Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The story of me

The pound shop and spiderman

by xxMikeyxx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-12-09 - Updated: 2012-12-09 - 288 words

Helloooooo, yesterday I went to the pound shop.
Weird that my mum actually offers me money when I go in there.
I was in a weird mood, I saw the Spiderman section, I got excited.
Last time I went to the pound shop I got Spiderman stationary and notebook.
I write my fanfics in there.
Those who are wondering why has Amy got a spiderman obsession, I've loved Spiderman since as long as I can remember.
It's my brothers fault, he introduced me to the film, it was exciting at my age.
I don't have a lot of stuff, my mum wants me to be girly girl and not like spiderman and half the stuff I do.
I really want Spiderman action figures, but my mum would think I'm too old and again she would never get me one.
Can someone get me one for christmas?
So when I went to the pound shop I got a spiderman money box.
Mum says I should use it for university fund.
But I then realised it only has a slot and nothing to get the money out with.
I'm using it for decoration.
At some point I'm gonna find all my Spiderman stuff and make a display.
In a few years it might be worth some money.
I think I got addicted again when I saw the latest film.
Andrew Garfield...
After I saw the film I discovered he was british.
That is the best american yet not american accent I've ever heard.
You can imagine my reaction when I heard Frank Iero hated Spiderman.
Okay he can be whiny, I don't like spiders so I don't understand why I like Spiderman...
Okay, I need to stop babbling now.
Sorry =(
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