Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Songs by me

Songs by me

by xxMikeyxx 1 review

Wanted to share my songs with you

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-12-15 - Updated: 2012-12-15 - 113 words

Hey I thought I'd share some of my songs with you.
This chapter is just to make a few things clear:
1. Anyone who dares to steal my lyrics will be violently murdered.
2. If you take the titles you will be murdered.
3. If you say mean things about my songs just don't okay
4. My songs are very personal so bare that in mind

I shall post the first song in a minute.
Comment on here if you understand the above points. Swear on your favorite MCR's members life.
The song in the next chapter is something I came up with five minutes ago so I need to brush it up properly so be patient...
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