Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Nothing every stays secret.

by Missus_Blaze

Bert's walking around like he owns the place, and it's starting to get to Bob, who can't keep the identity of Gerard's attacker secret from Mikey and Frank much longer. _________________________...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-10-20 - Updated: 2012-10-20 - 1877 words

Gerard had been up all night, he couldn't get in a comfortable enough position to sleep, his whole body ached. Frank had stayed up all night to, sitting on the couch with Gerard watching infomercials and making a unhealthy amount of coffee. Frank had tried to find out from Ray and Bob what they knew about Gerard's injury's, but they refused to tell him anything, as did Gerard.
''Please Gee just tell me what happened.''
''No. I said I don't want to talk about it, just drop it. Please?''
''Fine. You can tell me when you feel comfortable ok?''
''Ok. Thank you.'' Gerard tried to smile at Frank, but it made his whole face hurt so he gave a little, slow nod instead.
''I'm still going on stage tomorrow.''
''No,look at you, you can't stand up for the whole set, you probably won't be able to even manage half. Don't be stupid Gerard.''
''We have already missed to many shows, I'm not missing another. I'll sit on a stool or something. I am NOT missing that show.''
Frank shook his head, there was no point in trying to convince Gerard anymore, his mind was set and that was it.

It must of been around 10am when Bob,Ray and Mikey all entered the living area. They had all been up for a while, but thought Gerard might just want some alone time with Frank.
''Morning'' Ray stretched and went over to make coffees.
''It's morning?'' Gerard asked looking at the time on the tv.
''Yup. 10am.'' Ray handed Gerard a coffee, but Gerard declined it.
''Thank's but that's all me and Frank have been doing all night.''
Frank nodded his head what seemed like 100 times in a row.
''None for meeeeee.'' Frank squeaked as he ran off to the bathroom.
Bob and Mikey laughed. Bob sat next to Gerard on the couch, Ray sat on the other couch and Mikey sat on the floor facing his brother.
''I'm not going to ask you any questions, I just want you to know that I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.'' Mikey rubbed his eyes,a combination of sleep and guilt making them water. He had been up most of the night thinking about what would of happened had he stayed with Gerard. Would his brother of been attacked? Would they of attacked Mikey to? He didn't know, but he couldn't help feeling responsible.
''Don't be stupid Mikey. No-one could of known what would happen. It's nobody's fault. These things happen.'' Gerard slowly got up from the couch and shuffled over toward his younger brother. He made a stand up motion with his hands and Mikey stood up.
''I know but I just,I kept thinking last night if I had been here, would it still of happened.''
''Shhh. It's ok.'' Gerard gave Mikey a small hug. Mikey stood there rigid, not wanting to hug Gerard back in-case he hurt him, but at the same time wanting to give him a big squeeze to let him know he wouldn't have to go through this alone.

The band sat on the couches most of the morning talking about how they would get around Gerard wanting to be on stage. They decided he would have a stool, and a cane to help him stay up straight when he wanted to stand up. Bob offered to go and find a cane and customize it so it fitted in with everything else.

Bob walked around the venue looking for a costume room he had heard about. Ray had told him that this place had a room full of stuff that band's and shows had left behind that could be taken by anyone as long as they gave a small donation to a local children's charity. Apparently a musical had performed here not long ago and left a couple of canes that were plain black with fake giant diamonds as the tops. He looked walked down yet another corridor when he bumped into Bert.
''Oh, Bob. Hey!'' Bert gave Bob a sly smile and took his hands out of his pockets.
''Don't talk to me.''
''Why not? Did you not sleep?''
''You know why.''
''No, really, please do enlighten me.''
Bob pushed Bert against the wall and wrapped his hand around Bert's throat. ''Now, I'm not a violent person normally. But fucking scum like you, and people who hurt animals deserve every little thing they fucking get.'' he tightened his grip around Bert's throat, ignoring the Bert's fingers clawing at his hands trying to loosen the grip.
''You, disgust me. Do you have nothing better to do with your time then to hurt people? People who you said you cared about? If you really cared about Gerard you wouldn't of hurt him. You need to grow up and move on. If you even so much as think about hurting ANYONE again, I'll make sure everyone knows your little secret.'' Bob released Bert from his grip and smiled. ''Yeah, I know. I overheard you tell Gerard a few months ago. Now I suggest you run along before I get the urge to blurt out to everyone about your past.''
Bert rubbed his throat and looked at Bob trying to figure out if he was lying.
''What's my secret then?'' he panted trying to get his breath back.
Bob whispered something into Bert's ear and smiled when he saw the colour drain from Bert's face.
''Now go, before I tell.''
Bert ran off, Bob was pretty sure he could hear Bert crying.

Eventually Bob found the little room, and sure enough there were 3 canes. All black with fake giant diamonds to hold onto. He could get some transparent red tinted paper and place that over the diamonds to make them red, which would match Gerard's tie. Bob ran around looking for the materials he needed, and took everything to his bunk, working away in silence for a couple of hours. He didn't tell anyone what had happened during his hunt though.

8pm. Showtime for My Chemical Romance. The local band, the used and Reggie and the full effect had all played their time slots and now it was MCR's turn. Gerard hobbled onto the stage, gripping onto his customized cane and sat down on the stool. Ray handed him a microphone and they started the show, Gerard occasionally getting up and hobbling around the stage, hand gripping onto the cane so tight his knuckles turned white.
Bob could see Bert in the crowd, he was playing with something in his pocket. Bob couldn't tell what it was but he knew it probably wasn't anything good. Near the end of the show Bert let a small bit of the item in his pocket slip out. Bob could see what looked like a wooden handle with something shiny on the end of it.
''Shit, he has a knife!'' Bob thought, trying to figure out how he could get Bert removed, without anyone being hurt.
Bob didn't see the mysterious pocket item for the rest of the show. Gerard thanked the crowd for being great and the band exited the stage making their way back to the bus. Mikey and Frank supporting Gerard, Ray and Bob hanging back and saying they would be there soon.

''I mean it Ray, I swear I saw what looked like a knife!''
''Well we need to tell someone!''
Bert peeked his head around the corner. ''Oh no you don't.'' he winked and Bob lost it, lunging himself at Bert, knocking the knife out of his pocket and punching him multiple times in the face.
''Bob! No!'' Ray tried to pull Bob away from Bert, succeeding after the 5th attempt.
''I warned you didn't I McCracken!, you wait. Tomorrow, Tomorrow everyone will know what a disgusting human being you are.'' Bob walked away, Ray jogging to catch up with him.
''Like anyone will believe you, you son of a bitch!''Bert called out.
Bob turned around suddenly, Ray bumping into him. He fiddled with his phone in his pocket.
''So you are telling me that you were NOT arrested for nearly killing a family member because she said she didn't like your music,Your then boyfriend, and that she didn't like your attitude?''
Bert squeaked and his face turned bright white.
''Tell me is it true!?''
''Yes, yes it's true. But I got out didn't I?!''
''It's amazing what a good lawyer will do.'' Bob sighed. ''Tell, did you only get out early because your lawyer, BRIBED the police with a large amount of money? And that you should still be in prison?''
Bert looked like he was about to cry. ''Yes.''
''YES!'' Bert shouted and ran off, he needed to get his band pulled from this tour. He didn't like how much Bob knew about him.

Ray looked at Bob and looked at Bert running off. ''How the?''
''I heard him telling Gerard a while ago.'' Bob shrugged and took his phone out of his pocket and pressed a button.
''Is this really the time for texting?''
''I wasn't texting. I was recording that whole conversation.''
Ray blinked at Bob. ''All of it?''
''Mmmhmmm. And if that son of a bitch tries to hurt Gerard, or any of the band I'll send it to the media and laugh as his career crumbles around him.''
''But Bob, What will we tell Gerard? I mean he was Bert's boyfriend.''
''We tell him nothing.''
Ray shook his head and started off back toward the bus. ''Fine. But only because you seem to have every eventuality planned for.''
Bob patted Ray's back and smiled. ''Yes I do, and now, hopefully we should have a Bert free tour. Did you see the look on his face!''
Ray laughed and slapped Bob's arm playfully. ''I never liked him anyway.''
''No-one in the band liked him.''

Mikey looked at his watch. ''Guys, Bob and Ray have been gone for a while.''
''They are probably just getting some snacks or something.'' Gerard said.
''Or having a bit of alone time.'' Frank laughed,he knew they both had girlfriends, but he loved joking about the pair having a secret affair, much like they did with Frank and Gerard on the last tour.
''Ewwwwwww!!!'' Mikey scrunched his nose up at Frank.
''If they aren't back soon I want one of you to go looking for them.'' Gerard said, a worried tone to his voice.
''Ok.'' Mikey and Frank both agreed.

So here we are, another chapter, more violence. I hope you enjoyed it. I thought Bob needed some more focus so here we are :P

Please do leave a review saying what you liked/disliked, what you think will happen/want to happen, and any other comments. I really do appreciate all of the views and reviews and I take EVERYTHING said to me on board.

Thank you.
Missus_Blaze loves you all xxx
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