Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Just one won't hurt.

by Missus_Blaze

It's celebration time. It's Bert's birthday and he has invited MCR and James to his bus to celebrate. Frank doesn't think it's a good idea for Gerard to go, what with all the alcohol that will undo...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-10-30 - Updated: 2012-10-30 - 978 words

''Hey guys! Thank's for coming over.'' Bert smiled and lunged at the Bob,Mikey,Ray,Frank and James, pulling them into a group hug. ''I'm so glad we could put the past behind us and celebrate my birthday together!.'' He pulled away from the group and noticed the lack of Gerard. ''Where's Gee?''
Frank frowned at Bert ''No offence Bert, and I don't want to start a argument, but do you think it's a good idea for a recovering alcoholic and drug user to come to a party with your band?''
''Did he want to come?''
''Well yeah, but we didn't think it was a good idea.''
Bert sighed ''Frank, I know you're looking out for Gerard, but if you hide him away from temptation he's never going to get better. I'll go get him! You guys grab yourselves a beer or whatever.'' He smiled and picked up two beers and left his bus, almost running towards the MCR bus.

Gerard led on the couch and looked around,he had really wanted to go to the party,to see everyone getting on again, to see Bert smiling, to give Bert his present. Even though he had bought the frame for it when they were together, it wasn't much, just a framed drawing of Bert that he had done. But Bert had said how he always preferred something handmade for a gift, and he had mentioned how he would pay for Gerard to sketch him.
Bert knocked on the door and Gerard jumped up from the couch. The pain from the attack a few days ago had more or less gone completely. He answered the door and smiled when he saw Bert. ''Hey. What are you doing here?''
''Came to see you. Aren't you going to let me in then.'' Bert laughed and entered the bus when Gerard moved out of the doorway. Bert shut the door with his foot and waved the beers.
''I can't. The guys said I can't. I don't see how just one can hurt though.''
''Well it's just me and you. Not going to force you, but I'll put it there if you want it.'' Bert smiled and placed the beer bottle down on the table.
''I have something for you.'' Gerard got up from the couch and walked off toward the back room of the bus, motioned for Bert to stay there. He picked up the large wrapped, framed drawing and carried it back toward the couch.
''Gerard it's huge. You shouldn't of!''
''Just open it.''
Gerard handed Bert the present and bit his lip, hoping that Bert would like it.
''Oh my fucking god!''
''I'm sorry I know it's awful.''
''Gerard are you fucking kidding me! This is the best gift I have ever been given! Come here you!.'' Bert couldn't stop smiling, it was the best drawing he had ever seen. It looked almost like a photograph it was so detailed.

Gerard giggled nervously as Bert jumped up and pulled him into a bear hug. ''I love it!''
Gerard hugged Bert back, pulling away from the hug and sitting down on the couch. ''I'm glad you like it.'' He reached out to take the beer bottle and stopped himself.
''Gee, if you want it drink it. You really shouldn't give these things up in one go anyway.''
''Just one won't hurt.''
Gerard smiled at Bert and reached over and took the beer bottle in his hand. The familiar cool of the glass, he hadn't realized how much he had missed that. He took a sip of the beer and smiled again, he hadn't realized how much he had missed the taste either.
''You should be getting back to your party, people will be wondering where you are.''
''I only threw that party so I could spend time with you without people making up rumors.''
''Because I miss you.''
Gerard took Bert's hand in his and squeezed it. ''I'm sorry.''
''It's ok. I'd rather you were happy with someone else then miserable with me.''
''Don't say that.I wasn't miserable with you, I was happy, just... Frank made me happier I guess. I'm sorry.''
''Stop saying sorry Gerard. Just come to my party yeah?''

Gerard weighed up his options in his head,could he really be around all that alcohol and knowing Bert's bus all of those drugs? He had promised Frank he would stay here. He had promised Mikey he wouldn't drink or do drugs again. They didn't know how hard it was though. Alcohol and the various drugs had been his support for so long, almost like a friend. His only escape, you couldn't just give something like that up so easily. He hadn't told Frank, or any of the other guys for that matter how he had craved a drink every day, or a line.
''I'll come.'' Gerard smiled and downed his beer, he'd missed being able to do that. ''Just one won't hurt.''
''But you have already had a beer Gerard.'' Bert looked at Gerard, maybe he shouldn't of brought that beer over.
''I've had one beer on this bus. But I haven't had any on your bus. And I've not had anything good to smoke, or a you know, just one of those won't hurt.''
Bert shook his head, it really had been a bad idea to bring that beer.

Sorry I didn't update yesterday, my brain just like melted haha.
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