Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > SORRY!!! *Squeaks* I've had another story idea that need auditions.

SORRY!!! *Squeaks* I've had another story idea that need auditions.

by tmbfucks 11 reviews

I won't put the story up until I've finished at least one of my other ones.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-11-19 - Updated: 2012-11-19 - 572 words

Guys, I carry on putting auditions up and then I have a fuck load of stories to write, but it's like my imagination part of my brain just doesn't know when to stop, so I have to write these. Basically, this idea came to me in a dream, and I loved it even though it was kinda sad. Basically, LynZ turned out to be my mum for some reason, so I go to an MSI concert and tell her. She gets pissed at me for finding her and saying she gave me away for a reason and stuff, and then I get tweets from all the MCR guys and gals saying that they'd love to meet me... anyway, it was kind of confusing, and I'm going to do my best to make this into an awesome story and make LynZ the amazing woman she truly is in this. As you can tell, I won't need auditions for the wives... sorry about that. Maybe an audition for Bob's wife, but that's it seeing as I don't know much about her. I don't know much about any of them to be honest, but I know more about the others... anyway... I'm rambling. The parts I will need are:

Bob's wife
My guy best friend in my school who comes with me on the adventure of finding LynZ and we might end up together possibly?
A couple who I went to the MSI concert with (The girl's been my best friend since primary school and she introduced me to MCR. I only met her boyfriend at the concert. It was an amazing day.)
The girl's mum who took us to the concert (She's awesome. I love her so much! She's just like LynZ in personality kind of, and she has pink hair, but colour your hair as you wish.)
My "mum" (I don't know how she'll be portrayed.)
My 2 sisters (One older and one younger. Not related to LynZ.)
My brother (Younger.)

I think that's it. I tried to put as many parts as possible in the auditions. I just crammed them in there. Haha. Anyway, here's what I'll need:

How you feel about me telling LynZ:
Anything else?:

I am so sorry about all these stories and auditions I'm spewing out. I just can't help it. Anyway, I'm going to try and update another chapter of one of my stories tonight. I'm going to Battersea cats and dogs home for a school trip tomorrow. If anyone happens to be there, although I doubt it, just point at me and yell "FRANK TOLD ME HE LOVES YOU AND WANTS TO MARRY YOU. COME GET A DOG TO SEAL THE DEAL." Or something along those lines. I'm the only girl in my school right now, it's not a very big school, and I'm the only girl student there that has brown hair and a fringe I think... so I'm kind of easy to spot. I think I'm also the only one with green eyes. Ugh... I'm too easy to spot, especially with all these spots on my face. My head is basically like the moons crater. It's so annoying. Oh, and I burnt my scalp in the shower last night because of the temperature of the water. And my dad's got a cold and I think I'm starting to get one which is incredibly irritating. ANYWAY... audition my pretties. XD xx
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