Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Bridge To Terebithia

[A/N] - I actually started writing this about two seconds after posting the first chapter :L

Gerard had to do his chores before going to school. But before starting his chores, he was going to do something about the stupid sneakers. He pulled a black marker out of the kitchen drawer without anyone noticing and took it outside. He coloured in all the pink parts so that they were black. They looked pretty weird and tacky but at least you couldn't see the pink anymore.

He went into the green house and started doing his chores. He was halfway done when there was a loud honking sound from the school bus at the end of the road. Gerard panicked, quickly switched the sprinklers on, grabbed his school bag and legged it out of the green house. Of course he got wet from the sprinklers during the process but that couldn't be helped.

Panting for breath, he sprinted down the road. He was lucky that he was a fast runner and just about managed to jump on the bus. The bus driver shook his head at him "I try to keep my pit stops under 10 seconds, ace."

Gerard just sighed and started making his way down the aisle. He couldn't sit at the back. That was where the ninth graders sat and in the middle sat Isabelle Baker, the worst of them all. He didn't like to sit at the front either because that's where Mia and all her little friends sat. Mia patted the space next to her but Gerard just rolled his eyes and walked past her. At the back of the bus, a girl cried "Hey, that's my lunch!". A little girl just starting school who'd made the mistake of sitting near the back. Isabella had knicked her lunch box and pulled it open.

Just as Gerard started to sit down, Isabella through a piece of bread covered in jam at him. It stuck to his shoulder and her and all her friends burst out laughing. Gerard groaned and pulled the piece of bread off of his back "Consider it a free lunch programme, farmer boy!" Isabella yelled, a giant smirk on her face.

Gerard didn't turn around. There was no point. He was used to everyone picking on him by now. The moment he was sat down, Mia ran over to him and took the seat next to him "What do you call your teacher, again? I wanna tell Alicia."

"Monster Mouth. Now scoot." Gerard grumbled.

"Alicia!" Mia yelled. A girl with ginger hair turned around and didn't looked impressed to see Mia talking to her "They call her Monster Mouth Myers."

Mia looked back at Gerard "I said scoot!" Gerard yelled, pushing her off the seat with his hip. Mia pouted and went back to her seat at the front.

"A few ground rules for this classroom." The teacher announced at the front of the room "No talking. No chewing gum. No electronic devices. Be forewarned. If you download any essay off of the Internet, you'll be downloaded into detention." Gerard wasn't listening. He was too busy during a picture of their teacher Mrs Myers with a grim expression on her face and he'd written 'Monster Mouth Myers' next to it.

He was happily drawing away until the kid behind him, Frank Iero, leaned over his shoulder and went "Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!" Gerard sighed. Him and his best friend Ray Toro were the worse kids in his class for bullying him. And Frank was sitting behind him while Ray sat in the desk next to him "Know what that is? My loser detector. Beep, beep, beep..."

Mrs Myers turned around, hearing the irritating beep noise. Frank sprung back into his seat "Gerard Way." Gerard looked up "I got it from your sisters. I certainly do not need it from you." Gerard sighed "That goes for you as well." She said, gesturing at Frank.

"He hit me." Frank said.

"You're dead meat." Ray hissed at him.

"Frank Iero and Ray Toro, be quiet!"

Frank looked down to the floor and noticed Gerard's shoes. The water in the green house had washed away most of the marker, reveilling that he was wearing pink and white girls' shoes. Frank smirked "Sweet sneaks, Way." Gerard quickly pulled his feet under the table where Frank couldn't see them "You wear your sisters' hand-me-down underwear, too?"

"He asked you a question twinkle toes." Ray leaned over and whispered to him.

Gerard looked down at his drawing. He was used to the kids bullying him but that didn't mean that he liked it. And then he looked up as there was a loud knocking at the door. The principal came in, followed by a girl that Gerard had never seen before. He knew he'd have remembered her. She had long blonde hair, tied two paits with pieces of coloured plaited into them too. She was wearing yellow arm warmers, a denim jacket, a yellow tee-shirt with a sushine on it, dark blue jeans and tall denim converse. This girl didn't look like the other girls. And she didn't seem shy either. She smiled at the whole class as if she were happy to be there.

"Good morning, kids. I hope you all had a great summer." The principal said "Mrs Myers, this is Crayon Jones, who will be joing your class." He looked at the young girl "Crayon, welcome to Lark Creek."

"Thanks." Crayon replied in a confident yet polite voice.

"Thank you, Principal Turner." Mrs Myers smiled as he left the room "Well, Crayon, you'll just have to sit at my desk this morning until we find you a place to sit."

Crayon glanced at the class. None of them looked very happy to see her. She just smiled again and walked towards the chair Mrs Myers had put down for her. As she went to take a seat, her bag turned upside down and fell open. Several books fell out and a large pencil case. The class laughed at her. Crayon felt embarrassed but didn't show it as she shoved her books back into her bag.

"I like to start the year with a little fun." Mrs Myers smiled as Crayon finally took a seat and started listening "I want you all to write a one-page essay about your favourite hobby." Gerard sighed. Crayon smiled. The other pupils groaned.

A girl shot her hand into the air. A nerdy yet popular girl "Mrs Myers, when you say one page, did you mean both sides of the paper?" Crayon took this time to survey the class. She already knew that none of them wanted to be her friend.

"You can just write one Amy."

"I'll do two."

At break, Crayon needed to pee. She asked a teacher where the bathroom was and they pointed her in the right direction. She made her way over, barely paying attention to the ninth graders standing outside of it. As she tried to go inside, Isabelle stood in the way "Excuse me." Crayon said politely, trying to get round her.

"Got a dollar?" Isabelle asked, chewing her gum loudly.

"Um, no." Crayon replied, feeling and looking confused.

"Then you're gonna have to use your pants." Isabelle shrugged, smiling at her best friend.

Crayon raised her eyes and asked "What's your problem?"

"You got that backwards, freak." Isabelle spat "You got the problem."

"That's right, new girl." Isabelle's friend laughed.

Crayon glanced down and noticed Isabelle was wearing open-toed sandles. Her feet were really disgusting "Nice feet..." Crayon muttered.

"You say something!?"

Crayon looked up at her, suddenly inspired "Um, what I said was have you ever heard the story," Isabelle and her friend looked at her like she was an idiot "about the trolls under the bridges who collect tolls from unlucky travellers?"

She was refrencing to the two of them but they didn't seem to notice "Trolls? What is she talking about?"

As Isabelle moved away to look at her friend, Crayon walked forward trying to get into the bathroom. But Isabelle noticed and quickly blocked it with her arm "Nice try shortarse." She smirked "It's still a dollar!" She held her hand out.

Crayon looked the two of them in the eyes before rolling her eyes and walking away.
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