Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > My Somebody

Chapter Two

by my_fairytale_ending 0 reviews

Piper and Emi follow who they have come to known as "Leon" back to the hotel located in the Second District. They begin to learn of who the boy really is.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Sora - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-07-17 - Updated: 2006-07-17 - 864 words

The figure looked up. He seemed to hesitate before stepping into the light of a nearby street lamp. It was a young man, around the girls' age (they were both 21). He narrowed his blue eyes and studied the two females silently. His hair was layered and brown, falling onto his shoulders. A scar streaked down one side of his face.

Emi couldn't contain herself. "Holy crap, he's hot!" she whispered loudly.

"Emi!" Piper cried embarrassed.

"But it's true!"

Piper rolled her eyes. The man smiled.

"Sorry if this looks bad; it isn't what it looks like," he said in a deep voice.

"So you're wearing a mask? Darn, I knew it was too good to be true!" Emi said.

"EMI!!!" Piper's voice got stern again. She stopped fussing and took a moment to examine the man in front of them. He was kinda cute, but that wasn't what made her body tighten. It was his stare, intense but soft.

Emi poked Piper's cheek, eyes slit. "So, who are you anyway?" Piper asked rubbing her cheek.

"Leon," he stated simply. He approached them slowly. "And you?"

"Emi and Piper!" exclaimed Emi, smiling at him. She pushed Piper out of the way causing her to lose her balance and fall to the ground with a thud.

Leon chuckled quietly and helped Piper back up. "Um...thanks," she said. Her eyes fell on the boy still lying on the street. "Uh, shouldn't we get him to a doctor or something?"

"Oh, yes. I almost forgot the real reason we're all here..." Leon walked back over to the fallen boy.

He lifted him with ease from the ground, his eyes transfixed on the key-shaped weapon still in his hands. He slipped his fingers around the sword and finally managed to pull it free from his grasp.

He handed the strange sword over to Piper, but not with out wavering. "I suppose beggars can't be choosers..." he said almost mumbled.

"What was that?" Piper asked lofting a brow.

Leon nearly shook his head and headed toward the hotel.

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Emi stared at Leon on the way there. He's so cute! she thought to herself. She took notice of his outfit, which was oddly similar to Piper's. he wore a leather jacket that cut off under his arms, a white tee shirt, black pants, and matching leather brown boots.

Piper stared at the boy, also examining his attire, which was totally strange. His hair was thick and light brown, poking out at odd angles. His pants were red and baggy; he wore a hooded jacket that was blue and white with many chains, gray gloves covered his hands, and his shoes were oversized and yellow.
"So what exactly did we miss?" Piper asked.

Leon opened the gate to the Second District. "This is the Chosen One...him of all people..." he stared down at the boy.
He puts up a good fight though. Kid's pretty sure of himself.

"He's so young..." Piper said.

Within a few minutes, the group reached the classy glazed over hotel doors. As they entered, they were greeted by a girl standing in front of an emerald green door. Her hair was thin, short, and black and her smile was wide. Her shorts were pale yellow and her short was pale pink. A scarf hung around her neck and her legs were almost covered with her socks.

She spotted the boy in Leon's hands. "I think you might have overdone it, Squall," she said.

Leon tensed up. "That's Leon."

It suddenly struck the girl that there were two other people with him. "Oh hi! I'm Yuffie!" She waved. "Were you guys sent here from the king?"

"Yeah," said Emi. She stepped forward slightly. "I'm Emi, and this is Piper."

"You make it seem so professional," Piper said sarcastically.

"Wait a second; you're the Piper and Emi???" Yuffie's eyes went wide. She pushed Leon roughly out of the way, almost causing him to drop the boy.

Wow, we're more popular than I thought, Piper thought wryly.

"Leon, how did you not realize who they were!?" Yuffie exclaimed in a hushed tone, opening the green door.

Leon went inside and laid the kid down on the bed. "I don't know, Yuffie. My mind was set on other things." He took the key weapon from Piper and examined it.

"And to think this boy holds this weapon of great destruction. He can't be older than thirteen!" Leon shook his head again and leaned the weapon up against a dresser.

Piper took a seat next to the bed and looked softly at the boy. Leon's right, she thought to herself. From what I've been told, this key is the most powerful thing we've ever heard of.

She glanced over at Emi and Yuffie who were in deep discussion.

"You really did that?!" Yuffie cried in awe.

"Yep!" Emi said cracking her fingers.

"Wow! I can't believe you killed all of them by your self!" Yuffie said excitedly.

Piper giggled quietly. Already telling tall tales, Emi?
Suddenly Piper heard a small ruffle. She turned and saw the boy's hand move to his head.

"Hey, I think he's awakening..." Piper said.

More soon :)
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