Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Burning In Hell

“Why did you need me?”

by TheBelittled 0 reviews

Mr. Way seems so very interested in Courtney.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-11-19 - Updated: 2012-11-19 - 1364 words

"You're insane!" Courtney shouted at her best friend, standing up from the black couch. "He's our teacher, Kelly!" she exclaimed, beginning to pace back and forth. "You realize you, and him, could go to jail if you had your way like you always seem to," she was still pacing back and forth, only hoping that Kelly's crazy idea would blow up in smithereens within seconds.

"But, seriously, Courtney, have you seen him?" she asked.

"In fact, he's my teacher too, I have," Courtney mumbled obnoxiously, biting the nail on her thumb.

"Don't need to act that immaturely, Courtney," she said, grabbing her English homework from her backpack.

Courtney pretended to gasp, loking at her friend pulling out the work. "You are doing homework? Oh, good God, what has Mr. Way done to you?" she asked, her eyes widening as she -- instead of burning it immediately -- did the assigned work.

"Make me actually wanna do homework. He's an intresting teacher, and a sight for sore eyes," she explained. "What's Romeo and Juliet?" she asked, looking up from their homework.

Courtney looked at her incredulously. "How did you get in Advanced English, again?" she asked, scratching her head. Kelly had never been the brightest -- or very bright at all actually -- when it came to English, or any subject for that matter.

Kelly simply shrugged, sitting down. "I could still get an F on it, but it'll say that I turned it in!" she exclaimed, continuing to write non-sense on the paper.

"Yeah, but don't you want to get a ten on it rather than a zero?" she asked. Their homework was organized in strange ways, if it wasn't a large project, it was out of ten, and if it was an extravagent project where you needed weeks or possibly months to work on, the points were out of one-hundred, one-fifty, or two-hundred. "And Romeo and Juliet? How do you not know what Romeo and Juliet is? It's a Shakespear play, you were supposed to have already studied it."

"Well, I didn't. Do you mind telling me how the play goes?" she asked, fumbling around with her pencil.

"It's in the back of your text book, in the four-hundreds," Courtney replied, sitting on her dresser. "Just promise me you'll try nothing with Mr. Way," she added.

Kelly rolled her eyes, heaving a sigh. "Okay, fine, I won't try anything with Mr. Way. But, what if he tries something with me?" she asked hopefully.

"Doubtful. Well, if it does, you can call me Lance and send me up to the moon," she joked, kicking her feet back and forth.

"I don't get it," she said flatly.

Courtney rolled her eyes, brushing her bangs out of them. "I don't understand how you're in advanced anything, Kelly," she said, hoping off of the dresser. "There's nothing to do in here!" she groaned, beginning to walk back and forth for no reason.

"ADHD kicking in again?" Kelly asked, watching her best friend jump, hop, twirl, even spin back and forth across the room.

"Not exactly, but thanks for the assumption."

Kelly sighed. "Okay, fine, here, let me help you," she said, standing up and walking over to her friend, grabbing her shoulders, pulling her toward the couch and pushing her downward until she was sitting down. "How about this, if you squirm like Ryan or go crazy like you just
did, I'm gonna break one of your oh so precious CDs."

Courtney's eyes widened. "You're cruel, Williams."

"Hey, it's all fun and games. Unless you squirm like Ryan."


"She's a student, Gerard -- your student, nonetheless. You know you could get fired and go to prison for this?" Gerard's friend, Frank, pointed out to him.

Gerard placed his head in his hands. "I know, Frankie, but... I don't know, there's just... something about her. She's just so... perfect," he replied, running a hand through his hair. "God, I'm such an idiot. I need help."

"Depends," Frank said, "what kind of help? Theraputic help or just regular, plain help?" he asked.

Gerard sighed. "I guess a little of both. Well, thanks for everything, Frank, but..." Gerard sighed again. "I don't think it'll work."

"Dude, you just met her a couple of weeks ago. How can you say anything about how perfect and amazing and beautiful she is if you don't even really know her?" Frank asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"I don't know, she just seems so special."


"Swear you won't try anything, because I honestly don't trust you, sorry, Kel," Courtney said the next day at school during break. Kelly flashed an offended look. "You haven't been the most trustworthy person in years," was all Courtney could say before the bell rang.

She ran to their third period, settling into her seat as soon as she could.

Brendon looked at her when he walked into the room and chuckled. "You're so worried you're gonna be here late," he said, "yet you're always the first one."

"Well, I can still worry about being late, can't I?" she said.

"Whatever you say," Brendon mumbled, sitting down next to her.

Soon, by the time the period began, Mr. Way wasn't in the classroom. The entire class spent their time talking the period away, not even caring if Mr. Way would have walked in the room at that very moment.

"What is it with this guy and being late?" Courtney said to Brendon. "There have been very select few days where he's been here on time. I get that he's our teacher just after break and all, but I'm not even supposed to be in the classroom before him!" she exclaimed, pointing her index finger toward the empty desk.

Before Brendon got the chance to respond, Mr. Way walked into the classroom. "Sorry I'm late again," he said organizing his desk and sitting down in the chair.

Courtney took one look at her teacher and gripped the sides of her desk slightly. For some reason, since he first finally showed up at the school, she felt different around him. Nothing too strange, but definitely something bad -- something she could get in horrible trouble for. At just the sight of her teacher, she went nuts on the inside. Not like an insane feeling, but some wave of want -- need for him.

She knew this was the exact same thing she was telling her best friend to keep from thinking and feeling on the inside, but she just couldn't deny that there was something about him that was so captivating. There was something about him that made you want to go insane, do something wild.

So lost in thought of her teacher, she didn't even notice the bell ring until she took note of everyone getting up and leaving. She followed Brendon to their elective as quickly as she could. She would have continued out the door, but she was called back by Mr. Way.

She looked back at their teacher, then looked to Brendon, who mouthed, "Go!" repeatedly. She headed toward Mr. Way, standing in front of his desk. Courtney made sure that all the students were gone before she said, "Am I in trouble?"

Mr. Way looked at her. "Why exactly would you be in trouble?" he questioned.

"That's kind of what I was wondering," she replied. "If I'm not in trouble, why'd you need me?" she asked her teacher, resting her hands on his desk.


The guilt was eating at Courtney's insides all day. How was she supposed to look anyone in the eye? She couldn't. It would find it's own way to budge out and shout it out to the world, and she, nor Mr. Way (who she now knows that his first name is Gerard), could bare the outcome of something like that getting out.

It would be a living Hell, for both of them if that happened. Maybe it was gonna pop out of one of their mouths at some point, hopefully after she's eighteen and out of high school, but for the time being, they're both screwed if they get caught. It's gonna be a long year, Courtney thought.
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