Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dead on the surface (but screaming underneath)

Dead on the surface (but screaming underneath)

by Vivalalife 0 reviews

Frank and Gerard both struggle with being different than others. One tries to be invisible, the other uses his art to escape everyday life. How will they deal with the horror that is senior year? ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-11-28 - Updated: 2012-11-28 - 632 words


Frank Iero had been special his whole life. While other kids played outside in the sun he stayed inside, hunched over books written for people who were much older than him. He liked books; books didn’t bully him, books made him happy.
Frank was a very quick learner. Even though he hated school, he really liked learning new things. It didn’t take long for Frank to go through the entire curriculum of the 6th , 7th and 8th grade. His teachers desperately tried to find new things to teach him, but he had done every extra activity already. So, at the age of 12 they decided to send him to high school.
High school was an incredibly scary place for a 12-year-old. Surrounded by all those students, Frank had never felt this lonely before. However, the loneliness quickly turned into anxiety; What if they notice I don’t belong here? What if they notice I’m different? What if they beat me up as well? He spent the entire day trying to stand out as little as he could. To his own surprise, it worked. No one seemed to pay attention to him. In fact, they didn’t even seem to notice he was there.
That night he made a deal with himself; he was going to stick to the shadows the rest of his high school career. No one had to know about his extraordinary brain. He was just going to be Frank Iero, regular high school student.
Now, 3 years later, 15-year-old senior Frank was invisible. No one knew who he was and no one bothered him. He liked his life this way. He spent his days sitting in the back of classrooms silently taking notes and hiding out in the school library during breaks. He didn’t have friends, but that didn’t bother him. His books and his guitar were the best company he could wish for. He wasn’t going to risk his safe lifestyle for human contact. People had never understood him; why would they understand him now?


Gerard Way was special as well. He was an average student, but he had a special talent; he was an amazing artist. Ever since he had picked up a pencil for the first time, he spent his days (and nights) creating. He was bullied pretty badly his whole life because of it, but his little brother Mikey always had his back.
The first years of high school were hell for Gerard. Mikey was still stuck in middle school, which meant that he was on his own. With his long black hair, white skin and black clothes he really stood out and not in a positive way. His art made it even worse: You’re emo already, so it doesn’t matter if we beat you up ‘cause you do it to yourself anyway, artfag.
After a long day of the torture that is high school, Gerard buried himself in his art. It was familiar and safe; it was his one true love. His creativity was the only thing that no one could take from him. It was the only thing that was truly his.
He made it through two years of intense bullying before his parents saw the bruises and the cuts. They home-schooled him during his junior year while Mikey finished middle school, and together they started their senior year and freshman year at a new school in a new city.
Gerard was worried, but with Mikey by his side and his art folder in his hand he wasn’t going to hide himself. It was just one year; he would make it.

This is the introduction to my first multi-chaptered story. The first chapter will be up soon.
I hope you appreciate my attempt at writing!
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