Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

You can't watch movies at a party.

by Missus_Blaze

Gerard and Bert finally join the party on the used's bus. Frank isn't happy to see his boyfriend and Bert walking onto the bus arm and arm. _____________________________ Warnings: mention's of al...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-11-02 - Updated: 2012-11-02 - 733 words

''Bert's back! And he has Gerard!'' Mikey screamed in Frank's face. He tended to shout and scream a lot when he was a little tipsy. He only ever got tipsy though, never so drunk he couldn't function.
Frank glanced at the door and saw that Mikey was right. He had to blink a couple of times though to make sure he wasn't imagining the pair arm in arm. Frank walked over to Gerard and Bert and dragged Gerard away from his ex. ''I thought you weren't going to be around temptation?''
Gerard laughed, he knew Frank wouldn't be happy, but just one wouldn't hurt. That one beer on the bus didn't count, because that was on his own bus. One beer at one party wouldn't hurt. ''I'm going to be in the same room as the stuff at some point, I may as well uh build up some restraint or whatever.''
Frank could smell the beer on Gerard's breath. ''You've had a drink.''
''Have not.''
''Don't lie to me Gerard.'' Frank had to stop himself from shouting. He pulled Gerard off the bus so that they could talk in private. ''I can smell it on your fucking breath.''
Gerard looked at Frank and sighed. ''I just had half of one.''
''Half to much.''
''IT ISN'T AS EASY AS YOU THINK IT IS!'' Gerard shouted, he hated shouting, especially at Frank, but he needed Frank to understand. ''I can't just cut it all out. I mean I tried, I did. But it's going to take time.''
''I didn't say it was going to be easy. I know it's hard.''
''Well maybe you could stop lecturing me and support me a bit more then if you know how hard it is.''

Gerard's words felt like someone had just punched Frank in the face. He thought he had been supportive. Had he really been lecturing Gerard? ''I thought I was being supportive.'' he looked down at the ground, tears in his eyes. He loved Gerard more then anything in the world, and he had been so proud of him these past couple of weeks. He couldn't bear the thought of loosing Gerard to his demons again.
''You were, I mean are. It's just, you need to baby me less. I need to be let outside once in a while.'' Gerard took Frank's hand and kissed it. ''I love you ok, and that's why I'm doing this, trying to give up. But it's going to take time, and I'm probably going to trip a couple of times, but we can get through it right?''
Frank nodded and looked up at his boyfriend, he pushed Gerard's hair away from his eyes and smiled. ''We can get through anything.''
''I think there's a horror movie marathon on the movie channel.'' Gerard smiled.
''Eh? We can't watch movies at someone else's party.''
''No stupid.'' Gerard laughed. ''I meant we could go back to our bus. I just want to spend some time with you, watching films,drinking coffee and cuddling.''
''I'd like that.'' frank kissed Gerard's nose and took his hand, leading him back toward their own bus. ''You don't think Bert will mind that we've gone?''
''Nope. He's probably going to get so drunk he won't remember he even invited us.''
Frank sighed, he felt sorry for Bert. Maybe he'd try and help Bert with his drinking. Not to be nosy. For Gerard's sake. It can't be good for Gerard to be around his ex as it is, let alone his ex being drunk all the time.

''You know I love you right?''
Gerard stopped walking and took Frank's face in his hands. ''I know. And you know I love you to right?''
Frank nodded.
''Good.'' Gerard brought his lips down to Frank's and kissed him tenderly, before pulling away and taking his boyfriends hand again. ''C'mon, we're going to miss all the good films otherwise.''
I know I know it's short I'm sorry! But I like to think of it as 'short and sweet'
What do we think though? Leave me a review and tell me what you like/dislike? want/think should happen? Any other comments?

Thank you so much!
Missus_Blaze loves you x
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