Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Shut up and kiss me.

by Missus_Blaze

A leaking roof at the latest venue has given the bands a unexpected day off. What will Frank and Gerard get up to? ___________________________________ Warnings: None

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-10-21 - Updated: 2012-10-21 - 692 words

Gerard didn't need to worry, Bob and Ray arrived back on the bus not long after he had told Mikey and Frank to look for them. Ray and Bob had agreed to keep what had happened a secret, and just move on.

The next day, when all of the tour buses arrived at The next venue the tour was scheduled to stop at, the bands and crew were told the venue had a leaking roof. This meant that the venue was unsafe to perform in, which meant that the bands got a unexpected day off.
Ray,Bob and Mikey all made plans to see their girlfriends who happened to be in the next town.
The guy s said their goodbyes to Frank and Gerard and left the bus, borrowing one of the crew members cars to get to the next town just 10 minutes drive away.

''Do you feel up to exploring the town? Or do you just want to stay here?'' Frank asked Gerard, changing a dressing that covered Gerard's stomach thanks to Bert's attack the other day.
''owch.'' Gerard hissed as Frank poked at his ribs. ''I'd rather stay here, but if you want to go out we can.''
Frank shook his head. ''You should probably keep walking around to a minimum, we can tv or something.''
''I remember reading that there would be a CSI marathon on today.'' Gerard picked up the remote and turned on the tv, turning it onto the right channel. ''Series one to series 3, every episode.''
Frank shook his head and smiled to himself. He was happy Gerard seemed to not be letting the other night's event's get him down. He couldn't stop himself worrying though. Frank still had no idea who had attacked Gerard, and knowing it could be someone with access to their bus made him feel physically sick. He wouldn't leave Gerard's side. He didn't feel safe here anymore, what if it happened again? What would he do without Gerard?

''Frankie....Can you tell me what happens? I gotta pee.''Gerard pulled himself up off the couch.
''Oh no, I am waiting outside of that bathroom.''
''I can pee by myself.''
''But Gerard you don't know who could come onto the bus.''
Gerard sighed ''You are over reacting. It was a one off thing, it won't happen again.''
''How do you know?''
''I JUST DO OK!'' Gerard shouted. He appreciated Frank's concern, really he did. But he was becoming to grow bored of the constant babying. He just wanted Frank to squeeze him and kiss him and be like how things were before.
Frank looked like he was about to cry. ''I'm sorry.'' he mumbled at the floor.
Gerard instantly felt guilty. ''I didn't mean to shout! Please don't cry.'' He curled his fingers under Frank's chin and lifted his face up. ''I'm sorry.''
Frank continued to look down. ''I know, I just, I worry about you. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you, and I just want to make things better, but I just seem to be making them worse.''
Gerard shook his head. ''Don't be a idiot Frankie, you aren't making things worse. Really, don't say that.''
''But it's true.''
''No it isn't. Now shut up and kiss me.'' Gerard smirked at Frank.
Frank looked up ''But what about your face?.''
''I'll be fine. I know it hasn't been very long but I already miss your kisses, so like I said, Please can you just shut up and kiss me now?''
Frank smiled and kissed Gerard softly and carefully, trying not to hurt him.
'This is more like it'' Gerard thought to himself as he pulled Frank in closer to him, and kissed him slightly harder.
Things were finally getting back to normal.

I'm sorry it's so short, I'm so tired its unreal lol.
Please do leave a review telling me what you like/dislike. What you want to/think should happen. Or tips on how I can improve I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you xx
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