Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > Sweet, Sweet Child 'O Mine (Axl Rose)

Part 20

by axlroseiscool 1 review


Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2012-10-24 - Updated: 2012-10-25 - 2418 words

"You're pregnant!?" Izzy exclaimed in surprise "Shhh, shhh, I don't want anyone to know yet," I said as  I put my hand over his mouth. I just  found out I was pregnant last night, and I was happy, besides it was bound to happen. Axl never wore a condom and I would never dream of taking birth control. "You mean you haven't told Axl yet?! Why not! He'll be so happy!" Izzy said, bouncing up and down on the couch "That's the thing...Axl may not be the dad," I admitted quietly...there was a strong chance that Steven was the dad. "Oh my goodness...oh man, is it Slash? I always noticed something between you two...oh wait no...oh tell me it's not Duff! He's married! It'd crush Mandy," Izzy exclaimed "No, its not Slash or Duff," I said "Oh's Steven isn't it?" Izzy said, realizing the answer "Yeah," I sniffled " can't keep your hands off him," Izzy said coldly "More like he can't keep his hands off me...I didn't exactly want to have sex with him," I said, crying "Oh man...did he rape you?" Izzy said quietly as he rubbed my shoulder "Not really, because I gave in, but it was forced and so rough!" I said as I sobbed, not because of what happened with Steven, but because of how crushed Axl would be if the baby wasn't his. I don't know what I should do, if I should tell Axl now that he might not be the father or wait until the baby's born or just never tell him and hope the baby is his or doesn't look like Steven if it is Steven's. And what do I tell Steven?! I'm not sure how happy he'd be if I told him he may be a father! "Well, you're gonna have the baby, right?" Izzy asked "Of course, I would never kill a baby," I said. I stood up "I suppose I'm gonna tell Axl now," I said "Okay," Izzy said, I was walking out the door when Izzy spoke up "Iz?" "Yeah?" "Why'd you tell me first?" "I don't know...I guess you're the person I'm most comfortable with telling right now," "Okay...well I hope all goes well with Axl," "Yeah," I said, then I left. 
- Slash's POV -
I was using the bathroom in Axl's hotel room and as I was leaving the bathroom, I noticed something in the wastebasket. At first I couldn't tell what it was, so I picked it up and studied it for a second, then threw it down in disgust when I realized that not only was it a pregnancy test, but I'd been holding the pee side. Then I went from disgust to surprise...this was a pregnancy Axl's bathroom...Iz is pregnant! Or is she? I picked the test up again, on the right side, and looked at it, trying to figure out if it was positive or not. I decided to just take it out to Axl and see what his reaction would be. "Hey Axl, look," I said as I walked out and held it up "Oh no, you're pregnant!" he said, laughing "Yeah! And it's yours!" I said, we both laughed and I waved the test in his face and we both laughed, Axl looked at it for a second "Oh wow, it's a positive one too...where did you get it from?" he asked "The bathroom," I said, Axl looked confused "You found it in the bathroom?" I shrugged "Uh, yeah," Axl looked shocked and I frowned, just then the door opened and in walked Iz. She stopped in her tracks when she saw us, Axl stood up "Iz..." he started shakily "Do you have something you want to tell me?"
- Iz's POV -
I walked into the hotel room and I find Slash holding my pregnancy test in front of Axl, who had an already confused look on his face. When he saw me he stood up and asked if I had something to tell him "Yeah...I'm pregnant! Congrats Axl! You're gonna be a daddy!" I burst out, running over to him and hugging him "Uh-uh-um...."  he stuttered, not hugging me back at first, but then giving in. "That's great baby! I...I can't wait!" Axl said, still sounding pretty nervous, he peeled me off of him and looked at my stomach, he touched it with his hand "Aw, there's a little baby in there," he said sweetly, but sounding like he was on the verge of tears "Oh dude! That's so awesome! Congrats guys!" Slash said as he patted Axl on the shoulder and gave him a hug, then me "Thanks Slash," I said as I hugged him back "Have you told the guys yet?" Axl asked "Um, no, not yet," I said "Well let's go tell 'em! I want everyone to know! Me and my baby are having a baby!" Axl said, smiling, I smiled back but I knew it was only a matter of time before Axl would question its paternity. We found Steven, Duff, and Izzy playing cards in the hotel lobby "Hey guys....guess what?" Axl said as he took ahold of my hand "What?" Duff asked, looking up at Axl "Iz is pregnant!!!!" he announced, holding my arm up over his head like they do in the boxing ring when they declare the winner. Steven's head immediately shot up "What?!" he said in surprise "Thanks for the enthusiasm Steven," I said sarcastically, even though I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was...was it his? "Oh wow, guys that's awesome!" Duff said as he stood up and hugged Axl and me, then he stood back and looked at me "You're not showing yet," he said as he put a hand on my stomach "Yeah, I just found out yesterday," I said "Ah," Duff said. Steven stood up "Well congratulations guys, let's just hope the baby has its mom's sanity," he said, looking at Axl, who just rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit. "Congratulations guys, you'll be one big, mentally unstable family. It'll get the hair-trigger anger trait from Axl and the I-don't-even-care-about-myself-all-I-care-about-is-my-significant-other trait from Iz," Izzy chimed in "That's enough guys...c'mon," I said as I hugged Axl and smiled, I was honestly happy that I was pregnant, just a little worried.
- 5 Months Later -
"Hey Iz, Slash is suggesting we do some of those corny-ass vanity pregnancy shots, what do you think?" Axl asked as he handed me a bottle of water, I was about 5 months into my pregnancy, I was ridiculously moody, I still hadn't told my parents I was pregnant, and my birthday was coming up. "Ugh! I don't even know! Do you wanna do the vanity shots!?" I screamed "Jesus Iz, calm down!" Axl said defensively "I'll calm down when I push this baby out of me!" I said sourly "Okay, okay," Axl said as he walked away. I sighed and leaned back on the couch, I was gonna be 21 in a few seems like my time here with Axl just flew by. It seems like just yesterday we were boarding that bus and kissing Indiana goodbye forever. I still hadn't gone back and I still hadn't had any communication with my parents since they showed up at my 17th birthday party. I figured they'd probably found out about my pregnancy from the entertainment shows or magazines or the newspaper. But then again, maybe they didn't. I need to go see them. Especially to see my little brother, it broke my heart when I had to leave him. "Axl?" I called, he ran in "Yeah babe?" he asked as he sat down on the couch "I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier," "Ah, I've snapped at you so many times you deserve to get a few snaps in," I laughed, then went on with what I was saying ", I decided that...I wanna go see my parents back in Indiana," I said, Axl looked at me for a second "Babe that may just be your hormones talking," he said cautiously "No, no, I wanna see them and my brother and I wanna try to make some sort of peace with my unforgiving mom," I said "Alright, we're already in the Midwest...I guess you can go out and see them," Axl said as he held both my hands "No, I want you to come with me so I can rub my mom's face in the fact we're still together," I said, Axl chuckled "That right there is why I fell in love with you," he said as he kissed me.
- 2 Days Later -
"Roadtrippin', roadtrippin', roadtrippin'!!!!" Slash chanted, with Steven joining in...I figured if I was gonna surprise my parents, I was gonna surprise them with the 4 people I'd spent the last 4 or more years of my life with, they were my friends, they're always around me, one of them is always following me everywhere or vice versa, so why shouldn't I bring them to this. We'd started driving to Indiana from Axl's place in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin yesterday and now we were only minutes away from my parent's house "Oh god, I'm so nervous!" I said, starting to freak out "Relax babe, relax!" Axl said as he rubbed my stomach, which made me think of the baby, which made me think of how me and Axl still hadn't discussed the baby's paternity, which freaked me out more. "Maybe we should just go back..." I said "Oh hell no! We drove all fucking night to get here and we are NOT turning back now," Axl said sternly, seeming frustrated. Finally we pulled up to the driveway of my parents house, all of us jumped out the car and seemingly scrambled to the door. "I'm ringing the doorbell!" Steven announced as he skipped up the front steps, loudly (he'd had quite a few beers and probably a few lines of coke in the last hour), he rang the doorbell and we all got in place, me and Axl front and center, him with his arm around me, and the other guys crowding around us. The door opened after a few seconds and I saw my little brother standing there. I immediately broke down into tears, he'd gotten so big! "Oh my god! Guns n Roses!" was the first words out of his mouth....apparently he likes GnR. "Who's at the door?" I heard my dad shout, this made Jimmy for the first time actually look at me carefully and his eyes widened "ISABEL!!!!!" he screamed as he hugged me as tight as he could "Jimmy!" I sobbed as I hugged him back "I thought you were never ever coming back!" Jimmy said, crying "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I should've visited you! I should have came and seen you! I'm so sorry!" I sobbed, then my mom and dad appeared at the door. "Isabel?!" she gasped, nearly falling backwards, my dad's mouth dropped open and they just stared at me for a few minutes, looking at my belly "Look! I'm gonna be a 9 year old uncle!" Jimmy said, breaking the silence as he put his hands on my stomach "That's right buddy! And that means you're gonna be my brother-in-law!" Axl said "Oh my gosh I'm gonna be Axl Rose's brother in law!!!" Jimmy exclaimed, I giggled as I wiped away my tears "So you gonna invite us in?" I asked "Um, yeah...c'mon in everyone," my dad said as he let us in. We all sat around the coffee table in the living room and there was silence until Axl spoke up "So Jimmy...long time no see, huh? I take it you like Guns n Roses too?" he asked my brother "Yeah! I tell all my friends at school that my sister is your girlfriend and everyone is so jealous because that means I know you!" Jimmy said excitedly "Aw, that's awesome," Slash said "Yeah," Axl said. "'re pregnant," my mom said "Yep, 5 months along!" I said happily as I rubbed my stomach "Which one of you is the dad?" she asked "That'd be me or Steve over here," Axl said as he hugged me, I looked at him, surprised "What? It's obvious either of us could be the father," Axl whispered. Until now, he'd never even spoken a word about the topic of him not being the father " you''ve been with both of them," my mom said, sounding heartbroken that'd I'd had sex with more than one guy "Ummmm..." was all I could say "So I guess you and Axl are a couple though?" my dad said, changing the subject "Yeah, yeah, we've been together for a while now," Axl said "Are you going to get married after the baby....or before?" my mom asked "If that's how it works out," Axl said before I could answer "What'll you do if the baby's not Axl's?" my mom rudely said "Honey!" my dad scolded "Oh, uh, I don't know? Put it up for adoption? Whatever Steve wants to do with it," Axl said, we all looked over at Steven, who smiled goofily "What's up?" he asked drunkly "Oh god, my grandchild is gonna have a drunk or this ginger weirdo for a dad!" my mom sobbed "Ginger weirdo?! This man has done more for me and helped me more than you can even imagine! He's had my back for years and I've had his and I have no intention of breaking that bond!" I yelled angrily, standing up "Babe calm down," Axl said as he tugged on my hand "I came here to try to make peace with you mom, but that may never happen because of your arrogance and old-fashioned, 18th century moral values!" I said, raising my voice "Iz, sit this one out," Slash said as he put his fingers through the belt loops on my pants to keep me from moving towards my parents. I wound up storming out and refusing to come back inside, so Axl and the guys stayed in and signed a few autographs for my brother, then they came back out to the car. "I'm sorry it didn't work out," Axl said as he stroked my hair "That's never does," I said sadly, realizing I'd probably never make peace with my mom.
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