Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Insanity Is Catching.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

by FifiFiona 1 review

Gerard tries his best at lying.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-11-14 - Updated: 2012-11-14 - 1764 words

So yeah I just started typing and came up with the next chapter...

Gerard slowly opened his eyes still half in his dream, half in reality. A dream where everything is perfect and you are happy is difficult to leave when the real world is dull and depressing. The only thing that helped Gerard get out of bed was that he could spend the day with Frank before he had to enter hell, I mean school, the next day. He forced his eyelids open to find his little brother sitting on the edge of his bed. Mikey was staring at the floor deep in thought. He often found Mikey sitting like this, in his own little world. Gerard sometimes wonders if it was nice to be so involved in your own head that you don’t notice the evil that surrounded them.

Mikey didn’t notice that Gerard had woken up until Gerard gave him a slight nudge on the shoulder knocking him out of his thoughts. The older brother often found he would have to help Mikey come back to reality. It’s a little ironic given Gerard is the one everyone thought to be insane. Mikey took a few seconds to gather his thoughts before giving his brother a smile.

“Hey Mikey. Are you okay?”

“Good morning. Oh I’m fine. I just wanted to make sure you remember what I said to you last night about keeping mom and dad in the dark?” Gerard nodded his head. So Mikey gave him an approving look before getting up to leave. Honestly, sometimes Gerard was intimidated by Mikey’s intensity. There was no doubt that he was a smart kid but it was frightening.

Gerard jumped out of bed and ran down stairs to find his family sitting in the kitchen having breakfast. The radio played while his mom and dad chatted away. Mikey looked like he had gone into one of his ‘zones’ again. It was amazing that only Gerard seemed to notice Mikey’s daydreams. It annoyed Gerard how everyone, including their parents, always seemed to ignore Mikey. He wasn’t invisible but people treated him like he was.

The small, yellow kitchen radiated a happy family. The mood abruptly changes as soon as Gerard stepped into the enclosed room. The happy chatter turned to serious conversation. His parents gave him a slight good morning whilst Mikey continually stared at the table. The bright yellow wall paper soon turned an old, dirty colour as soon as Gerard took a step over the door’s threshold. It was like Gerard carried darkness over his head everywhere he went.

Silence dominated the room as everyone sat eating there breakfast. Obviously the discussion from the previous night still loomed in everyone’s minds. It was a difficult thing telling an eight year that their best friend didn’t even exist. Gerard’s mom and dad thought the stage would pass like it does for every kid but Gerard was different, he wasn’t moving on.

“So Gerard what do you have planned for today?” Gerard’s mom asked desperately trying to break the awkward silence that made everyone feel uncomfortable. She wanted to lift the mood and onto something happier.

Mikey looked up from the table and gave Gerard a stern look. He awaited Gerard’s response, hoping he remembered what Mikey had said the night before because he knew it would help Gerard. Not many people noticed when Mikey was around because of his quietness. This allowed him to listen into conversations and find out things. He heard his mom and dad talking about how worried they were becoming of Gerard and Mikey knew he had to help.

“Emm I don’t know I was thinking about calling on Ben and seeing if he wanted to play today.” Gerard and Mikey’s parents stopped for a second looking around to make sure they heard Gerard correctly. They exchanged a glance which confirmed that they were correct. Gerard just carried on eating his bowl of cereal as though it was completely normal.

“What about Frank? Aren’t you going to play with him today?” Asked Gerard’s mom with a hint of suspicion in her voice.

“Nope. I was thinking about what you said last night. I really like Ben so I want to be friends with him now.” Gerard tried to sound nonchalant. Mikey gave a quick smile to Gerard to confirm he was doing the right thing. Neither adult noticed the exchange in look. “Anyway I guess I should go and get changed.”

Both Gerard and Mikey walked upstairs together. As soon as they reached the top of the stairs Gerard grabbed Mikey and pulled him into his room. They both sat on the edge of Gerard’s bed in silence.
“Mikey, why do I have to pretend not to be friends with Frankie anymore?” Mikey wondered when Gerard would bring this up. After all he had the right to know.

“Well I think mom and dad are just worried about you. I think they want you to make real friends. The thing is I know what you’re like around Frank but they cant see it. Frank brings out a really good side in you Gerard.”

“Ok. When did you become so smart, Mikey?” Mikey giggled and shrugged his shoulders. Then he simply got up and left. Gerard found himself just as confused as he was before.

Gerard got dressed and ran out the house. He was excited about seeing Frank again. There was no way Gerard was going to call on Ben. It’s not that Gerard didn’t like Ben but he didn’t want to share his superhero games with anyone other than Frank.

At the end of the street the Way’s lived on, lay a large area of grass that most of the children who lived around that bit played. Gerard drifted towards the grass area as this was Gerard and Frank’s meeting place. It was far enough from both their houses that their parents couldn’t see them.

A small boy with black hair sat on his own while children about the same age as them played around him not even noticing he was there. Gerard galloped towards Frank and jumped on him knocking him over. Gerard landed on top of Frank. They both giggled uncontrollably, rolling on the grass. Some of the children around them stared and some ran away. Gerard tried to ignore it but it’s not easy to turn a blind eye when everyone looks at you like you’re crazy.

“Hey Gerard. Today is the day that I will destroy you and take over the universe.” Frank eventually managed to splutter out when he gained enough oxygen after the laughing fit. He stood with his hands on his hips trying to look strong and evil. Gerard found his attempt ridiculous so pushed him over.

“Sorry Frankie we actually need to talk first.” Gerard looked seriously at Frank who stopped joking around immediately. “Last night my mom and dad told me I had to make new friends but it’s ok because Mikey came up with a plan. He says I should just tell them that we don’t play anymore when we actually do.”

Frank looked hurt that his best friend’s parents had such hate for him. “Oh ok. Why don’t they like me?”

“They do like you Frankie! They just want me to play with other kids too.” Gerard realised that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea bringing this up to Frank. “It’s okay cause I’m not gonna leave, you’re still going to be my best friend, right?”

“Of course.” There it was again. Frank said so little words but had the effect of thousands. He could make a situation feel comfortable and safe from as little as 2 words. Gerard thought that was why he liked Frank so much he kept him safe physically and mentally. It was a little known fact that Gerard was not your average child but Frank made him feel like it was okay to be a little strange.

“Now that’s sorted I am going to save the innocent people of Belleville from the evil villain that is Frank Iero.”

“No you’re not because I am the post powerful human to ever exist in the planet.” Frank declared with a dark laugh.

The two boys ran around playing for ages before Gerard realised that if his mom caught him playing with Frank and not Ben, he would be in a lot of trouble so he said goodbye to his friend before sprinting home.

Gerard entered through the front door to find his mom waiting in the living room for him. She was trying to act slyly by ‘knitting’ but it was pretty obvious she was waiting for him to get home.

“Ah Gerard you’re home early. How was your day playing with Ben?” Gerard’s mom had a habit of getting straight to the point. She wanted to know all about his new friend. This was going to be difficult for Gerard because he didn’t have any new friends. He was never any good at lying. It just ended up getting confusing when he piles lie upon lie.

“Fine.” His plan was just to keep everything vague so then she couldn’t pick out anything wrong.

“That’s good. Did you see Frank today?” Gerard shook his head. His mom looked instantly pleased which led Gerard to think that Mikey was right after all. He had to be best friends with Frank in private. Only how long was he supposed to keep his friendship in the dark? Was it to go on for a couple of day? Weeks? Years?

“Mom, where Mikey?” Gerard knew that the only person he could talk to about everything was going to be his little brother.

“I think he’s upstairs in his room, reading.”

Gerard ran up the stairs taking two steps at a time desperate to discuss how to plan everything with Mikey. He got to Mikey’s room and sat down on his sofa chair. At first Mikey didn’t notice Gerard’s entrance he was too absorbed in his book. When he did see his brother Mikey gave him a look which only Gerard could formulate.

“I think she bought it.” Gerard said which Mikey rewarded him with a satisfied smile.

So that’s it. I hope you liked it. :D R&R please :)
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