Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

You have my blessing.

by Missus_Blaze

Gerard can't stop thinking about what Bert said to him the other day. It's nearing the end of the tour, and Gerard doesn't know if he should be happy or sad. ______________________ Warnings: some...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-10-26 - Updated: 2012-10-26 - 1051 words

Mikey,Bob and Ray had all gone out to explore the town they had ended up in. This would be the last chance for the band's to explore any of the towns, as for the coming two weeks the tour would be going from city to city with no stops.Gerard and Frank were on the bus alone. Gerard hadn't spoken to anyone all day, he had just led in his bunk, occasionally yelping in pain when he turned over, but waved Frank away whenever he came to check on Gerard. The rest of the band assumed Gerard's anti-social was down to how close it was getting to the end of the tour. He always hid away by himself around this time, not wanting the experience to end.

''Fucker!'' Gerard shouted as he turned again and ended up rolling onto the floor. He couldn't get comfortable in the damn bunks when he didn't have fucked up ribs and sprains and twists and whatever, so you can imagine how much harder it was to get comfortable now.
''Gee!'' Frank ran into the room and saw Gerard curled up on the floor. ''I told you to call me if you needed anything. Come on, lets get you up.''
''I can't sleep in here.'' Gerard sighed, taking Frank's hand and letting Frank pull him up. Frank placed Gerard's arm over his shoulders, and wrapped his own arm, gently around Gerard's waist, helping him to the couch.
''Sleep on the couch then, it's going to be quiet for a while. I'll be quiet, read a book or something so you can sleep yeah?''
''Gerard Way please can you stop thanking me!'' Frank shook his head at Gerard. His nose crinkling up every time he wiggled, trying to get comfortable. ''I'll get you a blanket.''
Gerard finally gave up trying to get comfortable,deciding lying on his back caused him the least pain. Frank wrapped the blanket around Gerard and kissed his cheek. ''I'll be right over here with my book ok?''
''Ok. I love you Frankie.''
''I love you to Gee.''

It must of been a couple of hours later when Frank heard a knock at the door. ''Who could that be?'' he wondered, as he got up, trying to be as quiet as possible, not wanting Gerard to wake up. He opened the door and saw Bert standing there, cigarette in hand, bags under his eyes, and pant's hanging halfway down his ass. ''Bert? What are you doing here?''
''Hey Frank. Um I just wanted to see if Gerard was ok? He text me really early this morning saying he couldn't sleep and didn't want to wake anyone up so could I talk to him, and then about half a hour later stopped texting me, so I assumed he went to sleep. I just, wanted to make sure he was ok.''
Frank smiled and ushered Bert onto the bus. ''You will have to put that out though, we don't smoke on the bus.''
Bert threw the cigarette down and stomped on it, walking onto the bus and thanking Frank for allowing him on after everything that had happened.
''It's ok. Break ups are hard, I probably would of lashed out to.'' He waved over to the kitchen ''Coffee? I'd offer you something stronger but we got rid of everything to help Gerard.''
''Coffee's fine thank you. No milk or sugar please.''
Frank made the pair coffee's and handed Bert his. ''Gerard's ok. He's finding it hard to sleep in the bunks though, so he's taking a nap on the couch at the moment. He got rid of nearly all of his medication.''
''Why did he do that?''
''Said he didn't like all the warnings on the bottles. I made him keep one though, in case he had a bad day or something.''
Bert nodded. ''That's a good idea. So um, I kind of lied, I didn't just come here to see Gerard. I came here to talk to you as-well.''
Frank looked confused. ''What do you mean?''

Bert rubbed his eyes, it looked like he hadn't slept for days. ''I just wanted to say I'm really happy for you and Gerard, despite my earlier behavior. You make him happy in ways I never could, You are helping him get better, I was just making him worse. I just.'' He paused as he tried to swallow down the lump that had formed in his throat. ''I just wanted to say, that you have my blessing to act as loved up as you want, Gerard told me you two had been trying to keep your hands off of each other so I wouldn't get upset. But I don't think that's fair. I want you two to be able to show the world how much you love each-other. How happy you are.''
Frank could see a few tears fall from Bert's eyes and handed him a tissue. ''It's ok to cry.'' he patted Bert's shoulder and smiled. ''And thank you for saying that, it really means a lot. I know it will mean a lot to Gerard to.''
Bert took the tissue and wiped his eyes. ''Thank you. I better go, but tell Gerard I called in yeah?''
Frank nodded and led Bert toward the door. ''I'm sure he will appreciate the concern.Thank's again for saying what you did.'' Frank pulled Bert into a hug. ''You're being way more mature about this then I would be. Good luck tonight.''
''Thank's. Bye Frank.''
''Bye Bert.''
Frank shut the door and went back to his book. ''That was nice of Bert. I guess he isn't as bad as everyone thinks. He's actually really nice when he's sober.'' he thought.
Ok guys, what do you think so far? We are nearing the end. I'm not sure how many more chapters there will because I'm not sure how much I will put into each chapter, but I know what's happening!

Please do leave a review. Tell me what you like/dislike, what you think should happen. I love you all! Thank you for sticking by me.
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