Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Christmas In New Jersey

Gerard and Danni's house...

"Don't you think you're over-doing it a little?" Danni asked her husband, raising her eye-brows.

"No, of course I'm not!" Gerard cried as he carried on putting Christmas decorations up.

The plan was that Gerard, Danni, his daughter Sara, his friends, his friends wives and all his friends kids were going out for the day. Then they were coming back to Gerard and Danni's place for coffee. What the kids didn't know (except for Sara) though was that Gerard had hired a Santa to come to their house and give out presents to them. It was Christmas Eve and Gerard had wanted to make it special. He missed the days when Sara was a little girl and loved Christmas.

At that moment, Sara came down the stairs "Yeah, it looks like Santa's grotto in here."

"It's meant to look like Santa's grotto, that's what I was going for." Gerard replied, putting his hands on his hips and looking at everything "I don't care what you guys think. I think it looks amazing. And so will the kids."

"When's Santa supposed to be showing up?" Danni asked.

"I gave him a spare key to our house, he'll show up a few minutes before we do and he'll surprise them all. We also gave him all the presents for the kids so he could hand them out." Gerard smiled "This is gonna be awesome!"

Frank and Penina's house...

"Where exactly are we going today?" Penina asked, as she packed things into a bag for Mia in case she got bored or needed a drink or something.

"Out for a meal. Then back to Gerard's for coffee." Frank replied, buttoning up Mia's coat "We're gonna have a great time, aren't we Sweetie?"

"But it's boring at Gee's house." Mia pouted "They don't have any toys."

"Well Mommy's packing some for you. And trust me, it'll be fun today." Frank kissed his daughters cheek and stood up "Your turn now." Frank smiled and walked over to Penina then wrapped his arms around her "I love you." He kissed her cheek. Then again and again.

"I love you too." Penina giggled, hugging him back.

"Eww stop with all the mushy stuff." Mia stuck her tongue out.

"No way!" Frank lifted her up and kissed his daughters cheek.

Mia giggled and shrieked "Come on, don't get her overexcited." Penina said but she couldn't help but smile. He loved that Frank was such a great Dad.

Frank laughed "Let's go then."

Mikey and Becca's house...

"Mikey?" Becca heard giggles from upstairs and raised her eye-brows "Come on, it's time for us to go!"

"Not yet!" Her daughter Lauren yelled "We're making Daddy pretty!"

"Oh God, not again." Becca muttered, going up the stairs and into her bedroom "Mikey, why are you such a pushover?"

"Because she's so cute!" Mikey cried. He had bright red lipstick on his lips and blue eye-shadow on his eyes. Lauren was about to apply some blusher.

"No, we need to leave soon." Becca said, quickly taking her make-up from Lauren "Where's Phil?"

"He's in his room." Lauren replied, sitting on her Dad's lap.

"Mikey, wipe the make-up off." Becca said. Mikey stood up to wipe it off and as he did, Becca pulled her phone out of her pocket and took a picture of him "You looked so beautiful, I couldn't help it." Becca laughed.

"No, delete it!" Mikey cried. Becca ran out of the room and Mikey went to run after her but Lauren jumped on his back.

"Phil, are you ready to go?" Becca asked, going into Phil's room "Why have you drawn kitten whiskers on your face?"

"I wanted to look cute." Phil pouted.

Becca smiled and picked him up "You're extremely cute with or without the kitten whiskers Sweetie."

"Really?" Phil asked, wrapping his arms around his Mom's neck.

"Of course you."

"... Can I still keep the whiskers on?"

"If you really want to. You do look quite sweet with them."

Jennifer and Bob's house...

"Are you ready to go yet?" Jennifer asked, putting her ear rings in.

Her husband Bob came into the room holding his youngest daughter Pru "We're all ready to go, you're the one we're waiting for." He smiled.

"Mommy you look pretty." Her son Jude told her as he came into the room.

"Oh thank you Sweetie." She kissed his cheek "You look lovely too. And you Pru." She kissed her daughters cheek too and then kissed Bob's cheek "Anything you'd like to say to me Bob?" She smiled sweetly.

"You look Beautiful Jen, as usual." Bob laughed, putting his other arm around her.

"You look great too." Jennifer giggled "Anyway, I'm ready to go now."

Jude put his arms up "Can you carry me please Mommy?"

"Of course I can Baby." Jennifer lifted him up "I love you so much."

"I love you too Mommy." Jude smiled, snuggling against her.

Ray and Raven's house...

"I don't really wanna go out today." Draven told his parents moodily "I don't get the whole point of Christmas. It's really boring."

"Not even looking forward to getting your presents?" Ray asked, ruffling his sons hair.

Draven swotted him away. He hated people touching his hair "That's about the only fun part. But all the decorating and stuff is just stupid. Especially the religious part."

"I don't like Christmas either." Raven said, flopping down onto the sofa next to him "But it'll be fun I promise."

"You said that last year." Draven reminded her.

"You two are weird, I love Christmas." Ray grinned "Now come on, we're gonna be late!"

Raven and Draven smiled. Ray turned into such a little kid at Christmas.

At the cafe...

"I can't believe there was a table big enough to fit us all." Ray laughed as he sat down.

Sara pulled out a chair next to Draven "Is it okay if I sit here?" She smiled sweetly.

Draven went bright red "Oh uhh y-yeah that's fine." He stammered.

Raven noticed, smiled and shook her head fondly at him "YAY Jennifer's here!" Mia cried, throwing her arms aroud Jennifer's waist "I love Jennifer."

"And I love Mia." Jennifer smiled, bending down and kissing the top of her head.

They all ordered their food and sat around talking and drinking. The younger kids ran outside to play on the park even though it was freezing, the older kids sat in a corner talking amongst themselves while the adults stayed at the table and talked to each other there "So did you get all the decorations sorted out?" Ray asked.

Gerard nodded "Yeah. And if I didn't finish something, this Santa guy that I hired will sort it all out for me."

"This is gonna be so awesome." Penina squelled, jumping up and down in her seat "I love Christmas so much, don't you?"

"No." Raven replied, raising her eye-brows.

"Well come on, it's fun for the kids, right?" Ray put his arms around her.

"Yeah, cheer up Raven!" Gerard said.

"I'm not cheered down."

"Just drop it." Ray hissed. Raven had told him why she didn't like Christmas and he didn't want people to be rude to her about it.

"Jennifer!" Mia yelled, running towards their table "Pru fell over and she's crying!"

Jennifer stood up and went outside. In the middle of the park, Pru was sat on Jude's lap sobbing his eyes out "Where does it hurt Sweetheart?" Jennifer asked gently, bending down to their level.

Pru pointed to her knee which had a tiny cut on it. Jennifer kissed it "Hey Pru, it's Christmas Eve!" Jennifer grinned, giving her daughter a hug "Don't you know the song? 'You better watch out, you better not cry.'"

"'You better not pout I'm telling you why.'" Pru sang and smiled, wiping away her tears "Santa Claus is coming to town!"

"That's right. Now you go and have fun." Jennifer kissed her cheek "I'll come and get you when your dinner's here."

Pru giggled, took Jude's hand and the two of them ran off. Jennifer smiled and went back inside. She sat down and Bob put his arm around her.

"Pru okay?" Bob asked. Jennifer nodded.

"Oh look, food's here." Gerard smiled. Jennifer got up and went outside to get the kids.

One hour later...

"Daddy, it's gonna be boring." Mia pouted in the back of the car.

"No it's not, just trust me." Frank replied.

"Okay." Mia sighed and looked out the window.

"Did you get the turkey for tomorrow?" Penina asked, tucking her hair behind her ear as she looked at Frank.

"Of course I did, quit stressing." Frank laughed "Christmas is meant to be fun, come on you two!"

"Yeah!" Mia cheered, giggling.

Gerard pulled up outside his house and was confused. He had been expecting the Santa guy he'd hired to put decorations up outside. He had asked him to. Gerard got out the car "Gerard, what's up?" Danni asked, getting out the other side. Sara got out too, looking worried.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Ray asked as he got out the car too.

Gerard ran up the driveway and found that his front door was left open slightly. He pushed it open and gasped. All the decorations he'd put up were gone. Along with his TV, his sofa's and all the presents for the kids.

He went into the kitchen and found that nearly everything in there just the living room was empty. Danni walked in behind him and gasped just as Gerard had done "W-Who would do this?" Danni looked around and then ran upstairs. Sara's laptop, her XBOX and TV were missing. She ran down to her room and found that most of her jewellery was gone a long with the present she'd brought for Gerard.

Danni went back downstairs and found everyone was in their living room looking confused, scared and worried "Who would do this?" Danni asked again.

"That guy." Gerard hissed "I gave him the key to our house. I paid him. I paid him to rob our fucking house! How the fuck could I be so stupid?"

"Gerard, stop, you're scaring the kids." Danni ran her fingers through her hair "That Santa guy? You think he did it?"

"Oh come on, it's obvious! I told him we were going out for several hours. He conned us. I'm such an idiot!" Gerard kicked a wall in frustration then sank to the floor and hid his face in his hands.

"I don't understand." Lauren whispered "What happened?"

"I don't fully understand either." Mikey said "Gerard are you saying that... This guy... He took everything from us. On Christmas Eve?"

Gerard nodded. By this point, everyone could hear him crying. Sara ran over and put his arms around him. She hated seeing her Dad upset.

"How could someone do that?" Penina cried "What are we gonna do? It's Christmas Eve!"

"We only have one choice." Frank said "We're gonna have to buy everything that we need again."

[A/N] - The second half will be posted tomorrow morning :3 I hope you liked the first half! :D
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