Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > 7 snogs

Snog #7: Milk

by kirayasha 1 review

More Live journal fun featuring Sessh/Rin... I've upped the rating to R due to one fic's lemony content as well as another's mature theme.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Rin, Sesshoumaru - Published: 2006-07-18 - Updated: 2006-07-18 - 862 words

Milk (snog #7)

By kira

Author's note: Last of the LJ Snog fun featuring Sesshomaru and Rin!

"Sesshomaru-sama, you know what I'd really love right now?" Rin said softly. She was seated comfortably between his legs as she soaked her sore feet in the cool mountain spring.

"What?" he said into the top of her head. He sat there feeling very lucky to have her as he wrapped his arm gently around her swollen belly, holding her close.

"One of those boxes of chocolate milk that Kagome used to give me when I was little. I wonder if she still has them..."

Sesshomaru snorted with amusement. "Of course she still has them, with all the pups she and my brother have, I'm sure she has more of those things than she knows what to do with. Would you like me to go get you some?"

"Hai. I would like that very much and so would our pup." She giggled. It had never failed to amuse Rin when he referred to their baby-to-be as a pup and she started calling it a pup as well, because she found it really helped to take the worry out of what the poor thing would look like when it was born. Rin hoped against hope that it would look like Inuyasha, although Sesshomaru had cautioned her on several occasions to expect something that would look more like Jinenji.

"Wait here," he said softly and there was no mistaking the impish tone in his voice.

Rin leaned forward as best she could while she waited for him to get up behind her. She could hear him fumbling behind her, although he made no move to get up. "Sesshomaru-sama...?"


"Aren't you going?"

"Iie, I've got what I wanted right here." Leaning forward, he gently gathered her into his arm and pulled her close. Rin sighed contentedly as she snuggled back into him. She turned her head to the side in an attempt to look at him and was pleasantly surprised when he kissed her. "Here," he said as he reached over and picked up the small dark brown box.

Rin laughed when she saw the little box of Hershey's chocolate milk. "Where did you get that from?"

"Same place I always get them, from Kagome-san," he smirked.

"Domo arigatou gozaimasu, Sesshomaru-sama," Rin said as she pulled the little straw off the box. Seconds later, she was happily drinking her chocolate milk. Sighing contentedly, she paused long enough to offer him some.

Sesshomaru laughed then sheepishly handed her another unopened mini-carton of milk. "Would you mind?"

"Not at all as long as you hold this..." She took his milk box and exchanged it for her own before opening the straw and sticking it inside. She took a sip before handing it back to him, much to his amusement. "That's for the sips you took from mine," she said with a smile.

"Keep it," he said, in between sips. "They're really good, ne?"

"Hai...and since when have you been drinking them?" Rin said as she looked back over her shoulder at him.

"Don't know...besides, I have plenty for you, so don't worry."

"I won't," she laughed.

Sesshomaru set his finished carton down and held her close as he kissed her cheek. "How're your feet feeling now?"

"Much better, although I wish I could sit here all day."

"You're going to get sick if you do."

"I know that, Haha-ue..." she teased. "Do you think we can wait until Inuyasha-san comes and gets us?" Rin said impishly.


"Well, the last time we sat here, you had a heck of a time hauling me to me feet, Silly."

"Hai...." Sesshomaru grumbled and it wasn't the first time he missed the lower half of left his arm.

"Sesshomaru...." Rin, dropping the honorific, could feel him smile as he tightened his grip on her. "Don't worry about it." She gently squeezed his hand. "I've always known you like this and I wouldn't have you any other way. Besides, Kagome-san always says there's no use crying over spilled milk..."


"I also had no idea what it meant, so I asked her and she told me it has to do with some story about a milkmaid, and a cow and a bucket of milk...and truthfully, I liked her story about the eggs and the little chickens much better..."

"Hai..." he said softly as he humored her.

Rin laughed. "Come; let's get me up so we can go back. I had some more of those pains again and I'm not sure if they're real or not."

"Oh hell..." Sesshomaru moved away from her and stood up.

"No need to worry; they've stopped. But I have the feeling it won't be long now until our baby's here..."

"Oh hell..."

"Now what?"

"I spilled my milk..."

"How did you do that? Those little boxes aren't supposed to spill."

"Trust me, they do if you squish them..." he said as he picked up his foot and showed her the crushed milk box. As they laughed, he somehow managed to haul her to her feet and gathering her in his arm, he kissed long and hard...
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