Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Heaven Help Us

Chapter 2

by atomickilljoy 8 reviews

"Get out. No one likes you."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-11-11 - Updated: 2012-11-11 - 1162 words

This one's a Bobifer. I like using Bob and Jen in my stories. It feels nice, but when I come up with a new plot for another band and OC, I'll let you guys know!

Bob woke up to see his wife,Jennifer, still sleeping. He smiled as he quietly slipped out of bed,careful to not wake his wife, and put on his slippers.
He did his regular morning stuff. He was happy it was a nice, beautiful Saturday. It was a day that everyone just wanted to sleep in.
He opened the front door and picked up the paper, as he inhaled the fresh morning scent.

"Hey Bob!" his neighbor from across the street shouted at him.

"Hey Ray!" Bob called back. "How are you and you're wife?"

"We're fine! Married life is pretty amazing with Raven!"

"That's gre-" Bob was interrupted by the wailing of police sirens passing by.

"What's that?" Bob muttered.

The police cars stopped down the street, just by the woods. Bob and Ray both started walking over to where the police cars had stopped. They were the first ones on the scene, besides the police. When they got there, no one was being let through. Bob recognized one of the police officers as Jennifer's older brother. He walked over to him, hoping to find out what was happening.

"Hey, Adam." Bob greeted.

"Get out. No one likes you." Adam said.

Bob rolled his eyes.

"Hey, Adam." Ray greeted, walking over.

"Oh, hey, Ray!" Adam said, smiling. He never did seem to like Bob.

"So, what happened here?" Ray asked.

"Oh, a woman and her husband have both gone missing. They haven't been into work for about a week or so. We got a report of some blood found in the woods. We're conducting a search to see if the man or his wife can be found. We're also taking some blood samples, to see if it matches the man or his wife's blood." Adam explained.

"Good luck with your search, Adam." Ray said, walking away.

"Thanks, Ray!"

"Yeah, good luck,Adam." Bob called out.

"Fuck off, Bob."


As they walked back up towards their neighborhood, they both wondered what was happening.

"People rarely go missing in this town, especially adults. What do you think happened?" Bob asked

"I don't know. Maybe they went on vacation or something." Ray said, shrugging.

"They would've asked for days off on work." Bob pointed out.

"Maybe it was spontaneous?"

"I don't know. That wouldn't explain the blood..."

"I'll talk to Raven about this. See you later, Bob." Ray said, heading towards his house.

"See you later, Ray." Bob called out.

This was definitely strange. They lived in a small town, and two adults went missing. It wasn't two kids or anything. It was two adults that went missing. This was way too strange.


Bob walked in to see his wife making breakfast, unaware that Bob had walked in. Bob smiled and walked towards her. He wrapped his arms around her as she squealed in surprise.

"Bob, you fucking scared me!" she exclaimed. "Where did you go?"

"I went down the street. Remember the people who lived down the street?" Bob asked

"Yeah. Rick and Nadine. What happened?" Jennifer said, growing concerned.

"They're missing." Bob said, sitting down on a chair.

Jennifer's eyes welled up with tears, but she blinked them away. Bob saw this, and rushed to comfort her. That was the closest she ever went to crying.

"Take me to the scene." Jennifer said, turning off the stove.

Bob didn't argue as he led his wife to the end of the street, where the scene was filled with police officers. Jennifer soon spotted her brother.

"Adam!" Jennifer called out.

Adam spotted her and smiled.

"Jen!" Adam said, as he hugged his little sister. His smile disappeared as he spotted Bob "and Bob..."

"Adam, what happened?" Jennifer asked.

"The couple that lived down here are missing. A few kids found some blood, and we got here as fast as we could. We're conducting a search. We're also going to take some blood samples. See if that's the guy's blood." Adam said.

Jennifer blinked away some tears again.

"Rick used to help in any way possible! And Nadine was the sweetest person ever!" Jennifer cried.

"Hey, it's going to be okay." Adam said, hugging his sister.

"HEY WE FOUND SOMEONE!" an officer shouted.

The police officers, Jennifer, and Bob all looked to see who it was. A man with black hair and pale blue eyes emerged from the woods. He was covered in blood, his left arm was hanging from a small piece of skin, and his leg was twisted. Blood was pouring out of his mouth and onto his shirt, or what was left of it. He limped out of the woods. Jennifer's eyes watered and this time, she couldn't blink away the tears.

"RICK!" Jennifer called out. More than half of the police department also recognized that to be Rick, whether it was the guy who helped paint their house, the guy who helped them move in, or the guy who helped them fix their car, they all recognized him.

He fell to the floor and closed his eyes. Blood leaked out of most parts of his body.

"SOMEONE GET THE PARAMEDICS!" an officer called, as everyone rushed to his aid.


"The doctor is now allowing visitors. Only 4 at a time." the nurse said to Jennifer, who was waiting in the waiting room with her and Bob's friends, Frank and his wife, Penina, Gerard and his wife, Hozzie, Ray and his wife, Raven, and Mikey and his wife, Callie.

Jennifer entered the room with Bob, Ray, and Raven. She saw Rick, his arm wrapped in a bandage and his leg in a cast. Rick opened his eyes, and smiled a small smile.

"Who did this to you?" Jennifer whispered.

Rick opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't. He grabbed a notepad off of the table, along with a pencil. With the little movement in his left arm, he was able to hold the notepad while he wrote.

"My vocal cords were cut out" Rick wrote.

Jennifer blinked away tears as Bob held her.

"Who did this to you?" Raven asked.

"I can't tell" Rick wrote.

"Why not?" Ray asked.

"The truth will kill you."

This was a bad chapter! Sorry!

I have a story that I worked on for about a month and just finished it on posted it on here! I would appreciate it so much if you guys took the time out of your day to do the 3 R'S: read, rate, and review! Here it is:

Also, I need people to audition for victims! I can't continue the story unless you guys audition! Here's what I need:

How you got kidnapped:
Any family members(do they care about you?):
Anything else?:

Thanks so much, guys!
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