Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

How old is this pasta sauce?!

by Missus_Blaze

Frank is still on a mission to make Gerard's apartment more like 'their' apparent. Today he's tackling the kitchen. But what's that in the back of the cupboard? _______________________ Warnings: ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-11-26 - Updated: 2012-11-26 - 792 words

''Frank, what on earth are you doing in that kitchen?'' Gerard asked from the couch, eyes focused on the crappy commercial that had popped up on the screen.
''I know what you're like. You probably haven't given it a good clean since you got the place.'' Frank had his head in one of the cupboards full of jars of sauces and pasta and condiments. ''Since when have you eaten burn your ass hot sauce?''
Gerard laughed, remembering how Mikey had given him that as a joke present one Christmas.''It was a present.''
''Riiiiiggggghhht. So you won't be eating it any time soon?''
''I'm getting rid of it then.'' Frank threw the bottle into the bin and carried looking through the cupboard. He put all of the good food on the side, and threw out what seemed like a never ending supply of cooking sauces. When he finally got to the back of the cupboard Frank saw a dusty jar, and carefully pulling it out of the cupboard, blew on the jar to remove the dust. He looked at the use by date on the jar and choked on the dust that was floating around his face. ''Gee, how the fuck did you get a jar of pasta sauce that was meant to be used in the 70's?'

Gerard shook his head, figuring Frank was going crazy from the fumes of the cleaning products he had been using lately, and shuffled into the kitchen. ''What do you mean used in the 70's?''
Frank handed the jar to Gerard. Gerard looked at the label,and noticed Frank wasn't exaggerating, the jar of sauce really was meant to of been used up in the 70's.
''It must of been here when I moved in or something. I've never seen that jar in my life.''
Frank laughed, that sentence really proved just how little Gerard used the kitchen.
''You didn't notice it when you put all your grocery's away when you moved in?''
''Obviously not.''
Frank shook his head and placed the jar on the side. ''You know some crazy person might buy that from you.''
''What? Why?''
''People collect weird things. We should keep it and see if we can find a good home.''
Gerard laughed and told Frank he could do whatever he wanted, as long as he didn't feed the sauce to either of them by accident.

A few hours later and Frank had cleaned the kitchen and sorted through all of the food, throwing anything spoilt and re-arranging everything that was safe. The sides were gleaming, the sink shiny, all the cutlery and crockery washed up, dried and put away, and the floor clean enough you could eat from it.
''Gerard, come look.'' Frank called Gerard into the kitchen to admire his handy-work.
Gerard walked into the kitchen and stood there, looking around the small room, mouth open like a goldfish. ''Shit, Frank this looks like a different room!''
''You like?''
''It's so clean!''
''But do you like?''
''Um, yeah, yeah I like.'' Gerard smiled and pulled Frank into a hug. ''You've been working so hard today. Go put your feet up and I'll make you a drink.''
Frank hugged Gerard back and kissed his cheek. ''Thank you. Oh and keep it fucking clean, you make a mess and I'll kill you.'' Frank giggled as he left the room and jumped onto the couch.

''Frank?'' Gerard called from the kitchen as he started up the coffee maker.
''Does it feel like our apartment yet?''
Frank looked around the living room and shook his head. ''Once I've sorted out in here tomorrow it will.''
Gerard walked in with their coffee's and put them down on the coffee table, sitting down on the couch and resting his head on Frank's shoulder. ''Good, because I want to spend some time with a Frank who isn't tired from cleaning.''
Frank poked Gerard's side and stuck his tongue out. ''If you hadn't of made it such a mess it wouldn't of taken so long.''
''Mmm I guess.Frank?''
''I love you.''
''I love you too Gerard.''
Sorry it took so long to get this chapter up! I promise things will get back to normal soon, with alternation between the days of updates of this story and 'Dear Diary, Love Frank.'
Please do tell me what you think. It's very very near the end. And I'd love to hear what you think about it. And when you can see it going in the last few chapters.
Missus_Blaze xxxxxx
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