Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Long walks and old friends.

by Missus_Blaze

Gerard just wants to be alone for a while, Frank won't let him out of his sight though, and the rest of the band are back on the bus relaxing before the next show, at a safe venue. So Gerard does w...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-10-24 - Updated: 2012-10-24 - 1069 words

Frank had fallen asleep not to long ago, as had Mikey, Ray and Bob. They had all set alarms to wake them up in plenty of time to get ready for that nights show. Gerard drank the last of his coffee and peeped into everyone's bunks, making sure that they were all still asleep. When he had convinced himself that yes, everyone's snores were genuine he grabbed his coat and left the bus. He needed air, he needed to be alone and not babied for a while.

Gerard pulled his jacket tightly around himself as a gust of wind blew straight past him. He smiled to himself, he had missed the quiet of a car park whilst everyone chilled out before a show. It was late enough that all the staging had been set up, but early enough that the car park was still pretty deserted. Gerard looked around, making sure none of the band had noticed he had gone, and continued walking. He didn't know where he was going, maybe just a loop of the venue and the car park and then back to his bus.

''Gerard?'' came a voice from one of the other buses. Gerard froze, it sounded like Bert but he couldn't be sure, because he knew one of the tech guys sounded a bit like Bert to. He spun around and sure enough, he could see Bert, stood in the doorway of the bus, cigarette in hand.
''Gee? Look, I'm sorry. Can we talk?''
Gerard shook his head. ''I don't think that's a good idea do you?''
Gerard sighed and walked over to the bus. ''Who else is there?'' he asked, not wanting to risk any of Bert's band mates telling Frank he had visited their bus.
''Just me.'' Bert waved Gerard onto the bus, and shut the door behind them. He could see Gerard looked uncomfortable, and he couldn't blame him. Bert would be pretty edgy to if someone had beaten the shit out of him and then beckoned him onto their bus, alone.
Gerard looked around, and sat on the couch, wincing as he did so. ''What do you want?''

''Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise, I just want to explain myself. Do you want a coffee or something?'' Bert asked, making himself a drink. Gerard nodded and Bert made Gerard's coffee and placed it on the table in-front of him, then sat himself down on the floor, far enough from Gerard to hopefully not make him feel to uncomfortable.

''I know I've been a dick, and I want to apologize, and explain why.'' Bert took a sip of his coffee, which he had laced with whiskey and placed the mug on the floor next him.
Gerard nodded ''Ok.''
Bert ran a hand through his hair. ''Ok, so, the only reason I did all those things was because I was jealous, I didn't want to loose you. You are the only person I've trusted enough to tell about what I did, you know, with the jail thing and about my family and everything. You are the only person who I felt I could be myself around, and to see you and Frank like that, it broke me. I know I shouldn't of acted how I did, but you know what I'm like. Do, then think after. I never wanted to hurt you, and I'm so sorry I did. Seeing you like this.'' he waved his hand at Gerard ''It's not what I wanted. I know you are happy with Frank, and I want you to be happy, but I just don't know how much longer I can be around that.''
Gerard looked at Bert. ''What exactly are you saying?''
Bert rubbed his eyes, a few tears rolling down his cheek. He rarely showed his soft side. ''What I'm saying is that I still love you, and I'm sorry for ever hurting you. I'm sorry for shouting at you all those times, and encouraging you to drink this and to take that. I'm sorry that I couldn't make you happy the way Frank does.'' Bert looked at the floor, tears freely falling down his face now.

Gerard watched Bert, sat on the floor, crying. He couldn't remember the last he had seen Bert cry, but he knew Bert tried to keep his tough guy persona on as much as he could. He patted the couch next to him. ''Come sit here. It's ok, I know you're sorry.''
Bert looked up and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. ''You actually forgive me?''
Gerard nodded ''Of course I do. I wasn't exactly a angel to you.''
Bert sat down on the couch next to Gerard, and Gerard reached out and took Bert's arm, rolling his sleeve up. ''I did that remember.'' he ran his fingers along the scar that he had caused Bert from the fight with bottle. Gerard looked up from Bert's arm and into his eyes, he looked so sad, so broken. He bit his lip. He just wanted to make Bert feel better, even after everything that had happened.

''Please don't cry.'' Gerard wiped Bert's tears away with his thumbs. ''I have to go, Mikey and the guys will be sending out a search party if I don't get back soon. I'll text you or something later when we are going to the next venue yeah?''
Bert nodded, as he watched Gerard struggle to get up from the couch. ''Gee.''
''You know I love you right?''
Gerard nodded ''I know.'' he shut the door behind him. ''And I think I might love you to. For real this time.'' he said under his breath.
What had he gotten himself into?
Ok, so a slight twist again. I hope you like it, I actually could see this in my head, it was so weird!
Sorry its a bit weird, I've not been very well today so my heads all over the place.

Please do leave a review so I know how to improve/what you like ect.
I hope you continue to read this story as it grows and continue to enjoy it :)
Love you! xxxxxxx
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