Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

We're coming home!

by Missus_Blaze

It's the last show of the tour, and the band are in their hometown of New Jersey! Spirits are high, smiles are on and the air is full of excitement and anticipation. ______________________________...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-11-10 - Updated: 2012-11-10 - 958 words

It's the last show of the tour, and the band are in their hometown of New Jersey! Spirits are high, smiles are on and the air is full of excitement and anticipation.

''Hey guys!'' James pokes his head into the MCR bus. ''How about all the bands get together to and celebrate the end of the tour after the show?''
The MCR guys all agree that's a great idea, and James reveals he has already managed to secure out a large room for the bands and crew to celebrate.
''I better get up on that stage! Have a good show guys!'' James smiled at the band before running off towards the venue.
''I can't believe it's over already.'' Bob sighed into his coffee. ''I was starting to get into a sleeping routine.''
Mikey and Ray laugh at Bob.
''I can't believe we get to finish up at home!'' Mikey squeaked.
''I can't wait to see all those familiar faces.'' Ray added.

Gerard and Frank weren't with the rest of the band, they were at the side of the stage watching all of the other bands.They were stood arm in arm, singing along to all the songs that they knew.
James's band Reggie and the Full Effect had just finished their set, James told Gerard and Frank about the get together and excused himself whilst he went to make the room look less bare.
''Guys!! You're watching us?'' Bert crept up behind Gerard and Frank.
''Yeah! Good luck.'' Gerard smiled at Bert and the rest of his band. Bert pulled Gerard into a bear hug and whispered into his ear ''Thank's Gee. I'm so proud of you.'' And then he and the rest of The Used walked out onto the stage.

Now it was their turn, Gerard felt the colour drain from his face, he always got nervous before they performed, but when they performed back here in NJ his nerves were always much worse.
''It's gonna be fine Gee.'' Frank kissed Gerard's cheek before running off to his spot on the stage.

The show, well it had been the best the band have ever done! They all hugged on the stage, Bob even got out from behind his drums to join the guys in their group hug. They walked off the stage, Bob leading, Mikey and Ray patting each other's backs and Frank and Gerard hand in hand.

''In here!'' James waved at the guys from a doorway. The MCR guys followed him into the room, which he had made sure was alcohol free for Gerard. He had managed to get a projector up and running, which displayed photos from throughout the tour he had taken, and he had asked fan's to send him. There were beautiful shots from the fans of the bands on the stage, photos taken by James almost paparazzi style of all the bands, the local ones from each town included doing random things like eating or joking around. The windows had long red velvet curtains which were drawn, and there were balloons and bubbles everywhere.
''James this is AMAZING'' Ray shouted over the music as he ruffled James hair and excused himself to go and see his girlfriend who he could see on the other side of the room. Mikey and Bob congratulated James on a job well done and followed Ray's lead, going to see their girlfriends. Frank and Gerard got talking to James, until he ran off to go and 'mingle' as he called it.

''Hey Gerard?'' Bert tapped Gerard's shoulder.
''Can I talk to you?''
''Sure.'' Gerard kissed Frank's cheek and followed Bert out of the room and into the corridor where they could talk without raising their voices over the music.
''I wanted to thank you.'' Bert smiled at Gerard.
''For what?''
''You deciding to cut out all the bad stuff, it's made me realize I should do the same. I mean I look you and Frank, and I See how happy you are, and I want that y'know.''
Gerard nodded. ''I understand.''
''But no-one is going to stay with me if I'm always drunk or high, so I've decided to get help. I wish I could do it like you and just stop, but I know I won't be able to do that, so when I get home, I'm going to see a doctor and get put on a program.''
Gerard pulled Bert into a hug. ''I'm so proud of you!''
Bert hugged Gerard back before pulling away and smiling. ''Thank's for everything Gee.'' and with that he walked back into the room.

A couple of hours later Gerard and Frank were outside smoking.
''Can I ask you something?'' Gerard shuffled around nervously.
''Of course you can. What's up?''
''Um....You can say no if you want! But um...I really want to carry this on, like carry us on. And um... I wondered if you like....wanted to move in with me or whatever.'' Gerard blushed.
''You serious?!'' Frank plastered Gerard's face in kisses.
''Is that um a yeah?''
''Of course it's a yeah you idiot!'' Frank laughed as he continued to kiss Gerard's face.

Gerard had a good feeling about what to come.

NEARLY the end guys :( Just a handful of extra chapters. What do you think of the chapter? Do you like it? Do you think Gerard is rushing things by asking Frank to move in? Or do you think it's perfect timing?

Please do leave reviews, I love reading what you have to say!
Missus_Blaze loves you xxxxxxxx
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