Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > Walker

Chapter 2

by no_one65 0 reviews

Crossed wires lead to nasty shocks

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-07-18 - Updated: 2006-07-18 - 683 words

Chapter 2

Having a blaster held to one's head was far from pleasant.

"Who in the hell are you?" asked Average Joe. Devdas knew better than to answer.

"HaMai? DeGregoy? Cosa Nuestra? Sol Azul? Qin? Repo'? /Dime/!"

Devdas reconsidered her previous stance on not answering questions.

"None of the above, Mr...."

"Jones. Just answer the damn question."

"I'm actually here to poke around, and bring that dead man to the HaMais, but that's a moot point, seeing as you mowed him."

Jones raised skeptical eyebrows.

Devdas shrugged (which was difficult to do while reaching for the sky) and replied, "I work for money. They paid me to ask questions, to bring him in. Now that he's...deceased, I won't be having 40,000 coming my way."

"Aww...I'm so sorry," yeah, like Jones was, "So you're a freelancer."

"/Mas o menos/. If you mind," tilting her head towards her aching arms, "letting me drop my hands?"

"Can't do that. You know rules of the road and such. You must be a Sutherlin-that screeching tone of yours makes my eardrums bleed. A Sutherlin freelancer, here in the North, being hired by the HaMais and doing their dirty work. You're a goddamn Walker," sneered Jones, revulsion showing in his eyes, if not in his face.

Devdas said, "Yeah. And?"

Jones clenched his teeth.

"I'll have to shoot you sometime today. Let's go," he said, grabbing Devdas' arm hard enough to bruise the bone underneath. She allowed herself to be dragged along.

She knew that she was fit enough to take him in a fight, but there was the minor matter of a blaster pressing against her right temple. The laser is faster than the fist.

Besides, fighting in such confined quarters with a dead body was never a good idea.

He dragged her along, not caring if she were to trip over her size forties.

Jones was not just a murderer; it seemed, but a murderer and a jackass.

The said jackass forced Devdas out to a deserted parking garage. They were the only ones with a pulse in the complex.


Devdas suddenly ducked and went to punch Jones in the balls.


Alas, Jones wore a cup and with his bits intact, was able to retaliate promptly. He gave Devdas a glancing blow to her cheekbone with his steel-reinforced knuckles.

As Jones was drawing back for another hit, Devdas grabbed his right arm and pivoted her body quickly enough to throw him to the cement floor.

Jones was too dazed to respond in the thirteen seconds it took to dislocate his right arm and Devdas was able to slash at his jugular with a dagger she had hidden up her tight-fitting sleeves.

"Hurgh!" Jones screamed in frustration, trying to stem his bleeding with his left hand.

Devdas took care to point his blaster at his forehead, "Now that we have matters so nicely settled, care to tell me who you work for?"

He remained silent.

"Cute. Nice impression of a loyal man. Try again."

Jones hawked painfully and spat a huge clot of blood, phlegm, and saliva at Devdas' feet.

"The HaMai, unlike you, bitch."

"You won't cooperate? Well, I suppose-"

"You wouldn't."

"I ain't the Samaritan. 'Sides, you spat on me."
Jones' cold orbs met her brown ones triumphantly.

"Ah. Devdas is Indian, isn't it? Some of you lot think blood is a contaminant, don't ya?

Devdas shrugged, "Old habit. Like I said, wanna try again?"

Jones hissed through his gritted teeth.

"I am telling you the truth. What about you, bastard?"

"What makes you think I'm not, you shitty, spineless, syphilitic, sycophant son of a hag bitch?"

Jones wheezed in amusement.

"You may be. You swear enough to be one of those schlubs the Doctor likes hiring."

"Nice to see I can be pegged. So, if we work for the same clan, but had different purposes in mind... One of us is screwed, and it's not going to be me. Have a nice life."

With that, Devdas jumped out of the opening over to the next building, where Jones lost sight of her.

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