Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > YouTube Auditions.

Partial results

by tmbfucks 7 reviews

At this moment in time, I'm not sure if all the spots are filled, and I've thought of even more parts. :D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-11-13 - Updated: 2012-11-13 - 290 words

Hello football friends!!! (Ooh! FRIEND!!!) The results so far are as follows:

Main girl: AshIsNotOnFire
Main girl's cousin and YouTuber: Me. I've decided my YT account will be JustCallMePenina. I know, right?!?
Gerard's wife: AshIsNotOnFire
Frank's wife (sobs.): ColorfulShadow
Mike's wife: Cookie_monster
Bob's wife: atomickilljoy
Ray's wife hasn't been decided, but if she wants it, the part goes to Raven-VanSlaughter.
Bob's kid: LaurentheHuman
Mikey's daughter and my sister: chloewayiero (I know this may seem like the creepiest question ever, but are you a hospital patient in London? One of the teacher people here also works at the hospital next door, and she says there's a girl called Chloe there who's obsessed with MCR like me, and she reads fanfiction, only she doesn't call it fanfiction, but still. If that's you OH MY GOD WE'RE RIGHT NEXT DOOR BASICALLY EVERY DAY HOW WEIRD AND COOL WOULD THAT BE?!?)
Frank's kids: xxxMikeyxxx and LaurentheHuman
Ray's kid: Shayla_boo. She emailed me, and if that's what you guys would prefer, then my email's in my bio. XD
Gerard's other kid: BipolarUnicorn
A YouTuber that the girls meet: Mirazal
Friend at Azalea's school: electric violence.

I don't know if that's a lot of parts or not, because I practically wrote an essay for some of you guys... I really need to calm down... anyway, I still need one or two more parts, and they are my friend who's a guy at my school, we may or may not end up dating, and a fan at Azalea's school.

CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU PART RECEIVERS!!! Also, apparently there's going to be an eclipse today/tonight in Australia. I've never seen an actual eclipse before, so enjoy it for me if you see it! Haha. XD xx
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