Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Pass me a sick bucket.

by Missus_Blaze

Ray always feels the need to give the band a pep talk before their last two shows,''It's our penultimate show guys! Let's make it a good one!'' he squeaks, but nobody seems to be listening. Gerard ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-11-07 - Updated: 2012-11-07 - 592 words

It's almost show time. The second to last show of the tour. Nobody want's the tour to end, the band have been planning their next album all through this tour. Ray always feels the need to give the band a pep talk before their last two shows,''It's our penultimate show guys! Let's make it a good one!'' he squeaks, but nobody seems to be listening. Bob's drumming against the wall,Gerard and Frank can't keep their hands off each other, and Mikey looks like he wants to throw up. Ray gives up on finishing his pep talk when he gets interrupted by yet another one of Gerard and Frank's in unison moans. He walked over to Mikey and placed his hand on the bassist's shoulder.
''Hey Mikey, you ok?''Ray gave Mikey's shoulder a little squeeze. Mikey looked very pale.
''Yeah I'm fine. Could you pass me that bucket though? I cannot watch those two make out any more!'' Mikey waved his hands around and laughed when Ray actually did pass him the bucket. ''I was joking Ray, but thanks.''

''Ok guys! You're up!'' Came a call from behind the band. They all hugged and high fived and walked out onto the stage. The show went great, the guys all had so much energy, but that might be to do with the fact the last show would be in their home town of New Jersey. Even Bob seemed exited, but then he did say that New Jersey was his adopted hometown for a large part of the year.

After the show the band make their way back to their bus and decide to sit and share memories. Bob and Mikey sit on the floor, Ray squishes up against one corner of the couch, and Frank sits on Gerard's lap on the other corner of the couch.
''Remember when Bob put salt in Mikey's coke at that pizza place and it all foamed up and flooded the table. And then his face when he drank the last tiny bit that was left!'' Ray laughed ignoring the middle finger Mikey was giving him.
''How about when YOU got locked off the bus naked then Ray.'' Mikey stuck his tongue out at Ray.
''How about that time when Frank got chased by that dog and he had to throw the dog his candy.'' Bob added to the pile of memories. Frank and Gerard were to busy making out to actually make any comments.
''Urgh will you two stop for five minutes!'' Mikey whined ''I don't wanna keep seeing one of my closest friends and my brother swapping saliva.''
Frank gave Mikey the finger without looking away from Gerard.
''Do you guys like not breath?'' Bob asked.
''They have super powers Bob'' Ray poked Gerards side, causing him to wiggle. ''Oh come on!''
Ray poked Gerard's side again, and he, Mikey and Bob all gave a loud cheer when Frank sighed and moved off of Gerard's lap.
''At least after tomorrow me and Gee will have our own space.'' Frank winked at Gerard who promptly blushed.

''OH MY GOD NO!'' Mikey squeaked ''SOMEBODY PASS ME A BUCKET!''

So what do you guys think? Don't worry there is going to be MORE then just one chapter after this one. What do you think? What do you want to happen? What do you like/dislike?

Please do leave me reviews, they keep me writing!

Thank's so much
Missus_Blaze Loves you all! xxxxx
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