Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dreaming in reality

The shits continue

by Mychem-rosieflores- 0 reviews

Characters Gerard,Mikey,Frank,Ray,and some Bob enjoy the MAJESTICAL unicorns

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-10-28 - Updated: 2012-10-29 - 829 words

BOOM WHAZAMMM here's chapter leven R&R and you can be my magical unicorn ^.^

Me and Gerard got sent up to the principals office because Gerard was defending me, but used some.....not nice language toward mrs kuzma 
  "Way,Gerard...the principal is ready for you."
 "come on"
Gerard seemed like this was usual I've never been to the office unless I was getting my class set fuck I didn't know who the principal was 

"hello Gerard how have you been?"
 This person was a guy I didnt like him he seemed two faced I could just tell Gerard hated him

"I'm fine"
Gerard said strict toned I seemed surprised I've never seen him like this

"who's this young woman,Gerard?"
"I asked you to come alone you disobeyed me yet again Hun would you mind leav-"

"she is staying with me the other things will eat her alive"

Gerard held me closer and the principal seem puzzled then I suppose  he caught in with the relationship that was happening

"well then that's fine now she is involved" he said with a sneer

It was an hour we spent in the office the principal would not shut up about profanity and how it was against school rules and blah blah blah I almost fell asleep but Gerard kept pinching me because he noticed I was tired

"that was fun wasn't it" Gerard said sarcastically as he grabbed my hand

"oh totally my favorite thing to do"I said as I let out a yawn

"what's out next class?"
"uhmm blajaklfs I don't know"
"blajakls? Enarenes um i think we have....oh god..."
"what is it a bad teacher!"
"No it the best teacher she's my favorite!"
"god don't do that who is it?"
"Mrs jewels" he said with a Cheshire grin he hugged me and we ran to class seeing we were already late with no pass

"your laaaa- GERARD it's so nice to see you again....and who's this?"
She said as she looked funny at me
"this is Scar my girlfriend"
He said then releasing a panicked yelp as he noticed he was in the front of the class and he noticed I had frozen again he grabbed my hand and we went to the back of the room 
"I'll talk to you later mrs J"
"oh Kay class today we will be studing the paint textures and...."
We both stopped listening and we both started doing some French art shit it was fun then some how I ended up on Gerard. Sleeping!
"babe wake up Scar come on WAKE UP!"
He whisper yelled at me as he shook me 
"wha-what hmm what's going on"
I said real drowsy still confused
"you fell asleep come on breaks right now we gotta go come on!"
He said and tugged me and my bag out the class as he waved goodbye to the teacher

I looked around and saw frank and I kinda slapped his face as I rubbed my Hand over it
"whoa what are you doing Scar?"
He said then licked my Hand
"careful their contagious too" frank said as he giggled next thing I knew I was on top of frank because bob and Mikey were going at it cause bob said unicorns sucked butt Gerard pulled me off and I saw frank blush before he got up and covered his face

"I'm so sorry Scar bob was being a dumbfuck and he pushed me"
"haha it's fine I'm not broken"
I swear Mikey can be so mental at some points but he just seems so damn smart most of the time 
" oh my god your right Mikey HURRY WHERE'S MY PHONE"
"oh no I shan't make it any longer tis' my time to go"
I said dramatically as the bell rang for our next class
"your next class my dead Madame" fink scared the shit our of me when he said that 
"uhh hmm languaaaa.....math and you"
"oh me too what teacher!"
" lacey mrs Lacey and yoooouu...?"
"same I had her last year she's ight"

"Welcome class I'm mrs Lacey you may call me mrs L but nothing other than it?"

The class boredly replied 
"got it"
Me frank and Gerard all sat in the back talking about horror movies and comics
"but spiderman is so whiny he shouldn't be a super hero he should be a whiny shit that's why he is right"frank started talking about spiderman all of a sudden me and Gerard were talking about batman and his hand made gadget crap

"no spiderman is the shit your too emo to see that though" some chick turned around and said that with a smirk on her face and then her and frank go tint a fight about who was better and frank won of course
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