Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Little Girl

Izzy held on tightly to Ellie's hand as they walked down street after street. It was starting to get dark and she was getting worried "Mommy and Daddy are gonna be wondering where we are." She whispered "I'm scared. We're never gonna find the orphanage."

"Quit worrying, we're gonna be fine." Mia said but she sounded scared. She hadn't bothered to grab her coat when they'd left and now she was freezing cold.

Ellie shook her head "No, Izzy's right. They're gonna be really worried now. I thought we'd be there and back by now." She burst into tears "I want my Daddy!"

"I want mine too!" Izzy cried before bursting into tears too.

"W-We're gonna be okay." Mia's lip trembled. She was the youngest there yet she felt like she had to be the strong one for her big sister and her best friend "They'll be out looking for us. So we'll keep looking for the orphanage and then if they find us, we'll explain to them and they won't get cross... Will they?"

"They'll be really cross!" Izzy sobbed "I wanna go home!"

"Come on, we don't have time to cry!" Mia told them sternly "Think about Shayla! She'll be crying but they don't think the police will be able to find her. The police will find us long before they ever find Shayla. We have to help her. Come on."

Ellie nodded and wiped away her tears. Izzy kept on crying so Mia took one of her hands and Ellie took the other. Then they carried on walking even though they had no idea where they were going.

Raven spent an hour crying on the sofa while Ray and the others tried to comfort her. Eventually Gerard stood up and said he was going to check on the girls. He went into Shayla's room and couldn't find them. It didn't bother him at first, he just figured they'd be in a different room. When he tried every room on the top floor, that was when he started to panic. He ran down the stairs and went into the kitchen, the dining room and then the study. It was no use. They were gone.

He ran into the living room "The girls are gone!" He cried.

"What do you mean they're gone!?" Hozzie shrieked, standing up.

"They'll just be hiding, you know what they're like." Jennifer said "Did you try the bathroom?"

"I looked everywhere!" Gerard yelled "They're not here!"

"Oh My God." Hozzie burst into tears and Gerard hugged her.

"Where the hell would they have gone?" Penina shrieked "What are we gonna do?"

"Call the police!" Frank wrapped his arms around Penina who started crying into his shoulder "It's gonna be okay, we'll find them, it's okay..."

"Maybe they went off looking for Shayla?" Jennifer suggested as Bob ran out of the room to call the police "They won't have gone far, they're only little."

"There are peadophiles!" Hozzie snapped.

"No, they're gonna be okay, I promise." Gerard whispered "They're tough, they can handle it... I know it."

Shayla sat on the floor of the basement hugging her knees and crying. She was confused. What was her Dad finishing? How was he still alive? Why was she locked in the basement that she had always avoided when she lived there? And what was he going to do to her?

She sobbed harder when she thought of Raven and Ray. Why hadn't she told the teacher? She could've told them... Anything. She should've waited until Raven got there to pick her up and then told her. Why had she been so stupid?

She got to her feet and walked to the top of the stairs then tried the handle on the door. Of course it was locked. She trailed back down the stairs and sat on the floor again.

There had to be a way out. And Shayla vowed that she'd find it.

"Where are we?" Izzy asked nervously. She'd stopped crying now and was feeling a little braver.

Mia wasn't. It was way past her bedtime and she was starting to get scared "I don't know but I'm scared and I want to go home." She started crying "I want my Daddy!"

"I know, I know, I want mine too." Ellie said comfortingly, putting her arms around her "But it was you who said we shouldn't give up."

"Well I've changed my mind. We should've tried it during the daytime. I don't like the dark!" Mia sobbed "I want my Daddy. I can't walk any further." She slumped down onto the pavement.

"It doesn't look like they're gonna find us so we might as well find somewhere to sleep." Izzy sighed.

"I don't wanna sleep outside in the dark! It's freezing cold!" Mia shivered.

"I'll share my coat with you like a blanket." Izzy offered "And I don't wanna sleep outside either. But we have to go." She lifted Mia up and struggled slightly to carry her but she did her best. Mia leaned her head on her shoulder before falling asleep.

[A/N] - I've been neglecting this story recently 3:
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