Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Closet wars.

by Missus_Blaze

Frank is moving his things into Gerard's apartment. But there seems to be a lack of space for his clothes. Cue the closet wars. __________________________ Warnings: None

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-11-13 - Updated: 2012-11-13 - 853 words

''Gerard we need to sort these draws out, and your wardrobe.... Where am I meant to put my clothes?...I thought you gave up drag in art school?'' Frank laughs pulling out a floral dress from the wardrobe and waving it around.
''I did.....I just took all my clothes when I left my moms.'' Gerard snatched the dress away from Frank and took it off the hanger.
''So you didn't go through your clothes at all? Just put them straight in here?''
''More or less.''
Frank rubbed his hands together and smiled over at Gerard, who had flopped down on the bed and was playing with the dress. ''Well then my darling, that means we need sort through this!'' Frank started to pull all of the clothes out and threw them onto the bed. ''You can try everything on, and if it doesn't fit it goes, if it's broken it goes, and if you don't like it anymore it goes.''
Gerard groaned as a shirt landed on his face. ''Do we have to do this now?''
''Yes! Now up.. up come on!'' Frank pulled Gerard up from the bed. ''I'll even help you. Come on, shirt.'' He tugged at Gerard's shirt and lifted it over his head. ''Good boy.''
''I'm cold!'' Gerard whined.
''Well then put this on.'' Frank handed Gerard a blue button up shirt. Gerard reluctantly put his arms through the sleeves and went to button the shirt up.
''No, I'll do that.'' Frank reached over and started to do the buttons up. Once he had done up all the buttons he motioned for Gerard to do a twirl. ''Oh that shirt looks so great on you! Why don't you wear it!? Look at your shoulders!'' Frank ran his fingers along Gerard's shoulder and smiled. ''I think you should wear this shirt more.''
Gerard looked down at the shirt and nodded ''It's a nice blue.''
''There's that as-well.'' Frank smiled and kissed Gerard's cheek. ''Ok take it off, we are keeping that one. Now try this!'' He handed Gerard a black button up shirt. ''Why do I never see you in these?''
''Because you've never asked.''
''I didn't even know you owned button up shirts that weren't for shows or events or whatever.'' Frank again did the buttons up on the shirt. ''Ooohh this one Gerard!'' he rested his hands on Gerard's chest. ''I like this one a lot to.''
''Yeah...a whole lot.''

A couple of hours later and all of Gerard's clothes had been sorted through, Frank had made a big deal about every button up shirt, and the occasional band shirt. Together they had gotten id of about half of Gerard's wardrobe. Part of which included 4 dresses, which Gerard insisted were from his art school days. 3 pairs of jeans that were far to ripped for even Gerard to get away with wearing, and a handful of shirts that were stained, didn't fit or just not to Gerard's taste anymore.
''Now... draws!'' Frank clapped his hands as he took out one of the draws and emptied the contents onto the bed. ''Inspect for holes!'' He threw a few pairs of socks at Gerard and kept the boxers for himself to inspect. ''Gerard.... really!?'' Frank held up a pair of boxers that were barely together, The waistband had chunks missing from it and the thing cotton of the boxers hung onto the waistband by thing strands.
''They're my lucky ones.''
''Lucky my ass.''
''Wellllllllll....'' Gerard laughed remembering that those were the boxers he wore when Frank had drunkenly let Gerard give him a 'birthday blowjob.' because his girlfriend at the time wasn't around.
''Well what?''
''I wore these the first time you let me blow you.'' Gerard shrugged. ''On your birthday oh what, 3 years ago now?''
''No way!''
''Yes way!''
''Well they still aren't lucky.'' Frank shook his head and threw the boxers into the bag they had been throwing the clothes they didn't want anymore into.

Luckily the draws didn't take so long to sort through. Frank planted a big kiss on Gerard's lips and ran over to the box full of his clothes. ''Can I have the left side of the wardrobe?''
Gerard nodded and watched as Frank started putting all his clothes away.
''Tomorrow we are going to sort out that bathroom.'' Frank smiled as he put the last shirt away. He flopped down onto the bed and rolled over, burying himself into Gerard's side.
''Good night Gee.''
''Good night Frankie.''

SORRY it's taken me so long to update! I've been in so much pain lately its been horrible!
What do you think of this chapter? Can you see Frank actually going through Gerard's wardrobe and clearing it out?
What do you want to happen in the next chapter? I love hearing what you have to say so PLEASE leave a review :D
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