Categories > Games > Jak and Daxter > Jak 3: The Future Awaits

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by Draconis1719 0 reviews

Jak looked up at the beast in the tower. He watched as the tower crumbled, closing his eyes, as the limp body fell onto a building. A cool metal object rolled from the clawed hand and to his feet. ...

Category: Jak and Daxter - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-07-19 - Updated: 2006-07-20 - 1345 words

Jak 3: The Future Awaits

Set after Jak2, with almost no references to Jak3! I have not played Jak3, and I really don't think I ever will (but I also thought I wouldn't write a fanfiction). I know small parts from previews, and some from stories I've read (spoilers!). But, really, if there's one thing I could change, it would be the darned JakAshlin paring! JakKeira 4 eva! And you know what? I will.... The joys of writing.

New VERY MAIN character! Sorry, but the italic parts of the story are from the point of, well, the new character.

Chapter 1: Dark Eco Dragon

The fireworks blazed over the water. As the bright colours lit the sky, I couldn't help from grinning. So much had happened so fast. The stories I heard among the people of Haven city, as I hid from them, gave me a clear story. And although few parts disturbed me, I could not complain. The metal heads were all but defeated, and the city was going to become best off as it could. But, that still is not very good. I drifted my eyes and nostrils above the surface of the water like a croctor (alligator+ crocodile), looking across the bay. The water was filthy and full of waste, and I made sure not to get any in my mouth. I was glad for the low bridge over my head as no elf could see my pointed horns that seemed to stick up like sore thumbs. A large orange Ottesl statue, with red devil horns and a red pitchfork, sat on the old Hip Hog Heaven bar, now the Naughty Ottesl. Krew, it's overly obese owner, was dead. I know a lot about what happens in the city; I always don't have to hide.

From what I've heard and seen, apparently, a young hero named Jak appeared and defeated Baron Praxis THEN defeated the metal head leader! I was amazed, but I felt pity for the elf, Jak. I'd seen him before, as I hid in nearby water or in the shadows, as he transformed into 'a monster'. His skin grew pale and horns and long claws appeared. It looked painful. And I knew it was painful. About three years ago, the poor boy had been captured by the corrupt Krimson Guard and thrown into a cell. They preformed dark eco experiments on him and several others.


I remembered seeing him being dragged into the cell block over three years ago as I sat hunched into a corner, full of pain. They'd preformed injection experiments on me over the last two years, and I was no longer the quiet, happy-go-lucky elf I once was. As they dragged the young boy into the cell next to mine, I had looked at his face. He wasn't much older then me, and he was out cold. He looked so, pure, like I once was. But, as I sat in that cell, I was already a monster, even without my claws and wings and horns, scales and fangs. As soon as they had thrown the boy in jail, Erol, the now deceased Crimson Guard commander, had banged onto my cell bars. I hadn't even looked up.

"Eco freak!" he had boomed at me. I didn't even lift my gaze. "I'm talking to you monster!" I had felt anger, that I had never possessed before prison, grow in me, but I did not move.

"Don't waste your time," a voice had boldly ordered. I hated that voice. It was that of none-other Baron Praxis. He was the whole reason I was hoping death would come to me soon. "Our experiment has failed. Not even a change. But, we now have more, 'test subjects'."

"The Dark Warrior experiment will continue, no matter the cost." Erol cooed to the Baron like a crocadog on a leash.

"Yes," I heard the Baron turn and begin to walk away. "Dispose of that thing before nightfall." Then his footsteps echoed down the hall. When the footsteps had disappeared, Erol banged on the bars again.

"Oh, don't worry, freak, I'll make your death as slow and painful as possible." He laughed loudly and walked down the hall. I sat there, long after the footsteps disappear, and all I could hear was my breathing. I was almost relived. I had waited two long, painful years of daily eco experiments to die. Now was my day. I barely breathed as I sat in my cell, for how long, I couldn't tell. Soon, I heard footsteps and my cell door opening. I saw the red boots of a Crimson Guard as he stood in front of me, then felt a hand around my arm.

That had been the day I escaped.


Jak had gone through the same things I had. And the sudden memories caused me to swish my tail in anger. The water turned behind me. Damn Baron! Damn Erol! Damn experiments! They were the reason I was like this! This thing! Suddenly, several figures walked out of the Naughty Ottesl, and I remembered I was suppose to be hiding. I controlled myself and stopped my useless 'tail wagging'. I looked at the lit area in front of the bar. A large, muscular elf walked from the bar and stood at the water's edge. He was dawned in dented armour and one of his eyes was replaced by a mechanical one.

I grinned in spite of myself. I had seen this man many, many times. Often as he walked into Krew's bar. I was surprised he did not have his peacemaker with him. Another, a shorter older looking man was talking to Jak, who nodded his head. The older man had a large mess of what I believed was hair with a large log lodged into it, and a small blue bird fluttering around his head. He stood on two stumps that were tied to his feet.

I looked directly at Jak then, using my large green reptilian eyes, as the old sage spoke to him. The young hero had blond hair, tinted in green, and a small green goatee. He sported a pair of goggles on his forehead, and a left shoulder guard where his furry little Ottsel friend resigned. He wore a blue tunic and brown pants, and held a small pouch at his waist. I'd watched him fight before, and I didn't want to be at the end of his morph gun. Or of his dark eco claws.

On Jak's shoulder stood his orange Ottsel companion, who also sported a pair of goggles on his head. I didn't know how such a creature came to become friends with the elf, and didn't really care. A colourful Monkawat their feet began talking. I watched for a moment, then the Ottsel quickly got an ugly look on his face and began yelling. He then leap from the elf's shoulder and rammed into the Monkaw. They began rolling around the ground in a fight. Fur and feathers flew everywhere, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Eventually, the large one picked them up and separated them.

I heard fireworks crackle over my head and looked up. A shower of red fell down in the sky. I breathed in through my nose deeply and closed my eyes for a second, letting all that happened sink in. As I opened them, I was looking at Jak, and he was looking at me! My body froze. My mind froze. I froze. Oh shit! He saw me, I knew it! I panicked and sunk my head under the water, using my flattened tail and powerful scaled arms to pull me deeper into the musty substance. My feet suddenly touched bottom and I stopped. My heart was racing. Had he seen me? No one had ever seen my large dark eco dragon form, except for some metal heads, but they were all dead. I stayed under the water for as long as my lungs could manage, then slowly rose to the surface several hundred meters away, hoping the elves were gone.

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