Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ZOMG! MORE AUDITIONS!!!

Partial results!

by tmbfucks 5 reviews

I had to pick names out of a hat for this!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-10-20 - Updated: 2012-10-20 - 174 words

Hey people. I had to pick out names from an online hat thing for Gerard and Mikey's wife! Jesus you guys! You really wanted those parts! Now I'm going to feel bad, ah well. I think I can also fit in one of my friends from the care home if you want to audition for that! Here are the parts:

Gerard's wife: MissAbbieHudson
Mikey's wife: ReturnFromTheAshes
Bob's wife: atomickilljoy
Ray's wife: CyanideSuicide
Gerard's 2 year old daughter: fatherfuckingmeese
Bob's 2 year old daughter: atomickilljoy
Ray's 4 year old twins (because I want you both in the story cause I love ya!): Cookie_monster and Shayla_boo. (Lauren, you can chose another part if you like! It'd just be too much otherwise.)
Care worker: ProvehitoInAltum

Okay, that's it I think. I'm sorry to everyone that didn't get a part. Remember, I still need Mikey's baby and my best friend from the care home. Also, who do you want to be my parents? Just give me a name of one of the MCR boys apart from Frank. XD xx
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