Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Are we going to last?

by Missus_Blaze

Its only three more days until the tour is over, and Gerard's been thinking about all the fun they could have afterwards. Wink wink nudge nudge. But will Frank want to stay with him after the tour?...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-11-05 - Updated: 2012-11-05 - 978 words

''Gee.... Gee c'mon wake up. I gotta pee. Geeeee I'm begging you!'' Frank wiggled underneath Gerard, they had both fallen asleep during the movie marathon and none of the guys had bothered to wake them up when they had gotten back. Gerard mumbled and rolled over slightly, just enough so Frank could slide out from underneath and not drag Gerard off the couch. Frank glanced at the clock, 5am. He rushed to the bathroom, having Gerard laying all over him wasn't a problem, it was just the elbow in his bladder for the last few hours.

Frank peed, washed his hands and left the bathroom, making his way back to Gerard, who had now woken up and was, as Frank should of know, making coffee.
''Want one?'' Gerard asked from the small kitchen, smiling over at Frank.
Gerard made the coffee's and placed them down on the coffee table in the living area. Gerard sat himself down on the couch and threw a cushion onto his lap. He knew Frank his boyfriend, and had seen Gerard naked before, but it didn't stop him feeling slightly embarrassed about his morning wood as he heard Ray call it once.
''Why are you looking at me like that?'' Frank asked Gerard, noticing Gerard staring at him.
''Noooooo reasoooon.''Gerard squeaked in reply, cheeks slightly pink.
''Why are you squeaking?'' Frank looked at Gerard trying to figure out what was wrong, before going to pull the cushion from Gerard's lap so he could put it behind his back.
''Noooo. No cushion for you.''
''Gerard......move that cushion now.'' Frank shuffled so he was on his knees on the couch, if he straightened himself up he would be higher up then Gerard.

Frank laughed, before kissing Gerard hard, taking him by slight surprise. After a couple of seconds Gerard let out a small moan. Frank smiled as he started kissing Gerard's neck, biting gently here and there.
''Frank....we...we shouldn't.''
''Shhh. If you're quiet they will never know.'' Frank lent up and whispered into Gerard's ear. Gerard felt a shiver down his spine and nodded. He be could be quiet if he tried. Frank kissed his way down from Gerard's ear, across his jaw, down his neck. He took a corner of the pillow and pulled it away from Gerard's lap. Frank glanced down and could see, quite clearly Gerard's hard on through his jeans and giggled. ''You should of just said.''
Gerard just mumbled something, which Frank couldn't really make out. Frank let his fingers hover of the belt of Gerard's jeans, before fumbling with the buckle. He undid the belt and slowly undid the buckle. He quickly undid the button and zipper and kissed Gerard again as his fingers crept past the waistband of Gerard's underwear.
''Jesus! Frank...''
Frank silenced Gerard with another kiss, his tongue exploring Gerard's mouth. He slowly stroked the length of Gerard's cock,before bringing his hand out and up to his mouth, he spit into his hand, and returned it back to it's position. Frank wrapped his fingers around Gerard's cock and slowly started to stroke his way up to the head, his thumb circling it.
''How long have you been hiding this from me then.'' Frank laughed as Gerard bucked his hips up, and made the same babbled noises he always did when he was close.
''uh..uh...fuck..uh...I dunno, I..sleep....dream..jesus Frankie.''
Frank laughed again, as he increased the pace of his hand, mouth against Gerard's trying to keep him quiet.
''mmmfmmmm sffsfs cfffffslllflfff'' Gerard mumbled against Frank's lips. Frank pulled away and looked confused ''mmmfmmm sfssfss cffffllffff?''
''I....I..said, I'm sooo close.'' Gerard half squeaked half moaned. Frank bit against Gerard's neck, hand still firmly wrapped around Gerard cock.
Frank knew what Gerard was trying to say and bit down slightly harder. He could feel Gerard come and slowed down, working his hand down to a gradual stop. He kissed Gerard again and pulled his hand away.

''Wow.'' Gerard sighed, doing his jeans and belt up. Frank got up and washed his hand in the kitchen sink and smiled over at Gerard. ''So....what were you thinking about?''
''Just how good things could be after this.'' Gerard flopped his head back against the couch.
''After what?''
''The tour. Y'know, I mean, if you want to carry this... us on after the tour.''
Frank dried his hands and sat down next to Gerard. ''What do you mean?''
''I's only three days till the tour is over, and I've been a bit of a idiot haven't I? And I just thought you might not want to carry this on after, and as much as that would kill me inside, I'd understand.''
Frank shook his head. ''How many times do I need to tell you Gee, I'm never leaving your side?''
''I just don't get why you would settle for me, when there are so many more amazing guys out there.''
''I don't want just any old amazing guy. I want you.'' Frank smiled and kissed Gerard's nose. ''Another coffee? Those ones have gotten cold.''
Gerard nodded ''Please. I love you Frankie.''
''I love you to Gee.'' Frank replied, he couldn't remember ever feeling like this about anyone other Gerard. ''And I always will.''

So I attempted, and failed I think to write some more uh... intimate moments for F & G. What do you think? Improvement from last time or worse?

What do you think of the chapter as whole? What do you want to happen?
Please do leave a review, I'll give you cookies.

Missus_Blaze loves you all xxx
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