Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Auditions

Hey guys! :D I've thought more about the storyline ;D So I have more ideas on how the girlfriends can be used (sounds wrong :L) And I'll either update the first chapter tonight or tomorrow :3


Gerard's girlfriend: Tiara or Mcrroxursox45 (by the way I did leave my email in the original review :L)
Ray's girlfriend: Raven Vannacut or Ravan-VanSlaughter
Bob's girlfriend: Jennifer Flores or atomickilljoy
Mikey's girlfriend: Callie Jones or xxMikeyxx
Frank's girlfriend: Penina Dayne or tmbfucks
Frank's little sisters: Isabelle Iero or Mirazal, Lauren Iero or LaurenTheHuman, Mia Iero or fatherfuckingmeese (you didn't audition but I LOVE your character :D) and Alicia Iero or AshIsNotOnFire
Frank's girlfriends little sister: Samantha Dayne or AshIsNotOnFire (I have to make her a bit younger :L)

I hope you all liked your parts and I'm sorry if you didn't get one ;/

Love Hozzie
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