones picked on?" I growled. Slam chuckled and said " Think again on who's winning." I felt arms pull me to my feet. I struggled but I couldn't hit the person holding me. "It'll be over soon." That's when I saw it. The gun. "NO!" I shouted, struggling even more. "You started it. And we're just ending it." Slam replied, standing up. I squirmed praying that we are going to be okay.
Gerard's P.O.V.
I flung my golf club at the back of Aled's head. He fell to the ground and groaned. He turned around and kicked me in the crotch. I fell to the ground. He grabbed my shirt and pulled me so our faces were inches away from each others. "You aren't going to win." He growled. I smirked and replied "That's what you think." He picked me up and punched me in the gut. I grabbed my golf club and swung. It hit him in the leg and he laughed. "Not going to work." He panted. I swung again. And again. And again. Nothing happened. He punched me in the face and I went down. He took my golf club and threw it across the parking lot. I was about to get back up when I heard Frank shout "GEE!" and followed by a click. I looked up. My blood ran cold. In front of me was Aled, pointing a gun at my chest. "Scared?" He laughed. I backed up until I hit the school wall. Everyone stopped. They watched, petrified on what Aled's going to choose to do with the gun. Tears streamed down my face. I looked at him with wide eyes. But those eyes were emotionless. "Fag." He murmured as I saw his fingers slowly beginning to pull the trigger. I closed my eyes. I heard a scream and the gun go off. Everything went black after that moment.
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