Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Why didn't you tell me?

by Missus_Blaze

Bob accidentally lets slip to Mikey that the person who hurt Gerard was Bert. Mikey, of course tells Frank. How will Frank react to this news? __________________________________ Warnings: Slight ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-10-28 - Updated: 2012-10-28 - 995 words

Bob and Mikey were sat on the couch that evening playing xbox. Mikey had been wondering about the identity of Gerard's attacker for days now, and had kept trying to find out from Bob who had hurt his older brother, but Bob refused to crack.
''Did you know Bert came onto the bus today?''
''What?'' Bob looked away from the tv with a panicked expression on his face. ''What did he want? He didn't hurt Gerard again did he?''
''What do you mean hurt Gerard again?''
Bob covered his mouth and shook his head, only just realizing he had slip the precious information, he, Ray and Gerard had been trying to hide.
''Bob...did Bert attack my brother?''
''I....uh....'' Bob didn't know what to say, he was awful liar.
Mikey got up from the couch and went over to the fridge and picking at some leftovers. ''He did didn't he?''
''Yes.'' Gerard coughed from the doorway as he entered the living area, giving up on his bunk again. ''Yes he did. But you can't tell Frank!''
''Why? He should know! What if Bert had come onto the bus earlier hoping you would be alone? What if next time if Frank's here he attacks Frank? We should tell Frank so he can be prepared.''
Gerard looked at Mikey and Bob confused ''What do you mean if Bert had come onto the bus earlier hoping I would be alone?''
''He came to talk to you, but he and Frank ended up having a heart to heart about Bert giving you two his blessing or something. That's what Frank told me anyway.'' Mikey shook his head at Bob and Gerard. ''I'll tell him then.'' He knew Ray and Frank were in the back room of the bus, that the band had made into a makeshift studio.

Mikey stood in the doorway for five minutes or so watching Frank and Ray both playing their guitars, completely ignoring his presence. ''Frank?'' Mikey asked, laughing a little when he saw Ray jump.
''Can I talk to you?....alone?''
Ray put his guitar down and got up from his seat. ''I'll go. You can sit there Mikey.'' He left the room and went to join Bob and Gerard.
''What's up?'' Frank set his guitar down and looked at Mikey, he could see worry in Mikey's eyes.
''I know who hurt Gerard.''
''How? I mean, we didn't see it Mikey, it could cause problems if we jump to conclusions.''
''Gerard told me.''
''Oh. So going to tell me who it was then? I promise I won't over react.''
''It was Bert.'' Mikey jumped when Frank stood up and kicked his seat away from him. ''That fucking son of a bitch!!!!'' Frank shouted, leaving the room, ignoring Mikey shouting at him to come back.
''Gerard! When were you going to tell me that your fuck of a ex hurt you. You do know I let him onto this bus earlier don't you?! What if he had attacked you again Gerard!? WHY IS HE STILL ON THIS TOUR GERARD?'' Frank shouted as he shook with anger, his face bright red.
Gerard looked up at Frank and squeaked''He didn't mean it. It was a moment of madness.''
''If you won't get him off this tour then I will!'' Frank shouted as he grabbed his jacket and left the bus.
''FRANK!'' Gerard called after his boyfriend following him as quick as he could, grabbing his side trying to stop the pain. ''Come back here!''

Gerard kept calling at Frank to come back and calm down. Frank was just about to make a sarcastic comment when he saw Gerard, struggling to run, hands gripping his side, face twisted in pain. He couldn't stand seeing Gerard like that, Bert could wait. Gerard needed him now.
Frank jogged over to Gerard and wrapped his arm around his waist to support the older man''Gee. What are you doing!"
''I needed to stop you. Let me explain to you why I haven't had him taken off the tour.''
''Fine. Let's sit over there.'' Frank pointed at a bench. ''And we can talk yeah.'' He led Gerard to the bench and helped him sit down. ''So, what is there to explain?''
Frank listened to Gerard tell him all about Bert's past, how Bert really was a good person, just bullying at school made him angry and set him up for the self destructive path he went on. How really inside Bert was a softie, but he used this tough, angry guy persona so people wouldn't get to close to him, because if people got close he would hurt them, and he didn't want to hurt anyone.Whenever he lashed out he would punish himself for days.
''And that, is why I won't kick him off the tour.'' Gerard said matter of factly to Frank who sat there open mouthed.
''Ok. I won't kill him this time. But if he tries it again Gerard, I swear to god I will not be responsible for my actions you understand me?''
''If you kill him Frank you won't be able to be by my side.'' Gerard sighed, hoping that comment would help Frank calm down.
''Damn you Gerard Way.'' Frank laughed, planting a small kiss on Gerard's lips. ''Even in prison I'd find a way to stay by your side. I'm never leaving you, remember?''
So what do you think? I'm getting ill again I think so this chapter isn't the best as my heads all over the place. I hope you can find some enjoyment in it though.

Don't forget to leave a review telling me what you liked/disliked and what you want/think should happen.

Thank you :)
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