Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

It must be the medicine.

by Missus_Blaze

Gerard hadn't felt this confused in a while. He couldn't be in love with two people. Hell he couldn't be in love with Bert, no matter how sorry he was! Gerard decides it has to be the medication he...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-10-24 - Updated: 2012-10-25 - 725 words

Gerard rushed back to his own bus. What had he just done!? He should never of let Bert talk to him. He should of just kept walking. He walked onto the bus, and looked around, everyone was still asleep. ''Great'' Gerard thought to himself as he walked into the bathroom looking in the medicine cabinet at his medications, one of them must cause memory loss, or confusion or hallucinations or something that would explain why he was suddenly feeling this way for both Frank and Bert.
He looked at the various bottles and saw the following warnings.
'Warning, may cause bleeding, ulcers and confusion.'
'Warning, may cause hallucinations.'
'Warning, may cause black outs, personality changes, sleep disruption.'
''It must be one of these.'' he mumbled to himself. Throwing the contents of one of the bottles of pills down the toilet. He couldn't take them if they were going to fuck up his relationship with Frank, he had waited far to long for this to end before it had even properly began.

Frank heard the toilet flush and yawned, stretching out in his bunk and rolling out, walking over to the bathroom. ''Gee?''
''Yeah, one sec.'' Gerard said, throwing the next lot of pills into the toilet, then walking over to unlock the door. ''It's open.''
Frank walked in and looked at Gerard emptying his medication down the toilet with confusion.
''What are you doing?''
''Getting rid of it.''
''I don't like all these warnings they have.'' Gerard flushed the toilet again.
''Oh, ok. What about the pain though?'' Frank took the last bottle and put them back in the cabinet. ''Keep one just in-case.''
Gerard sighed and agreed with Frank that he should probably keep one lot just in-case the pain got to much.
''Gee, why are you really getting rid of them?'' Frank asked, leading Gerard toward the living area and sitting down on the couch.
''I...I aw Bert, and all these feelings I should of had for him ages ago just seemed to of appeared and it freaked me out, and it must be the medication, because I've never felt like this before. But I don't want to loose you, So that's why I got rid of all the pills. Because I didn't want to risk taking them and acting on these feelings that aren't genuine.''
Frank nodded ''You aren't going to loose me. I promise you. I promised I would stay by your side, and some medication making you feel something for your ex isn't going to change that.'' he kissed Gerard's cheek and got up to make coffee. ''So what did you two talk about?'' he asked.

Gerard couldn't believe Frank was being so understanding about the whole thing. ''He just wanted to apologize for everything.'' Gerard shrugged his shoulders and got up slowly, going to help Frank make the coffees.
''That was nice of him. Show's he isn't suck a bastard after all.'' Frank handed Gerard a coffee, and took a sip of his own.
''Yeah. I guess.''
''Stop worrying. Seriously Gerard I can see your brain ticking over. I'm not going to break up with you just because some medication is fucking with your mind.''
''Don't say thank's. It's because I love you I won't let those pills ruin everything. I think we should talk to the doctor though, get him to find something that will help get rid of the pain, without messing with your feelings.''
Gerard pulled Frank into a hug and kissed him softly. ''You know I love you right?''
Frank smiled ''I know. And I love you to, and I promise you I'll never leave your side ok. Believe me!'' He kissed Gerard slightly harder, pushing him up against the counter gently, so not to hurt him more then he already was.
''I know you would never intentionally hurt me Gerard.''

So I've been ill, as I said in the last chapter, and the previous chapter, and this one have been in my dreams for the past two days, not lying. So I felt the need to put them here. Things should be on a better track soon when I'm feeling better.

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