Categories > Original > Romance > SHEAGAN'S ELBOW


by tothegraveyard 1 review

Shawny really likes Keagan's elbow.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-11-07 - Updated: 2012-11-08 - 683 words

I watched carefully as he, Keagan Godfrey, walked across the school yard. His brown hair swaying lightly in the breeze. He is so beautiful, wearing the boring white uniform, his elbows were showing. Those elbows, so smooth, round, carved by angels. Keagan was walking my way, I stopped him by tapping him on the shoulder.
"Hey.. Keagan, I need help with my science homework." I muttered, not wanting to make eye contact or I might stutter and choke from nervousness.
"You get A's in science." Keagan smiled sweetly.
"Yeah, but I'm worried about this test. Can you please come and revise with me?" I urged, please Keagan, I know I'm passing science I want to be alone with you. Can't he take a hint?
"Oh… Yeah sure, next break okay?" He said, a wide grin on his face.
"Thank you so much! Come find me in the science block next break." I spun on my heel and left before he could stop to question me. I had done it, at last, I was going to be alone in a room with Keagan Godfrey.
(Okay so theres a fat kid sitting near me and he keeps on farting I think he has problems though- Creator)
"In here!" I called down the hall, Keagan was wondering around aimlessly at the other end. He looked up at the sound of my voice and came bounding down the hall. The classroom had been pre-prepared
"Are you ready for this?" Keagan asked, a look of innocence and concern crossed his face.
"Of course I am, I've been thinking about it for the past two hours" I responded, grinning cheekishly up at him. He stepped inside, I closed and locked the door and pulled the curtains down over the windows. Keagan sat himself down on a desk, watching me cautiously. I walked back over to him and stroked his face, I leaned in.
"You have no idea how much I want this." I whispered in his ear, he shivered slightly and nodded. I could feel his body next to me was buzzing with anticipation and need. His elbows were so close, I reached out a hand and stroked one.
"What are you doi-" He began.
"Shhh, just wait here." I cut him off.
I went back to the door, our bags lay one on top of the other. I rummaged through it and found what I needed. Standing and spinning around slowly, I made my way towards him.
"No, Shawny, don't look at me like that." Keagan begged, what is he talking about? He's going to be happy, we'll all be happy.
"You have such very nice elbows." I muttered. Keagan was beginning to look scared.
"Okay, I'm going." He stated with power, I didn't even know it was possible to speak with power.
(I really don't know anymore omfg- creator)
"You can't leave, we're going to be together, you promised." I begged, how could he not remember?
"I really don't know what you're talking about Shawny. Let me leave." I was blocking the only entrance in my advance towards him, I'm a metre away now, there's not backing out or escaping.
"You have such nice elbows, you said you shipped it, every agreed, this is what you want." I growled, I'm starting to get angry now, he's just acting dumb . I pull the item out from behind me and press it up against his face.
"Shawny. Put the knife down." He commanded. Nope, I'm not falling for it, this is what he wants and this is what he will get. We are meant to be together.
In one swift movement, I slide the sharp butchers knife along his throat, there was a soft gurgling sound and he collapsed to the ground. I stretched out on arm and sliced cleanly through the skin, then bent his upperarm and snapped the bone and repeated the procedure on his forarm. Keagan's elbows was now mine. I grinned gleefully and ran out the door, clutching the bloody elbow to my chest. I was soaked in the crimson now and crying with joy.
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