Categories > Original > Horror > Angelfire

part 1

by imnotokay 0 reviews

you and your best friend night are about to have the adventure of a life time after she tells you her deepest secret

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Published: 2006-07-17 - Updated: 2006-07-17 - 504 words

Okay, here's' some details
age: 13
hair color: black
your favorite thing in the world: your friend night

small girl
age: unknown, but she looks around 7 years old
favorite thing: you

Chubu, Japan
(a more woody area of Japan with less tall buildings and
it is afternoon, a little wile before sunset
this was a dream I had on:
July 16, 2006


you and night are sitting on a hill overlooking a small valley, preparing to watch a spectacular sunset at your house.

You remember the first time you met night...

you and your cousin Hiro were fishing in a local river, notorious for its large fish that no one ever caught. While you were fishing, Hiro a little down the river from you,was on the other, lower bank, after a few hours of fishing, you stood up and shouted to Hiro
"hey, I'm hungry, let's go home to eat!!" Hiro replied
"okay, let me find where I crossed!!" he began to feel the bottom with his feet, to try to find where he had come across, because there is a raised strip of river bottom where you can cross, then he shouted
"I found it!!" and he started to cross, slowly, slowly...
all of a sudden, you heard a loud rushing, at this time Hiro was about one third across the river, you looked upstream and saw... oh my god,
"HIRO!!!!!!" you shouted at him "HIRO!!!! THERE'S A HUGE WAVE!!! HURRY!!!!!!" Hiro looked up at you
"Look out!!!!!!!" you said and pointed up river, you could tell he didn't understand your words, but he looked, and with a shocked look on his face, he began swimming towards you as fast as he could, but the wave was getting closer, closer...
And closer it came
And closer still
The wave hit, and you ran down the river full speed, chasing it, all the way until it reached it's end, a small waterfall, that eventually led to the sea, before the waterfall, was a small pool, that little children used to play in. you stood at the edge of the pool and cried for your lost Hiro. Then you noticed a girl with long black hair, all the way down to her waist, hunched over on the ground, crying. You went over to her, she looked about six, you touched her back, she jerked and looked at you with fear, and you told her in a soothing voice
"it's okay, don't cry, you'll be okay" she stood up and reached her hands up to you as if she wanted to be held. You picked her up, and she held on to you tight, she was so small, and even though all her white clothes and her black hair were wet with river water, she smelled like the sweet smell like before it rains. You carried her back to your home, saddened by the loss of your poor Hiro...
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