Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cross My Heart



Poor Josh!! Will he die?! Read to find out!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2012-12-03 - Updated: 2012-12-03 - 283 words

Ch. 41 emergency 

Josh's POV 
I gasp as I stop throwing up. This is really starting to take its toll. I look at myself, I'm shaking, and I feel like absolute fucking shit. 

I look at Matt shaking. 
Suddenly the morning sickness comes back, and I'm throwing up again. Matt looks over my shoulder, "Holy shit dude. You need to get a nurse! You're puking up chunks of blood!" 
"Blood?" I gasp, sounding scared. 
I look down and there's coffee grounds in the toilet. There are black chunks in it too. I throw up again. 
"Matt, this really fucking hurts...." I choke out.b
He grabs a nurse, who takes one look at me, then Matt. 
"Call an ambulance. He needs to go to a hospital." 
Matt dials the emergency line, as I feel sick again. He rubs my back.
"Josh, you're really thin. I think there's something going on."
"I haven't purged for weeks Matt, I have no idea what's going on!" I gasp. 

The nurse snakes her arm around me. I cough as she lifts me up. I vaguely hear a siren, and I know this isn't good. 
There's a rattling sound and my head hurts. Suddenly, two paramedics burst in and lift me onto the gurney. Matt watches as I am wheeled down to the ambulace, he follows. 
I am loaded onto the ambulance, as Matt begs to be with me. The worst fucking part is that he's crying/...for /my mistakes. I get out a sentence.

"Let him come. I need him..." I gasp raspily. 

Matt climbs in and holds my hand.

"I'm really fucking scared Matt," I gasp. 

is josh gonna die?! Who knows?! R&R please? Xo Jules 
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