Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cross My Heart

checkups and a movie


Josh and Matt take the boys for a checkup.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2012-12-28 - Updated: 2012-12-29 - 759 words

Ch 54 Checkups

Josh's POV

Well, its been six months since the boys have been born, and they are getting big.I have to take them to thier haif-year checkup.

Matt comes with me just to help out.

I get the boys into the clinic, and take a seat. The boys are sleeping, and thank God. I have gotten NO SLEEP this week, because the boys cry all night, and I get baby puke, or my own puke all over myself, its shitty.

Matt looks over at me.

"You okay, Joshie?"

"I'm fine, just tired." I smile weakly.

Matt smiles as I smile again.

"Good, you hungry? You haven't eaten all day buddy."

"I'm fine, but yeah, after the boys get checked on, lets go to like, Starbucks or something."

"Deal, Joshie, then we can go rent a DVD or something..."

Dr. Yosimite calls us back with the boys, and looks at us.

"Wow, Joshua, look how big they've gotten!"

"Yeah, they're growing fast."

"Lets weigh these guys."

WE go back as Dr. Yosemite pulls out a scale, and weighs the boys.

"Sixteen pounds, they are getting big!"

"Ya hear that boys? Dad's gotta stop feeding you the fancy formula!" I laugh.

"Man, Joshie, you're gonna have to watch what you eat sweetie. Those boys are gonna grow up to be like thier dad!" Matt jokes.

"ITS NOT FUNNY!" I scream at him, tears brimming in my eyes.

"Okay, okay, sorry babe."

Matt kisses me, "Somebody has thier sassy pants on today!"

"Who says I'm wearing pants?" I laugh.

"Dude, gross."

"Whatever, you know you love me." I smirk.

Matt looks at Dr. Yosemite, "Whats next?"

"The boys need thier booster shots...I suggest you hold them."

"Booster shots?"

"yes, I need to give them five shots each."

I stare at Matt, "I can't do this..."


"I can't stand to see the boys in pain...." I tear up.

"Josh, you're thier dad, you gotta be brave for mustn't run away," Matt says, sounding all wise and shit.

"I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away!" I repeat over and over.

I hold Phenoix and Matt holds Jayce. The doc pulls out the first syringe, and looks at us.

"One....Two....Three!" The boys get thier first shot with no tears. I look at them,

"One down four to go boys!"

The next three shots are uneventful, no tears at all.

Then, the last one comes, I hold the boys, as the final shot is given, and they cry. I feel a migraine coming on, and I look at Matt.

"Take Jayce, I think you can calm him down."

We get to the car, and the boys have stopped crying, and I have Matt drive me through a gas station for Coke Zero. Then, we head to the DVD rental store, and I pull out Evangelion 1.01 you are (not) alone It has giant robots, and the back of it talks about an apocolypse in Tokyo 3, and the robots called Evas. IT seems interesting so we rent it, and head home.

By the time we are home, the boys are put down for a nap, and I go and grab some advil for this headache.

Matt grabs the DVD, and puts it in the player.

First of all, its in Japanese, second, I don't KNOW Japanese.


I finish the movie, which is basically about a kid named Shinji with Daddy issues. Sounds like my fucking life.
Except there are no giant robots, or a post-apocolypitc world.

So, yeah.

I know it sounds stupid.

I don't care though. It sucks.

I turn off the DVD, and go check on the boys. They're sleeping, and Jayce is holding a stuffed bear.

Phenoix is holding onto a stuffed cat, thats how we tell them apart, Jayce likes bears, and Phenoix likes cats.

Thank God they aren't old enough to grab the cats, and strangle them. They would be puffballs of anger if the boys got a hold of them, and the boys would be making a trip to the get stitches.

Oh, shit, now Prince is on TV. That song "Kiss" wierds me out.

Its creepy, but so damn catchy.

Whatever, I'm going to bed.

I walk out of the boys room, where there are guitar drawings on the walls, with some punk rock bears on the walls.

I head into the basement, and fall asleep.

I am up super late and need sleep, sorry if its rushed. enjoy xo Jules
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