Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Have you ever used this gift set I got you?!

by Missus_Blaze

Frank's on a mission to sort out each and every room in Gerard's apartment. He refuses to call it 'their' apartment until he's finished his mission. Gerard however, he's not as into the rearranging...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-11-15 - Updated: 2012-11-15 - 941 words

Gerard and Frank were huddled up on the couch watching tv after, what quite frankly was one of the worst breakfasts ever. Gerard had set the pancakes on fire, and Frank burnt the toast. At least the coffee and juice were edible though.

''I am never cooking again!'' Gerard groaned, burying his face in Frank's hair.
''I think we should stick to cereal. How do you even set fire to pancakes?!'' Frank giggled despite Gerard's pleas not to remind him.
''Well the juice and coffee tasted ok.'' Gerard poked Frank's side as he continued giggling.
''Hey! Hey stop poking me!'' Frank peeled himself away from Gerard and kissed his cheek. ''Guess what time it is?''
''Um... nap time?''
''What? No! The day has just begun! No no it's BATHROOM TIME!''
Gerard groaned and his his face in the couch cushions, which were now warm thanks to Frank's ass.
''I didn't say YOU had to help did I? Just go lie on the bed and sketch or something so I can get it done fast, and it will be easier for me to double check before I throw things. Ok?''
''Fine.'' Gerard held his hand out for Frank to help him up, and yelped when Frank pulled a lot harder then he had expected.

Gerard hated cleaning, and he hated the bathroom even more then cleaning. He hadn't decorated it since he moved in so it was still a stark white, and the shelves were all full of toiletry's and candles which friends and family had gotten him for birthdays and Christmas's that he hadn't even opened yet. Gerard jumped on the bed and turned the cd player on with the remote control on the bedside table. Frank made his way into the bathroom with a handful of trash bags.
''This doesn't seem like uh you.'' Frank said as he examined the walls and tiles. ''I thought you weren't keen on plain?''
''I've not had chance to decorate.''
''LIES! All of the rooms here are decorated apart from this one....We should decorate it!''
''What today? We haven't got any paint or anything.'' Gerard wrinkled his nose up at the thought of decorating the bathroom, that would mean spending time in there.
''Not now stupid. In a couple of day's once all my shit's away.''
''Just keep your shit in that toilet and I'll be happy.''
''Haha you funny fucker. You know what I mean.''

Frank ran out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, picking up a large empty cardboard box which had contained his clothes, he threw some cleaning products into the box and smiled to himself. He ran back to the bathroom, box in hand and plopped it on the floor.
''What's the box for Frankie?''
''It's what I'm going to put everything in whilst I clean.'' Frank stuck his tongue out at Gerard, who was still led out on the bed. He took all the cleaning products out of the box and lined them up neatly against the wall.
As he started to put all of the toiletry's in the box, Frank noticed a small blue box that looked familiar.
''Gee.... didn't I get you this?'' Frank waved the blue box around. Gerard rolled over, and had to think.
''Yeah I think you did.''
''Have you ever even used this gift set I got you?!'' Frank asked as he noticed another gift set he had gotten Gerard.
''What one?''
''The lemon one. The box has been opened.''
''Nope I haven't used that. I opened it to smell it.''
''It smelt nice! I just... didn't get chance.''
Frank poked his head out of the bathroom and stared at Gerard. ''What do you use to shower then?''
''The same as I always have, that creme stuff.''
''You mean the creme stuff that you stole from your mom what 5 years ago?''
''Yeah, I liked it so much I went out and made it what I use.''
''You're fucking weird.'' Frank giggled as he ducked back into the bathroom, avoiding the pillow Gerard had just thrown in his direction.

A couple of hours later and Frank had finished. He had made Gerard go through all of the gift sets and said he could keep 3 in the bathroom out of the boxes, and two in the cabinet for when they needed to restock. He had also arranged everything so half of the shelf contained Frank's stuff, and the other Gerard's.
''Right now that's done, you can see how shiny this room looks.'' Frank waved Gerard into the bathroom.
''Wow, everything looks so... new.'' Gerard stared at the white of the tiles and the shower, and when he looked in the mirror the reflection was so clear. ''Wow.''
''It's amazing what cleaning can do isn't it.''
''Now I need a shower, you joining me?'' Frank winked as he turned the water on to warm up.
''Maybe just this once.''
Frank smiled and pressed himself up against Gerard, kissing him before tugging at his shirt. ''Well you can't shower naked.''
''I know that you ass.'' Gerard laughed.

Frank smiled as he helped Gerard with his shirt. He decided he could get used to this.
It's so close to the end :'( 3 or 4 more chapters until the end :( (Maybe 5)
What do you guys think so far?
Please do leave a review as I love hearing what you have to say!

Missus_Blaze xxx
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