Categories > Original > Fantasy > A Kingdom Divided

Meeting In the Great Valley

by sabeybaby 0 reviews

A King and Queen meet together in the Flat Valley, what purpose though?

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Published: 2006-07-19 - Updated: 2008-08-30 - 1073 words

Laurel mused over the situation quickly approaching as she and Belle feasted on fresh human blood. She lifted her wine glass to her pink lips and daintily sipped the delicacy. Human blood was hard to come by in times such as these, but her servants had roamed the land far and wide to find some humans that hadn't been preyed upon by dragons. Leaning back in her green, silver lined chair, the stunning vampiress rose one sculpted eyebrow slightly at her best friends antics. She was currently arguing with the queen's personal guards over why she was going with Laurel to visit Thanyel instead of one of them. Laurel couldn't help but laugh when Belle grabbed the head guard and tossed him easily into the opposing wall.

"That is why I am going Zanthor," Belle muttered as she sat back down in her chair, "because pitiful beings such as you cannot properly protect the Queen." The angered vampire took a particularly large gulp of her blood the next moment, her hazel eyes closing as she appreciated the taste.

"Lady Belle, relax!" Laurel commanded with a small smile, still amused by her friend's anger. She used her 'royalty voice' to avoid suspicion. Zanthor was just now standing up, one of his hands on his head where a cut appeared to be healing from the vicious throw.

"Queen Laurel, surely your guards would do a better job of protecting you rather than this surf?" The gall of the man made Laurel angry, very angry. She stood up, her robes flipping around her heels at her hurry. She stepped towards him, her light eyes darkening from rage.

"You push your luck with me Zanthor!" The Queen of Vampires spoke, her soft voice now cold and clipped, "This surf has served my purposes more than you and your guards have ever saved my life. I prefer the loyalty of a court dancer to a power hungry guard." The last part was nearly frigid with her cold fury; her white fangs were bared and her eyes were now black. "Get out!" She yelled, one hand pointing towards the door. Zanthor left without a complaint. Laurel was still raging when Belle came up behind her and rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down Laurel, or else you might pop a vein." The Queen relaxed now, turning to smile at her friend. "Much better." Belle mumbled.

"Thank you Belle." The vampiress regained her composure before asking a servant what time the sun clock read.

"One hour 'til midnight, your majesty." The servant bowed and then continued with her chores. Belle and Laurel glanced at each other before they both spoke at once.

"Time to get ready!"


Ian Innis, adviser and personal guard to the King, laughed as his friend struggled to decide which outfit would be most appropriate to wear to his meeting. The red haired man finally gave in and helped his friend by grabbing the all black outfit. Thanyel rolled his eyes and growled fiercely at his adviser for laughing at him and then rushed into his walk in closet to dress. For himself, Ian went to his own room and changed into a gold lined, black cloaked outfit. He knew which colors and outfits best accentuated his dark red hair and deep brown eyes. Returning back to the King's quarters he couldn't help but laugh once more when he realized that Thanyel had put his tunic on backwards.

"Cease this mockery!" The werewolf barked before going back and changing his shirt around. When he came back out he wrote a note and called for a servant. No sooner had he beckoned for one than had his personal servant appeared and approached his side. "You are to take this to the base of the Gray Mountains," He paused to glare at Ian for snickering, "Give it to the red dragon, Fal'lyn." The servant bowed and left the room.

"What's the message for?" The red headed advisor asked, brown eyes flashing. Thanyel turned to his friend and smirked.

"Shall I arrive as a pauper? Or rather, as a King should?"


Belle glared at Laurel's suggestion. She balked at the idea. It was preposterous! It wasn't going to happen no matter how much the Queen begged.

"Please Belle? You shall stay in dragon form, but if the need arises you can still protect us!" The young dancer could only roll her eyes at her friend's request. After a few more pleas, she finally gave in.

"Fine! Fine, fine, fine!" She frowned, pink tinted lips curving downwards in displeasure. However, her companion was grinning widely and clapping her hands in happiness.

"Thank you Belle!" Laurel exclaimed, hugging her friend ecstatically. The brunette was amazed at how quickly her friend went from a cool, collected queen, to a youthful vampiress in mere seconds. The Queen left the room and Lady Belle was left wondering just exactly WHAT she had gotten herself into.


The surprise was apparent on all present as they realized that dragons were the rides for both parties. Ian and Thanyel climbed off of Fal'lyn, now arrived in the Great Valley, and approached the Queen and her dragon. They inspected the black dragon critically, electric green eyes peered at them as she blew steam out of her nostrils.

"I didn't know you had dragons where you come from Queen Laurel." Thanyel spoke, his voice chilled. The auburn haired queen simply placed a hand on Belle's neck and smiled.

"I thought you had an anti-dragon law on your lands King Thanyel." The two royal creatures looked at each other and just barely cracked smiles on their faces.

"This is my bodyguard and loyal adviser Ian Innis," He paused and looked around, "Where is your guard your highness?" Laurel smiled and rubbed Belle's scales kindly.

"This is Idana the Black Dragon." The Queen said, her own hazel eyes glistening. Ian noticeably looked surprised.

"Idana the Black Dragon?" He paused in surprise, "I thought he was just a myth!" Fal'lyn snorted smoke at that thought.

"Idana is a girl you fool!" The red dragon noted, speaking telepathically, "And she's also very real." Thanyel laughed at Ian's facial expression. He looked like he had bit into something sour. Deciding to get to business, Thanyel spoke.

"What did you call me here for Vampiress?" His brown eyes shone with an almost soft feel.

"To find mutual grounds for peace Alpha."

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